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Publications HAL du SESSTIM

Fiorentino Marion, Yanwou Nathan, Gravier-Dumonceau Mazelier Robinson, Roux Perrine, Eubanks August, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Marriage and steady relationships with women in men who have sex with men in Sub-Saharan Africa : a mixed-method systematic review and meta-analyses. AIDS and Behavior 2025 .
Champeaux Depond Charles, Giorgi Roch, Jecko Vincent, Metellus Philippe. Adult Internal Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt Overall Survival: A Meta-Analysis of Restricted Mean Survival Times from Reconstructed Kaplan-Meier Data. World Neurosurgery 2025 ; 193 : 315-326.
Lefebvre Sarah, Lelièvre Jean-Daniel, Rieux Véronique, Weiss Laurence, Ward Denise, Rachline Anne, Bureau-Stoltmann Morgane, Ben Rayana Raida, Gaad Nadir, Ben Mechlia Mohamed, Barbareschi Giorgio, Corbelli Guilio Maria, Brodnicki Elizabeth, Spire Bruno, Mc Cormack Sheena, Protière Christel. “They Have to Make an Effort Too”: What Decliners Can Teach Us About HIV Cure/Remission-Related Clinical Trials? Results from a French Qualitative Study. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 2025 ; 41 (1) : 20-29.
Mosbah Héléna, Vatier Camille, Vigouroux Corinne, Andriss Béatrice, Belalem Inès, Delemer Brigitte, Janmaat Sonja, Bouhnik Anne-Deborah, Collen Lauriane Le, Maiter Dominique, Nobécourt Estelle, Vantyghem Marie-Christine, Vigouroux Corinne, Dumas Agnès. Health-related quality of life, social and psychological well-being of 109 adult patients with genetic lipodystrophy. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2024 .
Illy Mathias, Bartoli Axel, Mancini Julien, Duffaud Florence, Vidal Vincent, Tradi Farouk. Dedicated software to harmonize the follow-up of oncological patients. Research in Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2024 ; 12 : 100051.
Balhan Liam, Aubert Marion, Lacoux Cynthia, Grau Nina, Levy Joachim, Stefanowski Marie-Lou, Perreaut Lola, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Deuffic-Burban Sylvie, Cousien Anthony, Michels David, Costa Marie, Roux Perrine. A hand-washing community-based educational intervention to reduce abscess incidence among people who inject drugs: a cluster randomised controlled clinical trial protocol (the HAWA study protocol). BMC Public Health 2024 ; 24 (1) : 2858.
Protiere Christel, Sow Abdourahmane, Estellon Vincent, Bureau Morgane, Leclercq Vincent, Grégoire Muriel, Bladou Fred, Spire Bruno, Michels David, Roux Perrine. Diversity of Chemsex Experiences among Men Who Have Sex with Men: Results from the French ANRS PaacX Study Using Q-Methodology. Archives of Sexual Behavior 2024 .
Roux Perrine, Faye Aissatou, Sagaon‐teyssier Luis, Donadille Cécile, Briand Madrid Laélia, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Maradan Gwenaelle, Jauffret‐roustide Marie, Lalanne Laurence, Auriacombe Marc. Prevalence of stimulant use and the role of opioid agonist treatment among people who inject drugs in France: Results from the COSINUS cohort study. Drug and Alcohol Review 2024 ; 44 (1) : 275-287.
Tréhard Hélène, Musset Lise, Lazrek Yassamine, White Michael, Pelleau Stephane, Mueller Ivo, Djossou Felix, Sanna Alice, Landier Jordi, Gaudart Jean, Mosnier Emilie. Which diagnostic test to use for Testing and Treatment strategies in Plasmodium vivax low-transmission settings: a secondary analysis of a longitudinal interventional study. The Lancet Regional Health - Americas 2024 ; 38 : 100883.
Barré Tangui, Couton Clémence, Mourad Abbas, Carrieri Patrizia, Protopopescu Camelia, Klein Hélène, de Dieuleveult Barbara, Hocqueloux Laurent, Mollet Lucile, Prazuck Thierry. Limited Impact of Cannabidiol on Health-related Quality of Life of People With Long-term Controlled HIV: A Double-blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2024 ; 11 (9) : ofae492.
Gerin Larissa, Pedroso Andrey Oeiras, Antonini Marcela, Gir Elucir, Spire Bruno, Reis Renata Karina. Factors Associated with Vaccination Adequacy in People Living with HIV: A Cross-Sectional Study. Vaccines 2024 ; 12 (9) : 1003.
Gerin Larissa, Gir Elucir, Neves Lis Aparecida de Souza, Passos Luzia Márcia Romanholi, Kfouri Renato de Ávila, Spire Bruno, Reis Renata Karina. Vaccination Coverage of People Living with HIV: Before and after Interventional Action. Vaccines 2024 ; 12 (8) : 897.
Droin‐mollard Marion, Hervouet Lucile, Lahlou‐laforêt Khadija, de Montgolfier Sandrine. Narrative review on ethical and psychological issues raised by genetic and genomic testing in pediatric oncology care. Journal of Genetic Counseling 2024 .
Droin-Mollard Marion, de Montgolfier Sandrine, Gimenez-Roqueplo Anne-Paule, Flahault Cécile, Petit Arnaud, Bourdeaut Franck, Julia Sophie, Rial-Sebbag Emmanuelle, Coupier Isabelle, Simaga Fatoumata, Brugières Laurence, Guerrini-Rousseau Léa, Claret Béatrice, Cavé Hélène, Strullu Marion, Hervouet Lucile, Lahlou-Laforêt Khadija. Psychological and ethical issues raised by genomic in paediatric care pathway, a qualitative analysis with parents and childhood cancer patients. European Journal of Human Genetics 2024 ; 32 (11) : 1446-1455.
Granville Ashely, Grigg Jodie, Kowalski Michala, Sevigny Eric, Zobel Frank, Fortin Davide. What can we learn from low-THC cannabis growers in Europe? A comparative transnational study of small-scale cannabis growers from Italy and Switzerland. International Journal of Drug Policy 2024 ; 104505.
Schönnesson Lena Nilsson, Cluver Lucie, Eriksson Lars E, Davidovich Udi, Harding Richard, Spire Bruno, Catalan José, Karkouri Mehdi, Steventon-Roberts Kathryn, Prince Bridgette, Sherr Lorraine. The power for action – now! AIDS Care 2024 ; 36 (sup1) : 1-5.
Khoury Georges, Ward Jeremy K, Mancini Julien, Gagneux-Brunon Amandine, Luong Nguyen Liem Binh. Health Literacy and Health Care System Confidence as Determinants of Attitudes to Vaccines in France: Representative Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2024 ; 10 : e45837.
Mbaye Babacar, Wasfy Reham Magdy, Alou Maryam Tidjani, Borentain Patrick, Gerolami Rene, Dufour Jean-Charles, Million Matthieu. A catalog of ethanol-producing microbes in humans. Future Microbiology 2024 ; 1-18.
Houpert Rémi, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Huiart Laetitia, Bouhnik Anne-Deborah, Alleaume Caroline, Touzani Rajae, Veronique-Baudin Jacqueline, Mancini Julien, Joachim Clarisse, Chirpaz Emmanuel. Socioeconomic and cultural factors associated with pap smear screening among French women living in Réunion Island. BMC Public Health 2024 ; 24 (1) : 1125.
Chaptal Marie-Charlotte, Maraninchi Marie, Musto Giorgia, Mancini Julien, Chtioui Hedi, Dupont-Roussel Janine, Marlinge Marion, Fromonot Julien, Lalevee Nathalie, Mourre Florian, Beliard Sophie, Guieu Régis, Valero René, Mottola Giovanna. Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Decreases the Expression of Adenosine A2A Receptor and Lipid Rafts-Protein Flotillin-1: Insights on Cardiovascular Risk of Hypercholesterolemia. Cells 2024 ; 13 (6) : 488.
Antonini Marcela, Vettore Mario Vianna, Øgård-Repål Anita, de Macêdo Rocha Daniel, de Alencar Rocha Karyanna Alves, Elias Henrique Ciabotti, Barufaldi Felipe, Santana Rodrigo Carvalho, Gir Elucir, Spire Bruno, Reis Renata Karina. Patterns of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in different anatomical sites among Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) users in Brazil. BMC Infectious Diseases 2024 ; 24 (1) : 260.
Maurin Arnaud, Jacquier Alexis, Bartoli Axel, Barral Pierre-Antoine, Vecchini Fabien, Mancini Julien, Omnes Virgile, Demasi Mariangela, Piquet Philippe, Gaudry Marine. STABILISE (Stent-Assisted Balloon-Induced Intimal Disruption and Relamination in Aortic Dissection Repair) Is Associated With Good Anatomical Results on the Distal Thoracoabdominal Aorta at 2 Years. Journal of endovascular therapy 2024 ; 15266028241232923.
Fiorentino Marion, Coulibaly Bakary, Couderc Clotilde, Keita Bintou Dembélé, Anoma Camille, Dah Elias, Mensah Ephrem, Aka Thomas Niamkey, Touré Juste Rodrigue, Camara Drissa, Kokouba Anouwarsadat Rodolphe, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Mora Marion, Bourrelly Michel, Riegel Lucas, Rojas-Castro Daniela, Spire Bruno, Laurent Christian, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis. Men Who Have Sex with Both Men and Women in West Africa: Factors Associated with a High Behavioral Risk of Acquiring HIV from Male Partners and Transmission to Women (CohMSM ANRS 12324—Expertise France). Archives of Sexual Behavior 2024 ; 53 (2)
Barré Tangui, Lahaie Emmanuel, Di Beo Vincent, Carrieri Patrizia, Andler Raphaël, Nguyen-Thanh Viêt, Beck François. Cannabidiol use in France in 2022: Results from a nationwide representative sample of adults. Drug and Alcohol Review 2024 ; 43 (5) : 1294-1304.
Dahuron Laureen, Goungounga Juste, Dramé Moustapha, Douine Maylis, Nacher Mathieu, Blaise Théo, Mosnier Emilie, Musset Lise, Fouillet Marie, Djossou Félix, Epelboin Loïc. Kinetics of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity during Plasmodium vivax infection: implications for early radical malaria treatment. Malaria Journal 2024 ; 23 (1) : 140.
Benyamine Audrey, Poulet Antoine, Belenotti Pauline, Nihous Hugo, Ene Nicoleta, Jarrot Pierre André, Swiader Laure, Mancini Julien, Beaufils Nathalie, Essaydi Arnaud, Gabert Jean, Weiller Pierre Jean, Kaplanski Gilles. Molecular B-cell clonality assay in minor salivary glands as a useful tool for the lymphoma risk assessment in Sjögren's syndrome. Joint Bone Spine 2023 ; 91 (3) : 105686.
Barré Tangui, Bourlière Marc, Parlati Lucia, Ramier Clémence, Marcellin Fabienne, Protopopescu Camelia, Di Beo Vincent, Cagnot Carole, Dorival Celine, Nicol Jérôme, Zoulim Fabien, Carrat Fabrice, Carrieri Patrizia. Hepatitis C virus cure from direct-acting antivirals and mortality: Are people with and without a history of injection drug use in the same boat? (ANRS CO22 Hepather cohort). Drug and Alcohol Review 2023 ; 43 (3) : 718 - 731.
Sznitman Sharon R, Potter Gary R, Grigg Jodie, Granville Ashely, Hakkarainen Pekka, Decorte Tom, Lenton Simon, Fortin Davide, Bear Daniel, Kirtadze Irma, Jauffret-Roustide Marie, Barratt Monica J, Sevigny Eric L. Are cannabis use problems comparable across individuals using for recreational and medical purposes? An international cross-sectional study of individuals who use self-grown cannabis. International Journal of Drug Policy 2023 ; 104263.
Roux P, Jauffret-Roustide M, Donadille C, Briand Madrid L, Denis C, Célérier I, Chauvin C, Hamelin N, Maradan G, Carrieri M P, Protopopescu C, Lalanne L, Auriacombe M. Impact of drug consumption rooms on non-fatal overdoses, abscesses and emergency department visits in people who inject drugs in France: results from the COSINUS cohort. International Journal of Epidemiology 2023 ; 52 (2) : 562 - 576.
Anselmi Amedeo, Aymami Marie, Tomasi Jacques, D’alessandro Gemma, Langanay Thierry, Corbineau Hervé, Mancini Julien, Flécher Erwan, Verhoye Jean-Philippe. Late Clinical and Echocardiographic Results with the Magna Ease© Pericardial Aortic Bioprosthesis. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2023 .
Fortin Davide, Di Beo Vincent, Carrieri Patrizia, Barré Tangui. Therapeutic Use and Other Reasons to Consume Cannabidiol: Insight from the French and Italian Contexts. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2023 ; Online ahead of print.
Menu Estelle, Filori Quentin, Dufour Jean-Charles, Ranque Stéphane, L’ollivier Coralie. A Repertoire of the Less Common Clinical Yeasts. Journal of Fungi 2023 ; 9 (11) : 1099.
Durand Marie-Anne, Bannier Marie, Aim Marie-Anastasie, Mancini Julien. Adaptation and Implementation of Pictorial Conversation Aids for Early-Stage Breast Cancer Surgery and Reconstruction: A Quality Improvement Study. Patient Preference and Adherence 2023 ; Volume17 : 2463 - 2474.
Pereira Gonçalves Jessica, Briand Madrid Laélia, Donadille Cécile, Michels David, Ahouah Mathieu, Rojas Castro Daniela, Roux Perrine. Unsafe practices fostering cutaneous abscesses in people who inject substances : Results from the ANRS-OUTSIDER study. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 2023 ; 71 (5) : 102142.
Legendre Eva, Girond Florian, Herbreteau Vincent, Hoeun Sokeang, Rebaudet Stanislas, Thu Aung Myint, Rae Jade Dean, Lehot Laurent, Dieng Sokhna, Delmas Gilles, Nosten François, Gaudart Jean, Landier Jordi. ‘Forest malaria’ in Myanmar? Tracking transmission landscapes in a diversity of environments. Parasites & Vectors 2023 ; 16 (1) : 324.
Barré Tangui, Testa Damien, Ramier Clémence, Santos Melina, Marcellin Fabienne, Roux Perrine, Carrieri Patrizia, Radoszycki Lise, Protopopescu Camelia. Cannabis-based products and multiple sclerosis-related pain: The role of routes of administration. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2023 ; 77 : 104863.
Debbi Kawtar, Bouachba Amine, Mancini Julien, Tuchtan Lucile, de Jesus Neves Joana, Gorincour Guillaume. Postmortem CT better estimates fetal weight than the Hadlock's formula. Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2023 ; 104 (9) : 448-450.
Lazarus Jeffrey V, Mark Henry E, Allen Alina M, Arab Juan Pablo, Carrieri Patrizia, Noureddin Mazen, Alazawi William, Alkhouri Naim, Alqahtani Saleh A, Anstee Quentin M, Arrese Marco, Bataller Ramon, Berg Thomas, Brennan Paul N, Burra Patrizia, Castro-Narro Graciela E, Cortez-Pinto Helena, Cusi Kenneth, Dedes Nikos, Duseja Ajay, Francque Sven M, Gastaldelli Amalia, Hagström Hannes, Huang Terry T K, Ivancovsky Wajcman Dana, Kautz Achim, Kopka Christopher J, Krag Aleksander Aleksander, Newsome Philip N, Rinella Mary E, Romero Diana, Sarin Shiv Kumar, Silva Marcelo, Spearman C Wendy, Terrault Norah A, Tsochatzis Emmanuel A, Valenti Luca, Villota-Rivas Marcela, Zelber-Sagi Shira, Schattenberg Jörn M, Wong Vincent Wai-Sun, Younossi Zobair M. A global action agenda for turning the tide on fatty liver disease. Hepatology 2023 ; 79 : 502 - 523.
de Courville Caroline, Siani Carole, Kouamé Koia Jean-Martial. The child projects following a cancer diagnosis. Journal de gestion et d'économie de la santé 2023 ; 1 (1) : 69-90.
Barré Tangui, Cherikh Faredj, Carrieri Patrizia, Marcellin Fabienne. A call for mindfulness-based interventions for cannabis-use disorders. L'Encéphale 2023 ; S0013-7006(23)00118-5.
Gozlan Diane, Mathieu Marion, de Montgolfier Sandrine, Morillon Lucie, Demaret Béatrice, Pierrart Carole, Fourmy Chantal Aubert, Lamarche Dominique, Koulikoff Frédérique, Nowak Frédérique, Zucker Jean-Michel, Malen Jean-Pierre, Avram Flore, Panchal Maï, Lanta Marie, Prouvost Marie-France, Maizeroi Myriam, Mathieu Flavie, Tronel Vincent. Towards more informed consent: Making information understandable. Médecine/Sciences 2023 ; 39 (8-9) : 650-657.
Khirikoekkong Napat, Asarath Supa-At, Munruchaitrakun Mayreerat, Blay Naw, Waithira Naomi, Cheah Phaik Yeong, Nosten François, Lubell Yoel, Landier Jordi, Althaus Thomas. Fever and health-seeking behaviour among migrants living along the Thai-Myanmar border: a mixed-methods study. BMC Infectious Diseases 2023 ; 23 (1) : 501.
Barré Tangui, Zucman David, Marcellin Fabienne, Ramier Clémence, Protopopescu Camelia, Tardieu Raphaëlle, Ory Karine, Salmon‐céron Dominique, Carrieri Patrizia. Substance use and CD4/CD8 ratio in HIV/HCV co-infected people receiving direct-acting antiviral treatment (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH). Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2023 ; 30 : 897 - 900.
Lazarus Jeffrey V, Mark Henry E, Allen Alina M, Arab Juan Pablo, Carrieri Patrizia, Noureddin Mazen, Alazawi William, Alkhouri Naim, Alqahtani Saleh A, Arrese Marco, Bataller Ramon, Berg Thomas, Brennan Paul N, Burra Patrizia, Castro-Narro Graciela E, Cortez-Pinto Helena, Cusi Kenneth, Dedes Nikos, Duseja Ajay, Francque Sven M, Hagström Hannes, Huang Null- K, Wajcman Dana Ivancovsky, Kautz Achim, Kopka Christopher J, Krag Aleksander, Miller Veronica, Newsome Philip N, Rinella Mary E, Romero Diana, Sarin Shiv Kumar, Silva Marcelo, Spearman C Wendy, Tsochatzis Emmanuel A, Valenti Luca, Villota-Rivas Marcela, Zelber-Sagi Shira, Schattenberg Jörn M, Wong Vincent Wai-Sun, Younossi Zobair M. A global research priority agenda to advance public health responses to fatty liver disease. Journal of Hepatology 2023 ; 79 : 618 - 634.
Touzani Rajae, Dembele Elodie, Schultz Emilien, Rouquette Alexandra, Seguin Lorène, Dufour Jean-Charles, Bannier Marie, Mancini Julien. The French General Population’s Perception of New Information and Communication Technologies for Medical Consultations: National Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023 ; 25 : e45822.
Bastien Martin, Mezaache Salim, Donadille Cécile, Martin Victor, Appel Laurent, Lebrun Maela, Briand Madrid Laélia, Barré Tangui, Roux Perrine. Exclusive Therapeutic Use of Cannabis in a Large Sample of Daily Cannabis Users in France: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2023 ; 56 (3) : 353-363.
Fiorentino Marion, Gravier-Dumonceau Mazelier Robinson, Yanwou Nathan, Eubanks August, Roux Perrine, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Self-identified bisexual men and implications for research, prevention and care in men who have sex with men: a mixed-method systematic review and meta-analysis in Southern Africa. 2023 .
Gauna F., Carof S., Mouret‐fourme E, Coupier I., Mari V., Moretta‐serra J, Mancini J., Noguès C., Bouhnik A D. Links between gender norms and the intergenerational transmission of health information in parents carrying BRCA1/2 pathogenic variants. Journal of Genetic Counseling 2023 ; Online ahead of print.
Schultz Émilien, Mancini Julien, Ward Jeremy K. What does the French public consider to be a conflict of interest for medical researchers? Social Science & Medicine 2023 ; 327 : 115851.
Barré Tangui, Venturino Hélène, Di Beo Vincent, Carrieri Patrizia, Pelissier-Alicot Anne-Laure. French general practitioners and medical cannabis: A need for training. L'Encéphale 2023 ; 49 : 537 - 539.
Perray M, Traore D, Riegel L, Rojas Castro D, Spire B, Mora M, Yattassaye A, Préau M. Benefits and challenges of a community-based programme for women living with HIV in Mali. AIDS Care 2023 ; 35 : 1100 - 1106.
Landier Jordi, Bassez Léa, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Chaud Pascal, Franke Florian, Nauleau Steve, Danjou Fabrice, Malfait Philippe, Rebaudet Stanislas, Gaudart Jean. Social deprivation and SARS-CoV-2 testing: a population-based analysis in a highly contrasted southern France region. Frontiers in Public Health 2023 ; 11 (11) : 1162711.
Breyton Martin, Schultz Émilien, Smith A., Rouquette Alexandra, Mancini J.. Information overload in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: A repeated cross-sectional study. Patient Education and Counseling 2023 ; 110
Cissoko Mady, Landier Jordi, Kouriba Bourema, Sangare Abdoul Karim, Katilé Abdoulaye, Djimde Abdoulaye A, Berthé Ibrahima, Traore Siriman, Thera Ismaila, Hadiata Maiga, Sogodogo Elisabeth, Coulibaly Karyn, Guindo Abdoulaye, Dembele Ousmane, Sanogo Souleymane, Doumbia Zoumana, Dara Charles, Altmann Mathias, Bonnet Emmanuel, Balique Hubert, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Vidal Laurent, Sagara Issaka, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Gaudart Jean. SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and living conditions in Bamako (Mali): a cross-sectional multistage household survey after the first epidemic wave, 2020. BMJ Open 2023 ; 13 (4) : e067124.
Protiere C, Sagaon‐teyssier L, Donadille C, Sow A, Gaubert G, Girard G, Mora M, Assoumou L, Beniguel L, Michels D, Ghosn J, Costagliola D, Rojas Castro D, Molina Jean-Michel, Spire B. Perception of PrEP-related stigma in PrEP users: Results from the ANRS-PREVENIR cohort. HIV Medicine 2023 ; 24 : 938 - 945.
Goungounga Juste, Graffeo Nathalie, Charvat Hadrien, Giorgi Roch. Correcting for heterogeneity and non-comparability bias in multicenter clinical trials with a rescaled random-effect excess hazard model. Biometrical Journal 2023 ; 65 (4) : 2100210.
Menu Estelle, Filori Quentin, Dufour Jean-Charles, Ranque Stéphane, L’ollivier Coralie. A Repertoire of Clinical Non-Dermatophytes Moulds. Journal of Fungi 2023 ; 9 (4) : 433.
Boher Jean Marie, Filleron Thomas, Bunouf Pierre, Cook Richard J. New late‐emphasis and combination tests based on infimum and supremum logrank statistics with application in oncology trials. Statistics in Medicine 2023 ; 42 : 1981 - 1994.
Fiorentino Marion, Coulibaly Abdouramane, Kamissoko Aliou, Dramé Souleymane, Koné Aïchata, Traoré Sokona, Koné Mariam, Fofana Sitan, Kanicomo Fatoumata, Bagayoko Gnamé, Cissé Mamadou, Girard Gabriel, Spire Bruno, Dembélé Keita Bintou, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis. Highly precarious general and sexual health conditions of young domestic servants: results from a qualitative exploratory study and perspectives for community-based research in Bamako, Mali. AIDS Care 2023 ; 35 : 2024 - 2035.
Barré Tangui, Testa Damien, Santos Melina, Marcellin Fabienne, Roux Perrine, Carrieri Patrizia, Radoszycki Lise, Protopopescu Camelia. Symptom severity is a major determinant of cannabis‐based products use among people with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2023 ; 32 : 6460 - 6473.
Barré Tangui, Ramier Clémence, Antwerpes Saskia, Costa Marie, Bureau Morgane, Maradan Gwenaelle, Di Beo Vincent, Cutarella Christophe, Leloutre Jacques, Riccobono-Soulier Olivier, Hedoire Sophie, Frot Elodie, Vernier Fabienne, Vassas-Goyard Stéphanie, Dufort Sabine, Protopopescu Camelia, Marcellin Fabienne, Casanova Danielle, Coste Marion, Carrieri Patrizia. A novel community‐based therapeutic education program for reducing alcohol‐related harms and stigma in people with alcohol use disorders: A quasi‐experimental study ( ETHER study). Drug and Alcohol Review 2023 ; 42 (3) : 664-679.
Marcellin Fabienne, Mourad Abbas, Lemoine Maud, Kouanfack Charles, Seydi Moussa, Carrieri Patrizia, Attia Alain, Protopopescu Camelia, Lacombe Karine, Boyer Sylvie. Patient-reported outcomes with direct-acting antiviral treatment for hepatitis C in West and Central Africa (TAC ANRS 12311 trial). JHEP Reports Innovation in Hepatology 2023 ; 5 (3) : 100665.
Tallet Agnès, Rey Dominique, Casanova Clémence, Lecourtois Delphine, Bergeaud Marie, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Mancini Julien. Physicians’ Opinion on Intraoperative Radiotherapy as a Therapeutic De-Escalation Option in Older Women with Early Breast Cancer. Current Oncology 2023 ; 30 : 2812 - 2824.
Cousin Cabrolier Lorraine, Di Beo Vincent, Marcellin Fabienne, Rousset Torrente Olivia, Mahe Véronique, Valderas José Maria, Chassany Olivier, Carrieri Patrizia Maria, Duracinsky Martin. Negative representations of night-shift work and mental health of public hospital healthcare workers in the COVID-19 era (Aladdin survey). BMC Health Services Research 2023 ; 23 (1) : 187.
Althaus Thomas, Landier Jordi, Zhu Feng, Raps Hervé, Dejoux Olivier, Costantini Alizée, Lavagna Christian, Rampal Patrick, Mattiuzzo Giada, Xu Shuting, Wang Lin-Fa, Voiglio Eric J. The Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccination and Infection on Neutralizing Antibodies: A Nation-wide Cross-sectional Analysis. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2023 ; 227 : 1255 - 1265.
Beldjerd M'Hamed, Quarello Edwin, Lafouge Antoine, Giorgi Roch, Le Corroller Soriano Anne-Gaëlle. A cost minimization analysis comparing asynchronous tele-expertise with face-to-face consultation for prenatal diagnosis in France. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2023 ; 1357633X2311517.
Atsou Kueshivi Midodji Midodji, Rachet Bernard, Cornet Edouard, Chretien Marie‐lorraine, Rossi Cédric, Remontet Laurent, Roche Laurent, Giorgi Roch, Gauthier Sophie, Girard Stéphanie, Böckle Johann, Wasse Stéphane Kroudia, Rachou Helene, Bouzid Laila, Poncet Jean‐marc, Orazio Sébastien, Monnereau Alain, Troussard Xavier, Mounier Morgane, Maynadie Marc. Factors influencing access to specialised haematology units during acute myeloblastic leukaemia patient care: A population‐based study in France. Cancer Medicine 2023 ; 12 (7) : 8911-8923.
Legendre E., Lehot L., Dieng S., Rebaudet S., Thu A. M., Rae J. D., Delmas G., Girond F., Herbreteau Vincent, Nosten F., Landier Jordi, Gaudart J.. Malaria temporal dynamic clustering for surveillance and intervention planning. Epidemics 2023 ; 43 : p. [9 p.].
Mosnier Émilie, Loubiere Sandrine, Monfardini Elisabetta, Alibert A., Landier Jordi, Ninoves L., Bosetti T., Auquier P., Mosnier Marine, Wakap Stephanie Nguengang, Warszawski Josiane, Tinland A.. Cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection within the homeless population: insights from a city-wide longitudinal study. BMJ Open 2023 ; 13 (2)
Mosnier Emilie, Artigas Fernanda, Richard Elodie, Hoyer Maxime, Michels David, Vandentorren Stephanie, Girard Gabriel, Nagot Nicolas, Regnault Hippolyte, Mosnier Marine, Inegbeze Grâce, Roux Perrine, Spire Bruno, Eldin Carole. Effectiveness of a Community Empowerment Intervention to Improve Access to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in Migrant Women Sex Workers: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Implementation Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2023 ; 12 : e42844.
Ballester Benoit, Pilliol Virginie, Allaerd Perrine, Jacquot Bruno, Guivarc'H Maud. Evaluation of a new 3D ‐printed tooth model allowing preoperative ICDAS assessment and caries removal. European Journal of Dental Education 2023 ; Online ahead of print..
Antwerpes Saskia, Costa Marie, Coste Marion, Bureau Morgane, Maradan Gwenaelle, Cutarella Christophe, Leloutre Jacques, Riccobono-Soulier Olivier, Hedoire Sophie, Frot Elodie, Vernier Fabienne, Vassas-Goyard Stéphanie, Barré Tangui, Casanova Danielle, Carrieri Patrizia. Evaluation of a novel therapeutic education programme for people with alcohol use disorder in France: a mixed-methods intervention study protocol (ETHER). Harm Reduction Journal 2022 ; 19 (1) : 2.
Schultz Émilien, Mignot Léo, Ward Jeremy, Boaventura Bomfim Daniela, Chabannon Christian, Mancini Julien. Public perceptions of the association between drug effectiveness and drug novelty in France during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therapies 2022 ; 77 (6) : 693-701.
Ballester Benoit, Bukiet Frédéric, Dufour Jean-Charles. Correction to: Current state of dental informatics in the field of health information systems: a scoping review. BMC Oral Health 2022 ; 22 (1) : 212.
Katile Abdoulaye, Sagara Issaka, Cissoko Mady, Bationo Cedric Stephane, Dolo Mathias, Thera Ismaila, Traore Siriman, Kone Mamady, Dembele Pascal, Bocoum Djoouro, Sidibe Ibrahima, Simaga Ismael, Sissoko Mahamadou Soumana, Landier Jordi, Gaudart Jean. Spatio-Temporal Variability of Malaria Incidence in the Health District of Kati, Mali, 2015–2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022 ; 19 (21) : 14361.
Eubanks August, Coulibaly Bakary, Dembélé Keita Bintou, Anoma Camille, Tiero Elias Dah Ter, Mensah Ephrem, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Bourrelly Michel, Mora Marion, Riegel Lucas, Rojas Castro Daniela, Yaya Issifou, Spire Bruno, Laurent Christian, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis. Loss to Follow-Up from HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Care in Men Who Have Sex with Men in West Africa. Viruses 2022 ; 14 (11) : 2380.
Barré Tangui, Moinot Laetitia, Spire Bruno, Protopopescu Camelia, Bureau Morgane, Arsandaux Julie, Gilbert Camille, Mercié Patrick, Marcellin Fabienne. Integrating Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Specific Elements in the Treatment of Tobacco Dependence (ANRS 144 Inter-ACTIV). Clinical Infectious Diseases 2022 ; 75 (10) : 1868-1871.
Griese Lennert, Finbråten Hanne, Francisco Rita, de Gani Saskia, Griebler Robert, Guttersrud Øystein, Jaks Rebecca, Le Christopher, Link Thomas, Silva da Costa Andreia, Telo de Arriaga Miguel, Touzani Rajae, Vrdelja Mitja, Pelikan Jürgen, Schaeffer Doris. HLS19-NAV—Validation of a New Instrument Measuring Navigational Health Literacy in Eight European Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022 ; 19 (21) : 13863.
Marcellin Fabienne, Brégigeon-Ronot Sylvie, Ramier Clémence, Protopopescu Camelia, Gilbert Camille, Di Beo Vincent, Duvivier Claudine, Bureau-Stoltmann Morgane, Rosenthal Eric, Wittkop Linda, Salmon-Céron Dominique, Carrieri Patrizia, Sogni Philippe, Barré Tangui. Depressive symptoms after hepatitis C cure and socio-behavioral correlates in aging people living with HIV (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH). JHEP Reports Innovation in Hepatology 2022 ; 5 (1) : 100614.
Barré Tangui, Venturino Hélène, Beo Vincent Di, Carrieri Patrizia, Pelissier-Alicot Anne-Laure. Exploring the medical cannabis prescribing behaviors of French general practitioners. Drug and Alcohol Review 2022 .
Carrieri Patrizia, Barré Tangui, Bureau Morgane, Marcellin Fabienne, Mourad Abbas. Stigma and care avoidance in people with unhealthy alcohol use: A call for research and action. Journal of Hepatology 2022 ; 77 (4) : 1221 - 1222.
Bejarano-Quisoboni Daniel, Pelletier-Fleury Nathalie, Allodji Rodrigue S., Fresneau Brice C., Boussac Majorie, Pacquement Hélène D., Doz François F., Berchery Delphine, Pluchart Claire, Bondiau Piere Yves, Nys Julie, Jackson Angela, Demoor-Goldschmidt Charlotte, Dumas Agnès, Thomas-Teinturier Cécile, Schwartz Boris, Journy Neige M.Y., Rubino Carolé, Vu-Bezin Giao, Valteau-Couanet Dominique, El-Fayech Chiraz, Dufour Christelle, Haddy Nadia, de Vathaire Florent. Long-term hospitalisations in survivors of paediatric solid tumours in France. Scientific Reports 2022 ; 12 (1) : 18068.
Mutricy-Hureau Louise, Pisoni Amandine, Pisoni Amandine, Suarez-Mutis Martha, Figueira da Silva Amanda, Lambert Yann, Mespoulhe Pauline, Godin Audrey, Parriault Marie-Claire, van Melle Astrid, Mosnier Emilie, Mosnier Emilie, Gaillet Mélanie, Michaud Céline, Schaub Roxane, Galindo Muriel Suzanne, Adenis Antoine, Nacher Mathieu, Vreden Stephen, Tuaillon Edouard, Douine Maylis. Sexual and addictive risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infections in illegal gold miners in French Guiana: a multicenter observational study. PLoS ONE 2022 ; 17 (9) : e0272932.
Carrieri Patrizia, Mourad Abbas, Marcellin Fabienne, Lazarus Jeffrey V. Author response: Improving patient‐provider communication by reducing stigma associated with liver disease. Liver International 2022 ; 42 (12) : 2920 - 2920.
Finbråten Hanne Søberg, Nowak Peter, Griebler Robert, Bíró Éva, Vrdelja Mitja, Charafeddine Rana, Griese Lennert, Bøggild Henrik, Schaeffer Doris, Link Thomas, Kucera Zdenek, Mancini Julien, Pelikan Jürgen M. The HLS19-COM-P, a New Instrument for Measuring Communicative Health Literacy in Interaction with Physicians: Development and Validation in Nine European Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022 ; 19 (18) : 11592.
Kra Firmin, Egrot Marc, Mininel Francesca, Akindès Francis, Taverne Bernard, Laborde-Balen Gabrièle, Guillet Amélie, Anoko Julienne. L'anthropologie impliquée à l'hôpital en contexte d'épidémie de covid-19 [Note Stratégique du RAEE]. 2022 ; 1-3.
Chaptal Milène, Andrejak Claire, Bonifay Timothée, Beillard Emmanuel, Guillot Geneviève, Guyomard-Rabenirina Stéphanie, Demar Magalie, Trombert-Paolantoni Sabine, Jacomo Veronique, Mosnier Emilie, Veziris Nicolas, Djossou Felix, Epelboin Loïc. Epidemiology of Infection by Pulmonary Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria in French Guiana 2008-2018. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2022 ; 16 (9) : e0010693.
Floersheim Charlotte, Musso Sandrine, Eubanks August, Douine Maylis, Spire Bruno, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Parriault Marie Claire, Girard Gabriel, Mosnier Emilie. What can lead to late diagnosis of HIV in an illegal gold mining environment? A qualitative study at the French Guiana’s border with Brazil. BMJ Open 2022 ; 12 (9) : e061237.
Cissoko Mady, Sagara Issaka, Landier Jordi, Guindo Abdoulaye, Sanogo Vincent, Coulibaly Oumou Yacouba, Dembélé Pascal, Dieng Sokhna, Bationo Cedric S, Diarra Issa, Magassa Mahamadou H, Berthé Ibrahima, Katilé Abdoulaye, Traoré Diahara, Dessay Nadine, Gaudart Jean. Sub-national tailoring of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Mali based on malaria surveillance and rainfall data. Parasites & Vectors 2022 ; 15 (1) : 278.
Beldjerd M’hamed, Lafouge Antoine, Giorgi Roch, Le Corroller-Soriano Anne-Gaëlle, Quarello Edwin. Asynchronous tele-expertise (ASTE) for prenatal diagnosis is feasible and cost saving: Results of a French case study. PLoS ONE 2022 ; 17 (8) : e0269477.
Flora Luigi, Darmon David, Darmoni Stéfan J., Julien Grosjean, Simon Christian, Hassanaly Parina, Dufour Jean-Charles. Innover en partenariat par la création d’une aide à la décision d’applications mobiles dans la relation médecin-patient : la recherche ApiAppS. Le partenariat de soin avec le patient : analyses 2022 ; 4 : 73-94.
Victoria Memoli, Marie Bannier, Dominique Rey, Caroline Alleaume, Marc-Karim Ben Diane, Julien Mancini, Sophie Lauzier, Anne-Déborah Bouhnik. Breast reconstruction and quality of life five years after cancer diagnosis: VICAN French National cohort. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2022 ; 194 (2) : 449-461.
Barthélémy Hugues, Mougenot Emmanuelle, Duracinsky Martin, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Bonini Jennifer, Péretz Fabienne, Chassany Olivier, Carrieri Patrizia. Smoking increases the risk of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome: Results from a French community-based survey. Tobacco Induced Diseases 2022 ; 20 : 59.
Rae Jade D, Nosten Suphak, Kajeechiwa Ladda, Wiladphaingern Jacher, Parker Daniel M, Landier Jordi, Thu Aung Myint, Dah Hsa, Be Aye, Cho Win Cho, Paw Eh Shee, Shee Paw Bway, Poe Christ, Nu Chit, Nyaw Baw, Simpson Julie A, Devine Angela, Maude Richard J, Moo Ku Ler, Min Myo Chit, Thwin May Myo, Tun Saw Win, Nosten François H. Surveillance to achieve malaria elimination in eastern Myanmar: a 7-year observational study. Malaria Journal 2022 ; 21 (1) : 175.
Janah Asmaa, Haddy Nadia, Demoor-Goldschmidt Charlotte, Bougas Nicolas, Clavel Jacqueline, Poulalhon Claire, Lacour Brigitte, Souchard Vincent, Jackson Angela, Casagranda Leonie, Berger Claire, Allodji Rodrigue, El Fayech Chiraz, Fresneau Brice, de Vathaire Florent, Dumas Agnes. The Psychological Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Adults Treated for Childhood Cancer. Current Oncology 2022 ; 29 (6) : 4104-4116.
Deneche Imene, Touzani Rajae, Bouhnik Anne Deborah, Rey Dominique, Bendiane Marc Karim, Chirpaz Emmanuel. Factors associated with mammography screening among Reunionese women : a cross-sectional study. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 2022 ; 70 (3) : 117-122.
Dumas Elise, Laot Lucie, Coussy Florence, Grandal Rejo Beatriz, Daoud Eric, Laas Enora, Kassara Amyn, Majdling Alena, Kabirian Rayan, Jochum Floriane, Gougis Paul, Michel Sophie, Houzard Sophie, Le Bihan-Benjamin Christine, Bousquet Philippe-Jean, Hotton Judicaël, Azencott Chloé-Agathe, Reyal Fabien, Hamy Anne-Sophie. The French Early Breast Cancer Cohort (FRESH): A Resource for Breast Cancer Research and Evaluations of Oncology Practices Based on the French National Healthcare System Database (SNDS). Cancers 2022 ; 14 (11) : 2671.
Fortin Davide, Marcellin Fabienne, Carrieri Patrizia, Mancini Julien, Barré Tangui. Medical Cannabis: Toward a New Policy and Health Model for an Ancient Medicine. Frontiers in Public Health 2022 ; 10 (1) : 133-154.
Fortin Davide, Marcellin Fabienne, Carrieri Patrizia, Mancini Julien, Barré Tangui. Medical Cannabis: Toward a New Policy and Health Model for an Ancient Medicine. Frontiers in Public Health 2022 ; 10 : 904291.
Cousin Lorraine, Roucoux Guillaume, Petit Anne Sophie, Baumann-Coblentz Laurence, Torrente Olivia Rousset, Cannafarina Adriano, Chassany Olivier, Duracinsky Martin, Carrieri Patrizia. Perceived stigma, substance use and self-medication in night-shift healthcare workers: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research 2022 ; 22 (1) : 698.
Cissoko Mady, Magassa Mahamadou, Sanogo Vincent, Ouologuem Abdoulaye, Sangaré Lansana, Diarra Modibo, Bationo Cedric Stephane, Dolo Mathias, Bah Mamadou Djoulde, Doumbia Sidy, Coulibaly Mamadou B, Traoré Diahara, Sidibé Boubacar, Landier Jordi, Cissé Idrissa, Sacko Moussa, Gaudart Jean, Sagara Issaka. Stratification at the health district level for targeting malaria control interventions in Mali. Scientific Reports 2022 ; 12 (1) : 8271.
Roux Alexandra, Cholerton Rachel, Sicsic Jonathan, Moumjid Nora, French David, Giorgi Rossi Paolo, Balleyguier Corinne, Guindy Michal, Gilbert Fiona, Burrion Jean-Benoit, Castells Xavier, Ritchie David, Keatley Debbie, Baron Camille, Delaloge Suzette, de Montgolfier Sandrine. Study protocol comparing the ethical, psychological and socio-economic impact of personalised breast cancer screening to that of standard screening in the “My Personal Breast Screening” (MyPeBS) randomised clinical trial. BMC Cancer 2022 ; 22 (1) : 507.
Pignot Géraldine, Touzani Rajae, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Mancini Julien, Walz Jochen, Marino Patricia, Rybikowski Stanislas, Maubon Thomas, Salem Naji, Gravis Gwenaelle, Bouhnik Anne-Déborah. Self-reported functional assessment after treatment for prostate cancer: 5-year results of the prospective cohort VICAN. Future Oncology 2022 ; 18 (14) : 1733-1744.
Schultz Émilien, Touzani Rajae, Mancini Julien, Ward Jeremy. From contact tracing to COVID-19 pass holder; the tortured journey of the French TousAntiCovid contact tracing app. Public Health 2022 ; 206 : 5-7.
Bouhnik Anne-Déborah, Magnani C., Smith A.B., Rey D., Sarradon-Eck Aline, Bendiane M.K., Mancini Julien. 218P Fear of cancer recurrence in long-term post-menopausal breast cancer survivors. Annals of Oncology 2022 ; 33 : S226 - S227.
Périères Lauren, Diallo Aldiouma, Marcellin Fabienne, Nishimwe Marie Libérée, Ba El Hadji, Coste Marion, Lo Gora, Halfon Philippe, Touré Kane Coumba, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Carrieri Patrizia M., Diouf Assane, Shimakawa Yusuke, Sokhna Cheikh, Boyer Sylvie. Hepatitis B in Senegal: A Successful Infant Vaccination Program but Urgent Need to Scale Up Screening and Treatment (ANRS 12356 AmBASS survey). Hepatology Communications 2022 ; 6 (5) : 1005-1015.
Ousseine Youssoufa M, Bouhnik Anne-Déborah, Mancini Julien. Health Literacy and Clinical Trial Participation in French Cancer Patients: A National Survey. Current Oncology 2022 ; 29 (5) : 3118 - 3129.
Marcellin Fabienne, Cousin Lorraine, Di Beo Vincent, Mahé Véronique, Rousset‐torrente Olivia, Carrieri Patrizia, Chassany Olivier, Duracinsky Martin. Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on healthcare workers: The need to address quality of working life issues. Respirology 2022 ; 27 (6) : 469 - 471.
Benoit Ballester, Bukiet Frédéric, Dufour Jean-Charles. Current state of dental informatics in the field of health information systems: a scoping review. BMC Oral Health 2022 ; 22 (1) : 131.
Duracinsky Martin, Marcellin Fabienne, Cousin Lorraine, Di Beo Vincent, Mahé Véronique, Rousset-Torrente Olivia, Carrieri Patrizia, Chassany Olivier. Social and professional recognition are key determinants of quality of life at work among night-shift healthcare workers in Paris public hospitals (AP-HP ALADDIN COVID-19 survey). PLoS ONE 2022 ; 17 (4) : e0265724.
Marcellin Fabienne, Zucman David, Ramier Clémence, Lotto Marta, Miailhes Patrick, Piroth Lionel, Aumaitre Hugues, Mercié Patrick, Barré Tangui, Wittkop Linda, Sogni Philippe, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Carrieri Patrizia. Tobacco use in people living with HIV: The need for complementary descriptive data to see beyond the smoke screen. International Journal of Drug Policy 2022 ; 102 : 103616.
Marcellin Fabienne, Ramier Clémence, Barré Tangui, Bureau‐stoltmann Morgane, Metelkina-Fernandez Victoria, Carrieri Patrizia M., Protopopescu Camelia, Cherikh Faredj. Sleep quality deterioration in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of work-related factors and mental health. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2022 ; 26 (8) : 2648-2650.
Giorla Elodie, Nordmann Sandra, Vielle Cassandre, Pelloux Yann, Roux Perrine, Protopopescu Camélia, Manrique Christine, Davranche Karen, Montanari Christian, Giorgi Lisa, Vilotitch Antoine, Huguet Pascal, Carrieri Patrizia, Baunez Christelle. Peer presence and familiarity as key factors to reduce cocaine intake: An effect mediated by the Subthalamic Nucleus. Psychopharmacology 2022 ; 239 (4) : 1097-1113.
Mutricy Rémi, Matheus Séverine, Mosnier Émilie, Martinez-Lorenzi Enguerrane, de Laval Franck, Nacher Mathieu, Niemetzky Florence, Naudion Pauline, Djossou Félix, Rousset Dominique, Epelboin Loïc. Mayaro virus infection in French Guiana, a cross sectional study 2003–2019. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 2022 ; 99 : 105243.
Lazarus Jeffrey, Mark Henry, Villota-Rivas Marcela, Palayew Adam, Carrieri Patrizia, Colombo Massimo, Ekstedt Mattias, Esmat Gamal, George Jacob, Marchesini Giulio, Novak Katja, Ocama Ponsiano, Ratziu Vlad, Razavi Homie, Romero-Gómez Manuel, Silva Marcelo, Spearman C, Tacke Frank, Tsochatzis Emmanuel, Yilmaz Yusuf, Younossi Zobair, Wong Null-, Zelber-Sagi Shira, Cortez-Pinto Helena, Anstee Quentin. The global NAFLD policy review and preparedness index: Are countries ready to address this silent public health challenge? Journal of Hepatology 2022 ; 76 : 771-780.
Marino Patricia, Touzani Rajae, Pakradouni Jihane, Ben Soussan Patrick, Gravis Gwenaelle. The Psychological Distress of Cancer Patients following the COVID-19 Pandemic First Lockdown: Results from a Large French Survey. Cancers 2022 ; 14 (7) : 1794.
Barré Tangui, Ramier Clémence, Mounir Izza, Renaud David, Menvielle Loick, Marcellin Fabienne, Carrieri Patrizia, Protopopescu Camelia, Cherikh Faredj. Examining the Relationships between Mindfulness and Tobacco Craving Factors. Substance Use and Misuse 2022 ; 57 (4) : 656-659.
Fortin Davide, Di Beo Vincent, Massin Sophie, Bisiou Yann, Carrieri Patrizia, Barré Tangui. A “Good” Smoke? The Off-Label Use of Cannabidiol to Reduce Cannabis Use. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022 ; 13 : 829944.
Barre Tangui, Mercie Patrick, Lions Caroline, Miailhes Patrick, Zucman David, Aumaitre Hugues, Esterle Laure, Sogni Philippe, Carrieri Patrizia, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Marcellin Fabienne. HCV cure: an appropriate moment to reduce cannabis use in people living with HIV? (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH data). AIDS Research and Therapy 2022 ; 19 (1)
Mezaache Salim, Donadille Cécile, Martin Victor, Le Brun Gadelius Maëla, Appel Laurent, Spire Bruno, Briand Madrid Laelia, Bastien Martin, Roux Perrine. Changes in cannabis use and associated correlates during France’s first COVID-19 lockdown in daily cannabis users: results from a large community-based online survey. Harm Reduction Journal 2022 ; 19 (1) : 26.
Carrieri Patrizia, Mourad Abbas, Marcellin Fabienne, Trylesinski Aldo, Calleja José Luis, Protopopescu Camelia, Lazarus Jeffrey V. Knowledge of liver fibrosis stage among adults with NAFLD/NASH improves adherence to lifestyle changes. Liver International 2022 ; 42 (5) : 984 - 994.
Allibert Agathe, Tinland Aurélie, Landier Jordi, Loubière Sandrine, Gaudart Jean, Mosnier Marine, Farnarier Cyril, Auquier Pascal, Mosnier Emilie. Residential Mobility of a Cohort of Homeless People in Times of Crisis: COVID-19 Pandemic in a European Metropolis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022 ; 19 (5) : 3129.
Boyer Sylvie, Baudoin Maël, Nishimwe Marie Libérée, Santos Melina, Lemoine Maud, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Sylla Babacar, Kouanfack Charles, Carrieri Patrizia, Mourad Abbas, Rouveau Nicolas, Moh Raoul, Seydi Moussa, Attia Alain, Woode Maame Esi, Lacombe Karine. Cost-utility analysis of four WHO-recommended sofosbuvir-based regimens for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in sub-Saharan Africa. BMC Health Services Research 2022 ; 22 (1) : 303.
Cousin Lorraine, Di Beo Vincent, Marcellin Fabienne, Coscas Sarah, Mahé Véronique, Chavignaud Isabelle, Rousset Torrente Olivia, Chassany Olivier, Duracinsky Martin, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. Use of psychoactive substances by night-shift hospital healthcare workers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study based in Parisian public hospitals (ALADDIN). BMJ Open 2022 ; 12 (3) : e055699.
Barré Tangui, Fontaine Hélène, Ramier Clémence, Di Beo Vincent, Pol Stanislas, Carrieri Patrizia, Marcellin Fabienne, Cagnot Carole, Dorival Céline, Zucman-Rossi Jessica, Zoulim Fabien, Carrat Fabrice, Protopopescu Camelia. Elevated coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of elevated liver fibrosis biomarkers in patients treated for chronic hepatitis B (ANRS CO22 Hepather cohort). Clinical Nutrition 2022 ; 41 (3) : 610-619.
Della Vecchia Claire, Leroy Tanguy, Bauquier Charlotte, Pannard Myriam, Sarradon-Eck Aline, Darmon David, Dufour Jean-Charles, Preau Marie. Willingness of French General Practitioners to Prescribe mHealth Apps and Devices: Quantitative Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2022 ; 10 (2) : e28372.
Jauffret-Roustide Marie, Auriacombe Marc, de Dinechin Sébastien, Briand Madrid Laélia, Donadille Cécile, Célérier Isabelle, Chauvin Carole, Hamelin Naomi, Kircherr Sébastien, Lalanne Laurence, Roux Perrine. L'évaluation des salles de consommation à moindre risque en santé publique : la cohorte COSINUS (cohorte pour l'évaluation des facteurs structurels et individuels de l'usage de drogues). Politiques des drogues 2022 ; 34-42.
Gillibert André, Jauréguiberry Stéphane, Hansmann Yves, Argemi Xavier, Landier Jordi, Caumes Eric, Gaudart Jean. Comment on “A. annua and A. afra infusions vs. Artesunate-amodiaquine (ASAQ) in treating Plasmodium falciparum malaria in a large scale, double blind, randomized clinical trial” Munyangi et al., 2019. Phytomedicine 2022 ; 96 : 152981.
Menu Estelle, Mosnier Emilie, Cotrel Arnaud, Favennec Loic, Razakandrainibe Romy, Valot Stéphane, Blanchet Denis, Dalle Frédéric, Costa Damien, Gaillet Mélanie, Demar Magalie, de Laval Franck. Cryptosporidiosis outbreak in Amazonia, French Guiana, 2018. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2022 ; 16 (1) : e0010068.
Daoud Eric, Hamy-Petit Anne-Sophie, Dumas Elise, Delrieu Lidia, Rejo Beatriz Grandal, Le Bihan-Benjamin Christine, Houzard Sophie, Bousquet Philippe-Jean, Hotton Judicaël, Savoye Aude-Marie, Jouannaud Christelle, Azencott Chloé-Agathe, Lelarge Marc, Reyal Fabien. Disparities in accessibility to oncology care centers in France. 2022 .
Barré Tangui, Bourlière Marc, Ramier Clémence, Carrat Fabrice, Di Beo Vincent, Protopopescu Camelia, Marcellin Fabienne, Bureau Morgane, Cagnot Carole, Dorival Céline, Zoulim Fabien, Zucman-Rossi Jessica, Duclos-Vallée Jean-Charles, Fontaine Hélène, Carrieri Patrizia. Cannabis Use Is Inversely Associated with Metabolic Disorders in Hepatitis C-Infected Patients (ANRS CO22 Hepather Cohort). Journal of Clinical Medicine 2022 ; 11 (20) : 6135.
Rojas Rojas Teresa, Poizot-Martin Isabelle, Rey David, Duvivier Claudine, Bani-Sadr Firouzé, Cabie André, Delobel Pierre, Jacomet Christine, Allavena Clotilde, Ferry Tristan, Pugliese Pascal, Valantin Marc-Antoine, Lamaury Isabelle, Hustache-Matthieu Laurent, Fresard Anne, Houyou Tamazighth, Huleux Thomas, Cheret Antoine, Makinson Alain, Obry-Roguet Véronique, Lions Caroline, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Protopopescu Camelia. Incidence of cervical, breast and colorectal cancers between 2010 and 2015 in people living with HIV in France. PLoS ONE 2022 ; 17 (3) : e0261069.
Karlsen Tom, Sheron Nick, Zelber-Sagi Shira, Carrieri Patrizia, Dusheiko Geoffrey, Bugianesi Elisabetta, Pryke Rachel, Hutchinson Sharon, Sangro Bruno, Martin Natasha, Cecchini Michele, Dirac Mae Ashworth, Belloni Annalisa, Serra-Burriel Miquel, Ponsioen Cyriel, Sheena Brittney, Lerouge Alienor, Devaux Marion, Scott Nick, Hellard Margaret, Verkade Henkjan, Sturm Ekkehard, Marchesini Giulio, Yki-Järvinen Hannele, Byrne Chris, Targher Giovanni, Tur-Sinai Aviad, Barrett Damon, Ninburg Michael, Reic Tatjana, Taylor Alison, Rhodes Tim, Treloar Carla, Petersen Claus, Schramm Christoph, Flisiak Robert, Simonova Marieta, Pares Albert, Johnson Philip, Cucchetti Alessandro, Graupera Isabel, Lionis Christos, Pose Elisa, Fabrellas Núria, Ma Ann, Mendive Juan, Mazzaferro Vincenzo, Rutter Harry, Cortez-Pinto Helena, Kelly Deirdre, Burton Robyn, Lazarus Jeffrey, Ginès Pere, Buti Maria, Newsome Philip, Burra Patrizia, Manns Michael. The EASL-Lancet Liver Commission: protecting the next generation of Europeans against liver disease complications and premature mortality. The Lancet 2022 ; 399 (10319) : 61-116.
Barré Tangui, Fontaine Hélène, Pol Stanislas, Ramier Clémence, Di Beo Vincent, Protopopescu Camélia, Marcellin Fabienne, Bureau Morgane, Bourlière Marc, Dorival Céline, Petrov-Sanchez Ventzislava, Asselah Tarik, Delarocque-Astagneau Elisabeth, Larrey Dominique, Duclos-Vallée Jean Charles, Carrat Fabrice, Carrieri Patrizia. Metabolic Disorders in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection: Coffee as a Panacea? (ANRS CO22 Hepather Cohort). Antioxidants 2022 ; 11 (2) : 379.
Giorla Elodie, Nordmann Sandra, Vielle Cassandre, Pelloux Yann, Roux P, Protopopescu Camelia, Manrique Christine, Davranche Karen, Montanari Christian, Giorgi Lisa, Vilotitch Antoine, Huguet Pascal, Carrieri Patrizia, Baunez Christelle. Peer presence and familiarity as key factors to reduce cocaine intake: an effect mediated by the Subthalamic Nucleus. Psychopharmacology 2022 .
Carrieri Patrizia, Carrat Fabrice, Di Beo Vincent, Bourlière Marc, Barré Tangui, de Ledinghen Victor, Pageaux Georges Philippe, Bureau Morgane, Cagnot Carole, Dorival Céline, Delarocque-Astagneau Elisabeth, Marcellin Fabienne, Pol Stanislas, Fontaine Hélène, Protopopescu Camélia. Severe liver fibrosis in the HCV cure era: Major effects of social vulnerability, diabetes, and unhealthy behaviors. JHEP Reports Innovation in Hepatology 2022 ; 4 (6) : 100481.
Buono-Michel C., Mancini J., Planta M., Agostini A., Carcopino Xavier. Devenir des femmes de moins de 30 ans prises en charge pour une lésion intra-épithéliale de haut grade du col utérin non traitée. Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie 2022 ; 50 (9) : 610-614.
Barré Tangui, Ramier Clémence, Mounir Izza, David Renaud, Menvielle Loick, Marcellin Fabienne, Carrieri Patrizia, Protopopescu Camelia, Cherikh Faredj. Mindfulness as a Protective Factor Against Increased Tobacco and Alcohol Use in Hospital Workers Following the First COVID-19-Related Lockdown: a Study in Southern France. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 2022 ; 23 : 1-21.
Roux Perrine, Donadille Cécile, Girard Gabriel, Spire Bruno, Protière Christel, Velter Annie. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Men Who Have Sex With Men That Practice Chemsex in France: Results From the National ERAS Web Survey. American Journal of Men's Health 2022 ; 16 (1) : 15579883211073225.
Solignac Justine, Delmont Emilien, Fortanier Etienne, Attarian Shahram, Mancini Julien, Daniel Laurent, Ion Ioana, Ricci Jean-Etienne, Robert Thomas, Habib Gilbert, Moranne Olivier, Jourde-Chiche Noemie. Kidney involvement in hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis: a cohort study of 103 patients. Clinical Kidney Journal 2022 ; 15 (9) : 1747-1754.
Mezaache Salim, Briand-Madrid Laélia, Laporte Virginie, Rojas Castro Daniela, Carrieri Patrizia, Roux Perrine. A syndemic examination of injecting drug use, incarceration and multiple drug-related harms in French opioid users. International Journal of Prisoner Health 2021 ; ahead-of-print.
Ribeiro Guerra Maximiliano, Coignard Juliette, Eon-Marchais Séverine, Dondon Marie-Gabrielle, Le Gal Dorothée, Beauvallet Juana, Mebirouk Noura, Belotti Muriel, Caron Olivier, Gauthier-Villars Marion, Coupier Isabelle, Buecher Bruno, Lortholary Alain, Fricker Jean-Pierre, Gesta Paul, Noguès Catherine, Faivre Laurence, Berthet Pascaline, Luporsi Elisabeth, Delnatte Capucine, Bonadona Valérie, Maugard Christine, Pujol Pascal, Lasset Christine, Longy Michel, Bignon Yves-Jean, Adenis-Lavignasse Claude, Venat-Bouvet Laurence, Dreyfus Hélène, Gladieff Laurence, Mortemousque Isabelle, Audebert-Bellanger Séverine, Soubrier Florent, Giraud Sophie, Lejeune-Dumoulin Sophie, Limacher Jean-Marc, Chiesa Jean, Fajac Anne, Floquet Anne, Eisinger François, Tinat Julie, Fert-Ferrer Sandra, Colas Chrystelle, Frebourg Thierry, Damiola Francesca, Barjhoux Laure, Cavaciuti Eve, Mazoyer Sylvie, Tardivon Anne, Lesueur Fabienne, Stoppa-Lyonnet Dominique, Andrieu Nadine. Diagnostic chest X-rays and breast cancer risk among women with a hereditary predisposition to breast cancer unexplained by a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. Breast Cancer Research 2021 ; 23 (1)
Hassanaly Parina, Dufour Jean. Analysis of the Regulatory, Legal, and Medical Conditions for the Prescription of Mobile Health Applications in the United States, The European Union, and France. Med Devices (Auckl) / Medical devices (Auckland, N.Z.) - Medical devices : evidence and research. 2021 ; 14 : 389 - 409.
Fedi Mathilde, Bobot Mickaël, Torrents Julia, Gobert Pierre, Magnant Éric, Knefati Yannick, Verhelst David, Lebrun Gaëtan, Masson Valérie, Giaime Philippe, Santini Julien, Bataille Stanislas, Brunet Philippe, Dussol Bertrand, Burtey Stéphane, Mancini Julien, Daniel Laurent, Jourde-Chiche Noémie. Kidney biopsy in very elderly patients: indications, therapeutic impact and complications. BMC Nephrology 2021 ; 22 (1) : 362.
Périères Lauren, Protopopescu Camelia, Lo Gora, Marcellin Fabienne, Ba El Hadji, Coste Marion, Touré Kane Coumba, Diallo Aldiouma, Sokhna Cheikh, Boyer Sylvie, Anrs 12356 Ambass Survey Study Grp, Bérenger Cyril, Bousmah Marwân-Al-Qays, Carrieri Patrizia M., de Sèze Maëlle, Djaogol Tchadine, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Treibich Carole, Ba Ba El Hadji, Dièye Fambaye, Diouf Assane, Faye Elhadji Bilal, Ndiaye Assane, Sow Mouhamadou Baba, Ndiaye Anna Julienne Selbé, Ndiour Samba, Halfon Philippe, Mohamed Sofiane, Rouveau Nicolas, Cortès Maria‐camila Calvo, Laborde‐balen Gabrièle, Audibert Martine, Fall Fatou, Gueye Ibrahima, Lacombe Karine, Seydi Moussa, Shimakawa Yusuke, Tuaillon Edouard, Vray Muriel. Sibling status, home birth, tattoos and stitches are risk factors for chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Senegalese children: A cross‐sectional survey. Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2021 ; 28 (11) : 1515-1525.
Odonne Guillaume, Musset Lise, Cropet C., Philogene B., Gaillet M., Tareau Marc-Alexandre, Douine M., Michaud C., Davy Damien, Epelboin L., Lazrek Y., Brousse P., Travers P., Djossou F., Mosnier E.. When local phytotherapies meet biomedicine. Cross-sectional study of knowledge and intercultural practices against malaria in Eastern French Guiana. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2021 ; 279 : 114384.
Vezenegho Samuel, Carinci Romuald, Issaly Jean, Nguyen Christophe, Gaborit Pascal, Ferraro Laetitia, Lacour Guillaume, Mosnier Emilie, Pommier de Santi Vincent, Epelboin Yanouk, Girod Romain, Briolant Sébastien, Dusfour Isabelle. Variation in pyrethroid resistance phenotypes in Anopheles darlingi from residual malaria transmission area: warning on suspected resistance built-up in French Guiana. 2021 ; 424-427.
Ballester Benoit, Giraud Thomas, Ahmed Hany Mohamed Aly, Nabhan Mohamed Shady, Bukiet Frédéric, Guivarc’h Maud. Current strategies for conservative endodontic access cavity preparation techniques—systematic review, meta-analysis, and decision-making protocol. Clinical Oral Investigations 2021 ; 25 (11) : 6027-6044.
Thielemans Laurence, Peerawaranun Pimnara, Mukaka Mavuto, Paw Moo Kho, Wiladphaingern Jacher, Landier Jordi, Bancone Germana, Proux Stephane, Elsinga Henrike, Trip-Hoving Margreet, Hanboonkunupakarn Borimas, Htoo Tha Ler, Wah Thaw Shee, Beau Candy, Nosten Francois, Mcgready Rose, Carrara Verena I. High levels of pathological jaundice in the first 24 hours and neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia in an epidemiological cohort study on the Thailand-Myanmar border. PLoS ONE 2021 ; 16 (10) : e0258127.
Fortin Davide, Di Beo Vincent, Massin Sophie, Bisiou Yann, Carrieri Patrizia, Barré Tangui. Reasons for using cannabidiol: a cross-sectional study of French cannabidiol users. Journal of Cannabis Research 2021 ; 3 (1) : 46.
Lavit Elise, Aldea Mihaela, Piperno‐neumann Sophie, Firmin Nelly, Italiano Antoine, Isambert Nicolas, Kurtz Jean‐emmanuel, Delcambre Corinne, Lebrun Valérie, Soibinet‐oudot Pauline, Chevreau Christine, Bompas Emmanuelle, Le Maignan Christine, Boudou‐rouquette Pascaline, Le Cesne Axel, Mancini Julien, Blay Jean‐yves, Duffaud Florence. Treatment of 120 adult osteosarcoma patients with metachronous and synchronous metastases: A retrospective series of the French Sarcoma Group. International Journal of Cancer 2021 ; Online ahead of print.
Bougas Nicolas, Fresneau Brice C., Pinto Sandrine, Mayet Auŕelie, Marchi Joeffrey, Pein François, Mansouri Imène, Journy Neige Marie Yvanne, Jackson Angela, Souchard Vincent, Demoor-Goldschmidt Charlotte, Vu-Bezin Giao, Rubino Carolé, Oberlin Odile, Haddy Nadia, de Vathaire Florent, Allodji Setcheou Rodrigue, Dumas Agnès. Smoking and cannabis use among childhood cancer survivors: Results of the french childhood cancer survivor study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2021 ; 30 (10) : 1965-1973.
Caputo Sandrine, Golmard Lisa, Léone Mélanie, Damiola Francesca, Guillaud-Bataille Marine, Revillion Françoise, Rouleau Etienne, Derive Nicolas, Buisson Adrien, Basset Noémie, Schwartz Mathias, Vilquin Paul, Garrec Celine, Privat Maud, Gay-Bellile Mathilde, Abadie Caroline, Abidallah Khadija, Airaud Fabrice, Allary Anne-Sophie, Barouk-Simonet Emmanuelle, Belotti Muriel, Benigni Charlotte, Benusiglio Patrick, Berthemin Christelle, Berthet Pascaline, Bertrand Ophelie, Bézieau Stéphane, Bidart Marie, Bignon Yves-Jean, Birot Anne-Marie, Blanluet Maud, Bloucard Amelie, Bombled Johny, Bonadona Valerie, Bonnet Françoise, Bonnet-Dupeyron Marie-Noëlle, Boulaire Manon, Boulouard Flavie, Bouras Ahmed, Bourdon Violaine, Brahimi Afane, Brayotel Fanny, Bressac de Paillerets Brigitte, Bronnec Noémie, Bubien Virginie, Buecher Bruno, Cabaret Odile, Carriere Jennifer, Chiesa Jean, Chieze-Valéro Stephanie, Cohen Camille, Cohen-Haguenauer Odile, Colas Chrystelle, Collonge-Rame Marie-Agnès, Conoy Anne-Laure, Coulet Florence, Coupier Isabelle, Crivelli Louise, Cusin Véronica, de Pauw Antoine, Dehainault Catherine, Delhomelle Hélène, Delnatte Capucine, Demontety Sophie, Denizeau Philippe, Devulder Pierre, Dreyfus Helene, D’enghein Catherine Dubois, Dupré Anaïs, Durlach Anne, Dussart Sophie, Fajac Anne, Fekairi Samira, Fert-Ferrer Sandra, Fiévet Alice, Fouillet Robin, Mouret-Fourme Emmanuelle, Gauthier-Villars Marion, Gesta Paul, Giraud Sophie, Gladieff Laurence, Goldbarg Veronica, Goussot Vincent, Guibert Virginie, Guillerm Erell, Guy Christophe, Hardouin Agnès, Heude Céline, Houdayer Claude, Ingster Olivier, Jacquot-Sawka Caroline, Jones Natalie, Krieger Sophie, Lacoste Sofiane, Lallaoui Hakima, Larbre Helene, Laugé Anthony, Le Guyadec Gabrielle, Le Mentec Marine, Lecerf Caroline, Le Gall Jessica, Legendre Bérengère, Legrand Clémentine, Legros Angélina, Lejeune Sophie, Lidereau Rosette, Lignon Norbert, Limacher Jean-Marc, Lizard Sarab, Longy Michel, Lortholary Alain, Macquere Pierre, Mailliez Audrey, Malsa Sarah, Margot Henri, Mari Véronique, Maugard Christine, Meira Cindy, Menjard Julie, Molière Diane, Moncoutier Virginie, Moretta-Serra Jessica, Muller Etienne, Nevière Zoe, Nguyen Minh Tuan Thien-Vu, Noguchi Tetsuro, Noguès Catherine, Oca Florine, Popovici Cornel, Prieur Fabienne, Raad Sabine, Rey Jean-Marc, Ricou Agathe, Salle Lucie, Saule Claire, Sevenet Nicolas, Simaga Fatoumata, Sobol Hagay, Suybeng Voreak, Tennevet Isabelle, Tenreiro Henrique, Tinat Julie, Toulas Christine, Turbiez Isabelle, Uhrhammer Nancy, Vande Perre Pierre, Vaur Dominique, Venat Laurence, Viellard Nicolas, Villy Marie-Charlotte, Warcoin Mathilde, Yvard Alice, Zattara Helene, Caron Olivier, Lasset Christine, Remenieras Audrey, Boutry-Kryza Nadia, Castéra Laurent, Stoppa-Lyonnet Dominique. Classification of 101 BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants of uncertain significance by cosegregation study: A powerful approach. American Journal of Human Genetics 2021 ; 108 (10) : 1907-1923.
Caumette Elsa, Vaz-Luis Inès, Pinto Sandrine, Havas Julie, Bovagnet Thomas, Ruiz de Azua Garazi, Di Meglio Antonio, Martin Anne-Laure, Everhard Sibille, Cottu Paul, Vanlemmens Laurence, Jouannaud Christelle, Lerebours Florence, Dumas Agnès, Menvielle Gwenn. The Challenge of Return to Work after Breast Cancer: The Role of Family Situation, CANTO Cohort. Current Oncology 2021 ; 28 (5) : 3866-3875.
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Alsaïdi Ismaïl, de Sousa Santos Frédéric, Plard Bérengère, Janvier Elise, Tinland Aurélie, Hafni Abdelmajid, Mosnier Emilie. Factors associated with SARS-CoV2 infection and care pathways among the most vulnerable populations living in Marseille: a case control study. BMC Public Health 2021 ; 21 (1) : 1704.
Santos Melina, Protopopescu Camelia, Delarocque‐astagneau Elizabeth, Bourlière Marc, Petrov‐sanchez Ventizlava, Di Beo Vincent, Larrey Dominique, Baudoin Maël, Dorival Céline, Bureau Morgane, Fontaine Hélène, Carrat Fabrice, Marcellin Fabienne, Pol Stanislas, Carrieri Patrizia. Late presentation for HCV care: Time to target people with diabetes and/or hazardous alcohol use (ANRS CO22 HEPATHER cohort). Liver International 2021 ; Online ahead of print.
Marcellin Fabienne, Di Beo Vincent, Esterle Laure, Abgrall Sophie, Pialoux Gilles, Barré Tangui, Wittkop Linda, Salmon‐ceron Dominique, Sogni Philippe, Carrieri Patrizia. Post‐HCV cure self‐reported changes in physical activity, eating behaviours, and fatigue in people living with HIV (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH). Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2021 ; 28 (11) : 1665 - 1667.
Durand Marie-Anne, Lamouroux Aurore, Redmond Niamh M, Rotily Michel, Bourmaud Aurélie, Schott Anne-Marie, Auger-Aubin Isabelle, Frachon Adèle, Exbrayat Catherine, Balamou Christian, Gimenez Laëtitia, Grosclaude Pascale, Moumjid Nora, Haesebaert Julie, Massy Helene Delattre, Bardes Julia, Touzani Rajae, Diant Laury Beaubrun En Famille, Casanova Clémence, Seitz Jean François, Mancini Julien, Delpierre Cyrille. Impact of a health literacy intervention combining general practitioner training and a consumer facing intervention to improve colorectal cancer screening in underserved areas: protocol for a multicentric cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health 2021 ; 21 (1)
Loubiere Sandrine, Monfardini Elisabetta, Allaria Camille, Mosnier Marine, Allibert Agathe, Ninove Laetitia, Bosetti Thomas, Farnarier Cyril, Hamouda Ilyes, Auquier Pascal, Mosnier Emilie, Tinland Aurélie. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among homeless people living rough, in shelters and squats: A large population-based study in France. PLoS ONE 2021 ; 16 (9) : e0255498.
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Schrijver Lieske H, Olsson Håkan, Phillips Kelly-Anne, Terry Mary Beth, Goldgar David E, Kast Karin, Engel Christoph, Mooij Thea M, Adlard Julian, Barrowdale Daniel, Davidson Rosemarie, Eeles Ros, Ellis Steve, Evans D Gareth, Frost Debra, Izatt Louise, Porteous Mary E, Side Lucy E, Walker Lisa, Berthet Pascaline, Bonadona Valérie, Leroux Dominique, Mouret-Fourme Emmanuelle, Venat-Bouvet Laurence, Buys Saundra S, Southey Melissa C, John Esther M, Chung Wendy K, Daly Mary B, Bane Anita, van Asperen Christi J, Gómez Garcia Encarna B, Mourits Marian J E, van Os Theo a M, Roos-Blom Marie-José, Friedlander Michael L, Mclachlan Sue-Anne, Singer Christian F, Tan Yen y, Foretova Lenka, Navratilova Marie, Gerdes Anne-Marie, Caldes Trinidad, Simard Jacques, Olah Edith, Jakubowska Anna, Arver Brita, Osorio Ana, Noguès Catherine, Andrieu Nadine, Easton Douglas F, van Leeuwen Flora E, Hopper John L, Milne Roger L, Antoniou Antonis C, Rookus Matti A. Oral Contraceptive Use and Breast Cancer Risk: Retrospective and Prospective Analyses From a BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carrier Cohort Study. JNCI Cancer Spectrum 2021 ; 2 (2) : pky023.
Taylor Walter Robert, Hoglund Richard M, Peerawaranun Pimnara, Nguyen Thuy Nhien, Hien Tran Tinh, Tarantola Arnaud, von Seidlein Lorenz, Tripura Rupam, Peto Thomas J, Dondorp Arjen M, Landier Jordi, H.Nosten Francois, Smithuis Frank, Phommasone Koukeo, Mayxay Mayfong, Kheang Soy Ty, Say Chy, Neeraj Kak, Rithea Leang, Dysoley Lek, Kheng Sim, Muth Sinoun, Roca-Feltrer Arantxa, Debackere Mark, Fairhurst Rick M, Song Ngak, Buchy Philippe, Menard Didier, White Nicholas J, Tarning Joel, Mukaka Mavuto. Development of weight and age-based dosing of daily primaquine for radical cure of vivax malaria. Malaria Journal 2021 ; 20 (1) : 366.
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Jacob Christopher G, Thuy-Nhien Nguyen, Mayxay Mayfong, Maude Richard J, Quang Huynh Hong, Hongvanthong Bouasy, Vanisaveth Viengxay, Ngo Duc Thang, Rekol Huy, van Der Pluijm Rob, von Seidlein Lorenz, Fairhurst Rick, Nosten François, Hossain Md Amir, Park Naomi, Goodwin Scott, Ringwald Pascal, Chindavongsa Keobouphaphone, Newton Paul, Ashley Elizabeth, Phalivong Sonexay, Maude Rapeephan, Leang Rithea, Huch Cheah, Dong Le Thanh, Nguyen Kim-Tuyen, Nhat Tran Minh, Hien Tran Tinh, Nguyen Hoa, Zdrojewski Nicole, Canavati Sara, Sayeed Abdullah Abu, Uddin Didar, Buckee Caroline, Fanello Caterina I, Onyamboko Marie, Peto Thomas, Tripura Rupam, Amaratunga Chanaki, Myint Thu Aung, Delmas Gilles, Landier Jordi, Parker Daniel M, Chau Nguyen Hoang, Lek Dysoley, Suon Seila, Callery James, Jittamala Podjanee, Hanboonkunupakarn Borimas, Pukrittayakamee Sasithon, Phyo Aung Pyae, Smithuis Frank, Lin Khin, Thant Myo, Hlaing Tin Maung, Satpathi Parthasarathi, Satpathi Sanghamitra, Behera Prativa K, Tripura Amar, Baidya Subrata, Valecha Neena, Anvikar Anupkumar R, Ul Islam Akhter, Faiz Abul, Kunasol Chanon, Drury Eleanor, Kekre Mihir, Ali Mozam, Love Katie, Rajatileka Shavanthi, Jeffreys Anna E, Rowlands Kate, Hubbart Christina S, Dhorda Mehul, Vongpromek Ranitha, Kotanan Namfon, Wongnak Phrutsamon, Almagro Garcia Jacob, Pearson Richard D, Ariani Cristina V, Chookajorn Thanat, Malangone Cinzia, Nguyen T, Stalker Jim, Jeffery Ben, Keatley Jonathan, Johnson Kimberly J, Muddyman Dawn, Chan Xin Hui S, Sillitoe John, Amato Roberto, Simpson Victoria, Gonçalves Sonia, Rockett Kirk, Day Nicholas P, Dondorp Arjen M, Kwiatkowski Dominic P, Miotto Olivo. Genetic surveillance in the Greater Mekong subregion and South Asia to support malaria control and elimination. eLife 2021 ; 10 : e62997.
Habert Paul, Di Bisceglie Mathieu, Hak Jean-François, Brige Pauline, Chopinet Sophie, Mancini Julien, Bartoli Axel, Vidal Vincent, Roux Charles, Tselikas Lambros, de Baere Thierry, Gaubert Jean-Yves. Percutaneous lung and liver CT-guided ablation on swine model using microwave ablation to determine ablation size for clinical practice. International Journal of Hyperthermia 2021 ; 38 (1) : 1140 - 1148.
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Maraninchi Marie, Calabrese Anastasia, Nogueira Juan-Patricio, Castinetti Frédéric, Mancini Julien, Mourre Florian, Piétri Léa, Bénamo Eric, Albarel Frédérique, Morange Isabelle, Dupont-Roussel Jeanine, Nicolay Alain, Brue Thierry, Béliard Sophie, Valéro René. Role of growth hormone in hepatic and intestinal triglyceride-rich lipoprotein metabolism. Journal of clinical lipidology 2021 ; S1933-2874 (21) : 00123-9.
Lailler Grégory, Memoli Victoria, Le Bihan Benjamin Christine, Ben Diane Marc-Karim, Lauzier Sophie, Mancini Julien, Bousquet Philippe Jean, Bouhnik Anne-Déborah. Five-Year Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy Adherence Trajectories Among Women With Breast Cancer: A Nationwide French Study Using Administrative Data. Clinical Breast Cancer 2021 ; 21 : e415 - e426.
Jiao Yue, Lesueur Fabienne, Azencott Chloé-Agathe, Laurent Maïté, Mebirouk Noura, Laborde Lilian, Beauvallet Juana, Dondon Marie-Gabrielle, Eon-Marchais Séverine, Laugé Anthony, Noguès Catherine C., Andrieu Nadine, Stoppa-Lyonnet Dominique, Caputo Sandrine M, Boutry-Kryza Nadia, Calender Alain, Giraud Sophie, Léone Mélanie, Bressac- de Paillerets Brigitte, Caron Olivier, Guillaud-Bataille Marine, Bignon Yves-Jean, Uhrhammer Nancy, Bonadona Valérie, Lasset Christine, Berthet Pascaline, Castera Laurent, Vaur Dominique, Bourdon Violaine, Noguchi Tetsuro, Popovici Cornel, Remenieras Audrey, Sobol Hagay, Coupier Isabelle, Harmand Pierre-Olivier, Pujol Pascal, Vilquin Paul, Dumont Aurélie, Révillion Françoise, Muller Danièle, Barouk-Simonet Emmanuelle, Bonnet Françoise, Bubien Virginie, Longy Michel, Sevenet Nicolas, Gladieff Laurence, Guimbaud Rosine, Feillel Viviane, Toulas Christine, Dreyfus Hélène, Leroux Dominique, Peysselon Magalie, Rebischung Christine, Baurand Amandine, Bertolone Geoffrey, Coron Fanny, Faivre Laurence, Goussot Vincent, Jacquot Caroline, Sawka Caroline, Kientz Caroline, Lebrun Marine, Prieur Fabienne, Fert-Ferrer Sandra, Mari Véronique, Venat-Bouvet Laurence, Bézieau Stéphane, Delnatte Capucine, Mortemousque Isabelle, Coulet Florence, Soubrier Florent, Warcoin Mathilde, Bronner Myriam, Lizard Sarab, Sokolowska Johanna, Collonge-Rame Marie-Agnès, Damette Alexandre, Gesta Paul, Lallaoui Hakima, Chiesa Jean, Molina-Gomes Denise, Ingster Olivier, Manouvrier-Hanu Sylvie, Lejeune Sophie, Pontois Pauline, Lyonnet Dominique Stoppa, Gauthier-Villars Marion, Buecher Bruno, Mouret-Fourme Emmanuelle, Fricker Jean-Pierre, Luporsi Elisabeth, Frenay Marc, Eisinger Francois, Moretta Jessica, Dugast Catherine, Colas Chrystelle, Lortholary Alain, Vennin Philippe, Adenis Claude, Nguyen Tan Dat, Rossi Annick, Tinat Julie, Tennevet Isabelle, Limacher Jean-Marc, Maugard Christine, Bignon Jean-Yves, Demange Liliane, Cohen-Haguenauer Odile, Gilbert Brigitte, Zattara-Cannoni Hélène. A new hybrid record linkage process to make epidemiological databases interoperable: application to the GEMO and GENEPSO studies involving BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2021 ; 21 (1) : 155.
Testa Damien, Jourde-Chiche Noémie, Mancini Julien, Varriale Pasquale, Radoszycki Lise, Chiche Laurent. Unsupervised clustering analysis of data from an online community to identify lupus patient profiles with regards to treatment preferences. Lupus 2021 ; 30 (11) : 1837 - 1843.
de Rauglaudre Bernadette, Norguet-Monnereau Emmanuelle, Duluc Muriel, Nanni Isabelle, Mancini Julien, Dahan Laetitia. Impact of a Molecular Sequencing Systematic at Diagnosis in Digestive Oncology: Experience of a French Center. Clinical Oncology and Research 2021 ; 1 - 13.
Rey Dominique, Touzani Rajae, Bouhnik Anne-Déborah, Rousseau Frédérique, Monet Adeline, Préau Marie, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Mancini Julien. Evolution of physical activity and body weight changes in breast cancer survivors five years after diagnosis – VICAN 2 & 5 French national surveys. The Breast 2021 ; 59 : 248 - 255.
Schincariol Thomas, Roux Emmanuel, Jégo Sylvaine, Catry Thibault, Girond Florian, Herbreteau Vincent, Moua Yi, Saldanha Raphael, Mosnier Emilie. Forecasting cross-border malaria case number: towards an early warning system to support malaria elimination plans. 2021 .
Touzani Rajae, Schultz Emilien, Holmes Seth M, Vandentorren Stéphanie, Arwidson Pierre, Guillemin Francis, Rey Dominique, Rouquette Alexandra, Bouhnik Anne-Déborah, Mancini Julien. Early acceptability of a mobile app for contact tracing during the COVID-19 pandemic in France : national web-based survey. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2021 ; 9 (7) : e27768.
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Laguitton Virginie, Desnous Béatrice, Lépine Anne, Mcgonigal Aileen, Mancini Julien, Daquin Géraldine, Girard Nadine, Scavarda Didier, Trébuchon Agnès, Milh Mathieu, Bartolomei Fabrice, Villeneuve Nathalie. Intellectual outcome from 1 to 5 years after epilepsy surgery in 81 children and adolescents: A longitudinal study. Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy 2021 ; 91 : 384 - 392.
Epelboin Loïc, Dione Aïda, Serris Alexandra, Blanchet Denis, Bidaud Bastien, Walter Gaëlle, Abboud Philippe, Mosnier Emilie, Gaillet Mélanie, Michaud Céline, Couppié Pierre, Demar Magalie Pierre, Nacher Mathieu, Djossou Félix, Adenis Antoine. Histoplasmosis of the Central Nervous System: A Case Series between 1990 and 2019 in French Guiana. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2021 ; 105 (1) : 125 - 129.
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Mosnier Emilie, Nevissas Olivia, Loubière Sandrine, Mosnier Marine, Bosetti Thomas, Bottero Julie, Roux Perrine, Monfardini Elisabetta, Tinland Aurélie. SARS-CoV-2 rapid serological tests for field-based healthcare workers in homeless communities: A mixed-methods exploratory analysis. Public Health in Practice 2021 ; 2 : 100154.
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Landier Jordi, Paireau Juliette, Rebaudet Stanislas, Legendre Eva, Lehot Laurent, Fontanet Arnaud, Cauchemez Simon, Gaudart Jean. Cold and dry winter conditions are associated with greater SARS-CoV-2 transmission at regional level in western countries during the first epidemic wave. Scientific Reports 2021 ; 11 (1) : 12756.
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Danwang Celestin, Noubiap Jean Jacques, Souopgui Jacob, Gaudart Jean, Yombi Jean Cyr, Robert Annie. Accuracy of malaria diagnostic tests performed on non-invasively collected samples: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Global Health 2021 ; 6 (6) : e005634.
Azarang Leyla, Giorgi Roch. Estimation of covariate effects on net survivals in the relative survival progressive illness-death model. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2021 ; 30 (6) : 1538-1553.
Tall Haoua, Adam Pierrick, Tiendrebeogo Abdoul Salam Eric, Vincent Jeanne Perpétue, Schaeffer Laura, von Platen Cassandre Von, Fernandes-Pellerin Sandrine, Sawadogo François, Bokoum Alkadri, Bouda Ghislain, Ouattara Seydou, Ouédraogo Issa, Herrant Magali, Boucheron Pauline, Sawadogo Appolinaire, Betsem Edouard, Essoh Alima, Kabore Lassané, Ouattara Amariane, Méda Nicolas, Hien Hervé, Gosset Andréa, Giles-Vernick Tamara, Boyer Sylvie, Kania Dramane, Vray Muriel, Shimakawa Yusuke. Impact of Introducing Hepatitis B Birth Dose Vaccines into the Infant Immunization Program in Burkina Faso: Study Protocol for a Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial (NéoVac Study). Vaccines 2021 ; 9 (6) : 583.
Allaria Camille, Loubière Sandrine, Mosnier Emilie, Monfardini Elisa, Auquier Pascal, Tinland Aurelie. “Locked down outside”: Perception of hazard and health resources in COVID-19 epidemic context among homeless people. SSM - Population Health 2021 ; 15 : 100829.
Reynoard Julien, Desmarais André, Mancini Julien, Delteil Clémence, Leonetti Georges, Piercecchi-Marti Marie-Dominique, Tuchtan-Torrents Lucile. Homicides and suicides by firearm in Marseille: An 8-year review. Legal Medicine 2021 ; 52 : 101909.
Moussilmani Tiphaine, Knight S, Mancini Julien, Touboul Cyril, Rodriguez Florence, Bolze Pierre Adrien, Bendifallah Sofiane, Ballester Marcos, Collinet Pierre, Kerbage Yohan, Ouldamer Lobna, Atrous Geoffroy, Lavoué Vincent, Dion Ludivine, Dabi Yohann, Raimond Emilie, Graesslin Olivier, Huchon Cyrille, Mimouni Myriam, Bricou Alexandre, Golfier Francois, Carcopino Xavier. Prognosis impact of posttreatment pelvic MRI in patients treated for stage IB2-IIB cervical cancer with chemoradiation therapy. EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2021 ; 47 (5) : 1103-1110.
Gosset Andréa, Nishimwe Marie Libérée, Diallo Mamadou Yaya, Deroo Lucas, Diallo Aldiouma, Ba El Hadji, Carrieri Patrizia Maria, Sokhna Cheikh, Vray Muriel, Shimakawa Yusuke, Boyer Sylvie. The Costs of Introducing the Hepatitis B Birth Dose Vaccine into the National Immunization Programme in Senegal (NéoVac Study). Vaccines 2021 ; 9 (5) : 521.
Périères Lauren, Marcellin Fabienne, Lo Gora, Protopopescu Camelia, Ba El Hadji, Coste Marion, Touré Kane Coumba, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Diallo Aldiouma, Sokhna Cheikh, Boyer Sylvie. Hepatitis B Vaccination in Senegalese Children: Coverage, Timeliness, and Sociodemographic Determinants of Non-Adherence to Immunisation Schedules (ANRS 12356 AmBASS Survey). Vaccines 2021 ; 9 (5) : 510.
Barré Tangui, Mercie Patrick, Marcellin Fabienne, Esterle Laure, Duvivier Claudine, Teicher Elina, Bureau Morgane, Chas Julie, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Sogni Philippe, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Wittkop Linda, Protopopescu Camelia. HCV Cure and Cannabis Abstinence Facilitate Tobacco Smoking Quit Attempts in HIV-HCV Co-Infected Patients (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH Cohort Study). AIDS and Behavior 2021 ; 25 : 4141–4153.
Lonjou Christine, Eon‐marchais Séverine, Truong Thérèse, Dondon Marie‐gabrielle, Karimi Mojgan, Jiao Yue, Damiola Francesca, Barjhoux Laure, Le Gal Dorothée, Beauvallet Juana, Mebirouk Noura, Cavaciuti Eve, Chiesa Jean, Floquet Anne, Audebert‐bellanger Séverine, Giraud Sophie, Frebourg Thierry, Limacher Jean‐marc, Gladieff Laurence, Mortemousque Isabelle, Dreyfus Hélène, Lejeune‐dumoulin Sophie, Lasset Christine, Venat‐bouvet Laurence, Bignon Yves‐jean, Pujol Pascal, Maugard Christine, Luporsi Elisabeth, Bonadona Valérie, Noguès Catherine, Berthet Pascaline, Delnatte Capucine, Gesta Paul, Lortholary Alain, Faivre Laurence, Buecher Bruno, Caron Olivier, Gauthier‐villars Marion, Coupier Isabelle, Mazoyer Sylvie, Monraz Luis‐cristobal, Kondratova Maria, Kuperstein Inna, Guénel Pascal, Barillot Emmanuel, Stoppa‐lyonnet Dominique, Andrieu Nadine, Lesueur Fabienne. Gene‐ and pathway‐level analyses of iCOGS variants highlight novel signaling pathways underlying familial breast cancer susceptibility. International Journal of Cancer 2021 ; 148 (8) : 1895-1909.
Haghiri Sandrine, Fayech Chiraz, Mansouri Imène, Dufour Christelle, Pasqualini Claudia, Bolle Stéphanie, Rivollet Sophie, Dumas Agnès, Boumaraf Amel, Belhout Amel, Journy Neige, Souchard Vincent, Vu-Bezin Giao, Veres Cristina, Haddy Nadia, de Vathaire Florent, Valteau-Couanet Dominique, Fresneau Brice. Long-term follow-up of high-risk neuroblastoma survivors treated with high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation rescue. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2021 ; 56 (8) : 1984-1997.
Lazarus Jeffrey V, Palayew Adam, Carrieri Patrizia M., Ekstedt Mattias, Marchesini Giulio, Novak Katja, Ratziu Vlad, Romero-Gómez Manuel, Tacke Frank, Zelber-Sagi Shira, Cortez-Pinto Helena, Anstee Quentin M. European ‘NAFLD Preparedness Index’ — Is Europe ready to meet the challenge of fatty liver disease? JHEP Reports Innovation in Hepatology 2021 ; 3 (2) : 100234.
Radulesco Thomas, Mancini Julien, Penicaud Martin, Grob Jean-Jacques, Richard Marie-Aleth, Dessi Patrick, Malissen Nausicaa, Michel Justin. Cross-cultural adaptation into French and validation of the SCAR-Q questionnaire. Quality of Life Research 2021 ; 30 (4) : 1225-1231.
Gaudart Jean, Landier Jordi, Huiart Laetitia, Legendre Eva, Lehot Laurent, Bendiane Marc Karim, Chiche Laurent, Petitjean Aliette, Mosnier Emilie, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Fati, Demongeot Jacques, Piarroux Renaud, Rebaudet Stanislas. Factors associated with the spatial heterogeneity of the first wave of COVID-19 in France: a nationwide geo-epidemiological study. The Lancet Public Health 2021 ; 6 (4) : 222-231.
Marino Patricia, Touzani Rajae, Seguin Lorène, Moulin Jean Francois, Palomares Myriam, Cappiello Maria-Antonietta, Provansal Magali, Vittot Martine, Dermeche Slimane, Launay Simon, Goncalves Anthony, Bouhnik Anne Deborah, Gravis Gwenaelle. Advance Approval of Outpatient Chemotherapy via Phone Call Optimizes Healthcare Delivery without Compromising Patient Satisfaction with Care. Cancers 2021 ; 13 (6) : 1337.
Delrieu Lidia, Bouaoun Liacine, Fatouhi Douae El, Dumas Elise, Bouhnik Anne-Déborah, Noelle Hugo, Jacquet Emmanuelle, Hamy Anne-Sophie, Coussy Florence, Reyal Fabien, Heudel Pierre-Etienne, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Fournier Baptiste, Michallet Mauricette, Fervers Béatrice, Fagherazzi Guy, Pérol Olivia. Patterns of Sequelae in Women with a History of Localized Breast Cancer: Results from the French VICAN Survey. Cancers 2021 ; 13 (5) : 1161.
Calderon Lisa, Netter Antoine, Grob-Vaillant Anaïs, Mancini Julien, Siles Pascale, Vidal Vincent, Agostini Aubert. Progression of adenomyosis magnetic resonance imaging features under ulipristal acetate for symptomatic fibroids. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2021 ; 42 (3) : 661-668.
Schultz Émilien, Ward Jeremy K, Atlani-Duault Laëtitia, Holmes Seth, Mancini Julien. French public familiarity and attitudes toward clinical research during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 ; 18 (5) : 2611.
Philip Mary, Delcourt Sarkis, Mancini Julien, Tessonnier Laetitia, Cammilleri Serge, Arregle Florent, Martel Hélène, Oliver Leopold, Hubert Sandrine, Renard Sébastien, Camoin Laurence, Casalta Anne Claire, Casalta Jean Paul, Gouriet Frédérique, Riberi Alberto, Lepidi Hubert, Collart Frederic, Raoult Didier, Drancourt Michel, Habib Gilbert. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography for the diagnosis of native valve infective endocarditis: A prospective study. Archives of cardiovascular diseases 2021 ; 114 (3) : 211-220.
Rodwin Marc A, Mancini Julien, Duran Ségolène, Jalbert Anne-Céline, Viens Patrice, Maraninchi Dominique, Gonçalves Anthony, Marino Patricia. The use of ‘added benefit’ to determine the price of new anti-cancer drugs in France, 2004–2017. European Journal of Cancer 2021 ; 145 : 11 - 18.
Menu Estelle, Landier Jordi, Prudent Elsa, Ranque Stéphane, L’ollivier Coralie. Evaluation of 11 DNA Automated Extraction Protocols for the Detection of the 5 Mains Candida Species from Artificially Spiked Blood. Journal of Fungi 2021 ; 7 (3) : 228.
Debourdeau Antoine, Caillol Fabrice, Zemmour Christophe, Winkler Jérome Polypo, Decoster Claire, Pesenti Christian, Ratone Jean-Philippe, Boher Jean-Marie, Giovannini Marc. Endoscopic management of concomitant biliary and duodenal malignant obstruction: Impact of the timing of drainage for one vs. two procedures and the modalities of biliary drainage. Endoscopic Ultrasound 2021 ; 10 (2) : 124-133.
Mezaache Salim, Briand-Madrid Laélia, Rahni Linda, Poireau Julien, Branchu Fiona, Moudachirou Khafil, Wendzinski Yourine, Carrieri Patrizia, Roux Perrine. A two-component intervention to improve hand hygiene practices and promote alcohol-based hand rub use among people who inject drugs: a mixed-methods evaluation. BMC Infectious Diseases 2021 ; 21 (1) : 211.
Fiorentino Marion, Sow Abdourahmane, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mora Marion, Mengue Marie-Thérèse, Vidal Laurent, Kuaban Christopher, March Laura, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno, Boyer Sylvie. Intimate partner violence by men living with HIV in Cameroon: Prevalence, associated factors and implications for HIV transmission risk (ANRS-12288 EVOLCAM). PLoS ONE 2021 ; 16 (2) : e0246192.
Delabre Rosemary, Bernier Adeline, Sánchez Flor, Vilotitch Antoine, Chanos Sophocles, Cosmaro Maria, Langanke Harriet, Mey Coline, James Cary, Duken Sascha, Schlegel Vincent, Stranz Richard, Jonas Kai, Spire Bruno, Rojas Castro Daniela. “Yes, I’m interested in taking PrEP!”: PrEP interest among women respondents to the European community-based survey “Flash! PrEP in Europe”. PLoS ONE 2021 ; 16 (2) : e0246037.
Barre Tangui, Rojas Rojas Teresa, Lacombe Karine, Protopopescu Camelia, Poizot-Martin Isabelle, Nishimwe Marie, Zucman David, Esterle Laure, Billaud Eric, Aumaitre Hugues, Bouchaud Olivier, Rey David, Piroth Lionel, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Wittkop Linda, Sogni Philippe, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Serfaty Lawrence, Marcellin Fabienne. Cannabis use and reduced risk of elevated fatty liver index in HIV-HCV co-infected patients: a longitudinal analysis (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH). Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy 2021 ; 19 (9) : 1147-1156.
Scully Jenna, Mosnier Emilie, Carbunar Aurel, Roux Emmanuel, Djossou Félix, Garçeran Nicolas, Musset Lise, Sanna Alice, Demar Magalie Pierre, Nacher Mathieu, Gaudart Jean. Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax in French Guiana: 2005–2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 ; 18 (3) : 1077.
Piarroux Renaud, Gaudart Jean, Rebaudet Stanislas. COVID-19 Pandemic: the story is not over yet. Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine 2021 ; 40 (1) : 100802.
Schrijver Lieske, Antoniou Antonis, Olsson Håkan, Mooij Thea, Roos-Blom Marie-José, Azarang Leyla, Adlard Julian, Ahmed Munaza, Barrowdale Daniel, Davidson Rosemarie, Donaldson Alan, Eeles Ros, Evans D Gareth, Frost Debra, Henderson Alex, Izatt Louise, Ong Kai-Ren, Bonadona Valérie, Coupier Isabelle, Faivre Laurence, Fricker Jean-Pierre, Gesta Paul, van Engelen Klaartje, Jager Agnes, Menko Fred, Mourits Marian, Singer Christian, Tan Yen, Foretova Lenka, Navratilova Marie, Schmutzler Rita, Ellberg Carolina, Gerdes Anne-Marie, Caldes Trinidad, Simard Jacques, Olah Edith, Jakubowska Anna, Rantala Johanna, Osorio Ana, Hopper John, Phillips Kelly-Anne, Milne Roger, Beth Terry Mary, Noguès Catherine, Engel Christoph, Kast Karin, Goldgar David, van Leeuwen Flora, Easton Douglas, Andrieu Nadine, Rookus Matti, Evans D. Gareth, Mourits Marian J.E., Laborde Lilian, Pontois Pauline, Breysse Emanuelle, Berline Margot, Stoppa-Lyonnet Dominique, Gauthier-Villars Marion, Buecher Bruno, Colas Chrystelle, Caron Olivier, Mouret-Fourme Emmanuelle, Saule Claire, Lasset Christine, Dussard Sophie, Berthet Pascaline, Luporsi Elisabeth, Mari Véronique, Gladieff Laurence, Chieze-Valéro Stéphanie, Moretta Jessica, Sobol Hagay, Eisinger François, Popovici Cornel, Longy Michel, Grivelli Louise, Soubrier Florent, Benusiglio Patrick, Pujol Pascal, Corsini Carole, Morin-Meschin Marie-Emmanuelle, Lortholary Alain, Adenis Claude, Maillez Audrey, Nguyen Tan Dat, Delnatte Capucine, Abadie Caroline, Tinat Julie, Tennevet Isabelle, Maugard Christine, Bignon Yves-Jean, Gay Bellile Mathilde, Penet Clotilde, Dreyfus Hélène, Cohen-Haguenauer Odile, Gilbert Brigitte, Venat-Bouvet Laurence, Leroux Dominique, Legrand Clémentine, Zattara-Cannoni Hélène, Layet Valérie, Lacaze Elodie, Fert-Ferrer Sandra, Bera Odile, Gilbert-Dussardier Brigitte, Tougeron David, Lallaoui Hakima, Rookus M.A., Hogervorst F.B.L., van Leeuwen F.E., Adank M.A., Schmidt M.K., Jenner D.J., Collée J.M., van den Ouweland A.M.W., Hooning M.J., Boere I.A., van Asperen C.J., Devilee P., van Der Luijt R.B., van Cronenburg T.C.T.E.F., Wevers M.R., Mensenkamp A.R., Ausems M.G.E.M., Koudijs M.J., van de Beek I., Gille J.J.P., Gómez García E.B., Blok M.J., de Boer M., Berger L.P.V., van Der Hout A.H., Mourits M.J.E., de Bock G.H., Siesling S., Verloop J., van den Broek E.C.. Oral contraceptive use and ovarian cancer risk for BRCA1/2 mutation carriers: an international cohort study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2021 ; 225 (1) : 51.e1-51.e17.
Cropet Claire, Abboud Philippe, Mosnier Emilie, Epelboin Loïc, Djossou Félix, Schrooten Ward, Sobesky Milko, Nacher Mathieu. Relationship between influenza and dengue outbreaks, and subsequent bacterial sepsis in French Guiana: A time series analysis. Journal of Public Health Research 2021 ; 10 (1) : 1768.
Mezaache Salim, Carrieri Patrizia, Briand-Madrid Laélia, Laporte Virginie, Morel Alain, Rojas Castro Daniela, Roux Perrine. Individual and structural correlates of willingness for intravenous buprenorphine treatment among people who inject sublingual buprenorphine in France. Harm Reduction Journal 2021 ; 18 (1) : 11.
Cropet Claire, Abboud Philippe, Mosnier Emilie, Epelboin Loïc, Djossou Félix, Schrooten Ward, Sobesky Milko, Nacher Mathieu. Relations between influenza, dengue outbreaks, and subsequent bacterial sepsis in French Guiana: a time series analysis. 2021 .
Laine Marc, Panagides Vassili, Frère Corinne, Cuisset Thomas, Gouarne Caroline, Jouve Bernard, Lemesle Gilles, Paganelli Franck, Alessi Marie-Christine, Mancini Julien, Bonello Laurent. On-ticagrelor platelet reactivity and clinical outcome in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for acute coronary syndrome. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2021 ; 121 (7) : 923-930.
Galli Philippe, Ceva Antoine, Foletti Jean‐marc, Iline Nicolas, Giorgi Roch, Chossegros Cyrille, Graillon Nicolas. Salivary Gland Lithiasis Recurrence After Minimally‐Invasive Surgery: Incidence, Risk Factors and Prevention. Laryngoscope 2021 ; 131 (4) : 794-799.
Cavaille François, Peretti Mathieu, Garcia Marie Eve, Giorgi Roch, Ausias Nathalie, Vanelle Patrice, Barlesi Fabrice, Montana Marc. Real-world efficacy and safety of pembrolizumab in patients with non-small cell lung cancer: a retrospective observational study. Tumori 2021 ; 107 (1) : 32-38.
Deboscker Stéphanie, Séverac François, Gaudart Jean, Ménard Céline, Meyer Nicolas, Lavigne Thierry. An agent-based model to simulate the transmission of vancomycin-resistant enterococci according different prevention and control measures. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2021 ; 42 (7) : 857-863.
Even Caroline, Sagaon Teyssier Luis, Pointreau Yoann, Temam Stéphane, Huguet Florence, Geoffrois Lionnel, Schwarzinger Michaël. Factors associated with under-reporting of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in cause-of-death records: A comparative study of two national databases in France from 2008 to 2012. PLoS ONE 2021 ; 16 (2) : e0246252.
Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Protopopescu Camelia, Ndiaye Khadim, Baudoin Maël, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno, Kuaban Christopher, Boyer Sylvie. Individual and healthcare supply-related barriers to treatment initiation in HIV-positive patients enrolled in the Cameroonian antiretroviral treatment access programme. Health Policy and Planning 2021 ; 36 (2) : 137-148.
Wotodjo Amélé, Doucoure Souleymane, Diagne Nafissatou, Sarr Fatoumata Diene, Parola Philippe, Gaudart Jean, Sokhna Cheikh. The Impact of Renewing Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets in the Event of Malaria Resurgence: Lessons from 10 Years of Net Use in Dielmo, Senegal. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2021 ; 104 (1) : 255-262.
Dahan Laurie Saloner, Giorgi Roch, Vergez Sébastien, Le Taillandier de Gabory Ludovic, Costes-Martineau Valérie, Herman Philippe, Poissonnet Gilles, Mauvais Olivier, Malard Olivier, Garrel Renaud, Uro-Coste Emmanuelle, Barry Béatrix, Bach Christine, Chevalier Dominique, Mouawad Francois, Merol Jean-Claude, Bastit Vianney, Thariat Juliette, Gilain Laurent, Dufour Xavier, Righini Christian-Adrien, Moya-Plana Antoine, Even Caroline, Radulesco Thomas, Michel Justin, Baujat Bertrand, Fakhry Nicolas. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary glands: A French Network of Rare Head and Neck Tumors (REFCOR) prospective study of 292 cases. EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2021 ; 47 (6) : 1376-1383..
Malama Kalonde, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Parker Rachel, Tichacek Amanda, Sharkey Tyronza, Kilembe William, Inambao Mubiana, Price Matt, Spire Bruno, Allen Susan E.. Client-initiated violence against Zambian female sex workers : prevalence and associations with behavior, environment, and sexual history. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2021 ; 36 (17-18) : NP9483-NP9500.
Roux Perrine, Donadille Cécile, Magen Carine, Schatz Eberhard, Stranz Richard, Curado Adriana, Tsiakou Tania, Verdes Ludmila, Aleksova Aleksandrina, Carrieri Patrizia M., Mezaache Salim, Ben Charif Ali. Implementation and evaluation of an educational intervention for safer injection in people who inject drugs in Europe: a multi-country mixed-methods study. International Journal of Drug Policy 2021 ; 87 : 102992.
Lesueur Fabienne, Eon-Marchais Séverine, Bonnet-Boissinot Sarah, Beauvallet Juana, Dondon Marie-Gabrielle, Golmard Lisa, Rouleau Etienne, Garrec Céline, Martinez Mathilde, Toulas Christine, Nguyen Tan Dat, Brayotel Fanny, Crivelli Louise, Maugard Christine, Bubien Virginie, Sevenet Nicolas, Gesta Paul, Chieze-Valero Stéphanie, Nambot Sophie, Goussot Vincent, Mari Véronique, Popovici Cornel, Prieur Fabienne, Morin-Meschin Marie-Emmanuelle, Tinat Julie, Lortholary Alain, Dreyfus Hélène, Bidart Marie, Collonge-Rame Marie-Agnès, Mozelle-Nivoix Monique, Gladieff Laurence, Giraud Sophie, Boutry-Kryza Nadia, Chiesa Jean, Denizeau Philippe, Bignon Yves-Jean, Uhrhammer Nancy, Cohen-Haguenauer Odile, Vilquin Paul, Mailliez Audrey, Coupier Isabelle, Rey Jean-Marc, Lacaze Elodie, Béra Odile, Colas Chrystelle, Coulet Florence, Delnatte Capucine, Houdayer Claude, Lasset Christine, Lemonnier Jérôme, Longy Michel, Noguès Catherine, Stoppa-Lyonnet Dominique, Vaur Dominique, Andrieu Nadine, Caron Olivier. TUMOSPEC: A Nation-Wide Study of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Families with a Predicted Pathogenic Variant Identified through Multigene Panel Testing. Cancers 2021 ; 13 (15) : 3659.
Alauzet Pierre, Morand Aurélie, Mazenq Julie, Gaudart Jean, Bosdure Emmanuelle, Dubus Jean-Christophe. Key role of pediatricians and disease for influenza vaccination in children with high-risk chronic diseases. European Journal of Pediatrics 2021 ; 180 (1) : 303-306.
Rubio Francisco, Rachet Bernard, Giorgi Roch, Maringe Camille, Belot Aurélien. On models for the estimation of the excess mortality hazard in case of insufficiently stratified life tables. Biostatistics 2021 ; 22 (1) : 51-67.
Barré Tangui, Pol Stanislas, Ramier Clémence, Di Beo Vincent, Carrat Fabrice, Bureau Morgane, Bourlière Marc, Dorival Céline, Serfaty Lawrence, Asselah Tarik, Boursier Jérôme, Marcellin Fabienne, Carrieri Patrizia, Fontaine Hélène, Protopopescu Camelia, Alric Laurent, Bonnet Delphine, Payssan-Sicart Virginie, Pomes Chloe, Zoulim Fabien, Maynard Marianne, Bai Roxane, Hucault Lucie, Bailly François, Raffi François, Billaud Eric, Boutoille David, Lefebvre Maeva, André-Garnier Elisabeth, Cales Paul, Hubert Isabelle, Lannes Adrien, Lunel Françoise, Boyer Nathalie, Giuily Nathalie, Castelnau Corinne, Scoazec Giovanna, Rousseaud Emilie, Vallet-Pichard Anaïs, Sogni Philippe, Ledinghen Victor De, Foucher Juliette, Hiriart Jean-Baptiste, M'Bouyou Jancell, Irlès-Depé Marie, Si Ahmed Si Nafa, Oules Valérie, Tran Albert, Anty Rodolphe, Gelsi Eve, Truchi Régine, Thabut Dominique, Hammeche Saloua, Moussali Joseph, Causse Xavier, Dieuleveult Barbara De, Ouarani Brahim, Labarrière Damien, Ganne Nathalie, Grando-Lemaire Véronique, Nahon Pierre, Brulé Séverine, Ulker Betul, Guyader Dominique, Jezequel Caroline, Brener Audrey, Laligant Anne, Rabot Aline, Renard Isabelle, Habersetzer François, Baumert Thomas, Doffoel Michel, Mutter Catherine, Simo-Noumbissie Pauline, Razi Esma, Bronowicki Jean-Pierre, Barraud Hélène, Bensenane Mouni, Nani Abdelbasset, Hassani-Nani Sarah, Bernard Marie-Albertine, Pageaux Georges-Philippe, Larrey Dominique, Meszaros Magda, Metivier Sophie, Bureau Christophe, Morales Thibault, Peron Jean Marie, Robic Marie Angèle, Decaens Thomas, Faure Marine, Froissart Bruno, Hilleret Marie-Noelle, Zarski Jean-Pierre, Riachi Ghassan, Goria Odile, Paris Fatima, Montialoux Hélène, Leroy Vincent, Amaddeo Giuliana, Varaut Anne, Simoes Mélanie, Amzal Rachida, Chazouillières Olivier, Andreani Tony, Angoulevant Bénédicte, Chevance Azeline, Samuel Didier, Antonini Teresa, Coilly Audrey, Duclos Vallée Jean-Charles, Tateo Mariagrazia, Abergel Armand, Reymond Maud, Brigitte Chanteranne, Benjamin Buchard, Muti Léon, Geist Claire, Conroy Guillaume, Riffault Raphaëlle, Rosa Isabelle, Barrault Camille, Costes Laurent, Hagège Hervé, Loustaud-Ratti Véronique, Carrier Paul, Debette-Gratien Maryline, Mathurin Philippe, Lassailly Guillaume, Lemaitre Elise, Canva Valérie, Dharancy Sébastien, Louvet Alexandre, Minello Anne, Latournerie Marianne, Bardou Marc, Mouillot Thomas, d'Alteroche Louis, Barbereau Didier, Nicolas Charlotte, Elkrief Laure, Jaillais Anaïs, Gournay Jérôme, Chevalier Caroline, Archambeaud Isabelle, Habes Sarah, Portal Isabelle, Gelu-Simeon Moana, Saillard Eric, Lafrance Marie-Josée, Catherine Lucie. Cannabis Use Is Inversely Associated with Overweight and Obesity in Hepatitis B Virus-Infected Patients (ANRS CO22 Hepather Cohort). Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2021 .
Cabrol Camille, Elarouti Léa, Montava Anne-Laure, Jarze Sylvie, Mancini Julien, Lavieille Jean-Pierre, Barry Pauline, Montava Marion. Sunnybrook Facial Grading System: Intra-rater and Inter-rater Variabilities. Otology and Neurotology 2021 ; 42 (7) : 1089-1094.
Breyton Martin, Smith Allan Ben, Rouquette Alexandra, Mancini Julien. Cancer information overload: Association between a brief version of the CIO scale and multiple cancer risk management behaviours. Patient Education and Counseling 2021 ; 104 (5) : 1246-1252.
Griffiths Karolina, Moise Kenny, Piarroux Martine, Gaudart Jean, Beaulieu Samuel, Bulit Greg, Marseille Jean-Petit, Jasmin Paul Menahel, Namphy Paul Christian, Henrys Jean-Hugues, Piarroux Renaud, Rebaudet Stanislas. Delineating and Analyzing Locality-Level Determinants of Cholera, Haiti. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2021 ; 27 (1) : 170 - 181.
Bationo Cédric, Gaudart Jean, Dieng Sokhna, Cissoko Mady, Taconet Paul, Ouedraogo Boukary, Somé Anthony, Zongo Issaka, Soma Dieudonné, Tougri Gauthier, Dabiré Roch, Koffi Alphonsine, Pennetier Cédric, Moiroux Nicolas. Spatio-temporal analysis and prediction of malaria cases using remote sensing meteorological data in Diébougou health district, Burkina Faso, 2016–2017. Scientific Reports 2021 ; 11 : 20027.
Stein Claire, Burtey Stéphane, Mancini Julien, Pelletier Marion, Sallée Marion, Brunet Philippe, Berbis Philippe, Grob Jean Jacques, Honoré Stéphane, Gaudy Caroline, Jourde-Chiche Noémie. Acute kidney injury in patients treated with anti-programmed death receptor-1 for advanced melanoma: a real-life study in a single-centre cohort. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2021 ; 36 (9) : 1664-1674.
Bousmah Marwân-Al-Qays, Nishimwe Marie Libérée, Tovar-Sanchez Tamara, Lantche Wandji Martial, Mpoudi-Etame Mireille, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Omgba Bassega Pierrette, Varloteaux Marie, Montoyo Alice, Kouanfack Charles, Delaporte Eric, Boyer Sylvie. Cost-Utility Analysis of a Dolutegravir-Based Versus Low-Dose Efavirenz-Based Regimen for the Initial Treatment of HIV-Infected Patients in Cameroon (NAMSAL ANRS 12313 Trial). PharmacoEconomics 2021 ; 39 (3) : 331-343.
Sallah Kankoé, Giorgi Roch, Ba El-Hadj, Piarroux Martine, Piarroux Renaud, Cissé Badara, Gaudart Jean. Targeting Malaria Hotspots to Reduce Transmission Incidence in Senegal. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 ; 18 (1) : 76.
Di Ciaccio Marion, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Protière Christel, Mimi Mohamed, Suzan-Monti Marie, Meyer Laurence, Rojas Castro Daniela, Pialoux Gilles, Pintado Claire, Molina Jean Michel, Préau Marie, Spire Bruno. Impact of HIV risk perception on both pre-exposure prophylaxis and condom use. Journal of Health Psychology 2021 ; 26 (10) : 1575-1586.
Monet Adeline, Touzani Rajae, Bouhnik Anne-Déborah, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Mancini Julien. Colorectal cancer screening practices among cancer survivors five years after diagnosis. Journal of Public Health 2021 ; 29 : 805-813.
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Ateba François Freddy, Sagara Issaka, Sogoba Nafomon, Touré Mahamoudou, Konaté Drissa, Diawara Sory Ibrahim, Diakité Séidina Aboubacar Samba, Diarra Ayouba, Coulibaly Mamadou D, Dolo Mathias, Dolo Amagana, Sacko Aissata, Thiam Sidibe M’baye, Sissako Aliou, Sangaré Lansana, Diakité Mahamadou, Koita Ousmane A, Cissoko Mady, Traore Sékou Fantamady, Winch Peter John, Febrero-Bande Manuel, Shaffer Jeffrey G, Krogtad Donald J, Marker Hannah Catherine, Doumbia Seydou, Gaudart Jean. Spatio-Temporal Dynamic of Malaria Incidence: A Comparison of Two Ecological Zones in Mali. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 ; 17 (13) : 4698.
Dieng Sokhna, Ba El Hadj, Cissé Badara, Sallah Kankoe, Guindo Abdoulaye, Ouedraogo Boukary, Piarroux Martine, Rebaudet Stanislas, Piarroux Renaud, Landier Jordi, Sokhna Cheikh, Gaudart Jean. Spatio-temporal variation of malaria hotspots in Central Senegal, 2008–2012. BMC Infectious Diseases 2020 ; 20 (1) : 424.
Cissoko Mady, Sagara Issaka, Sankaré Moussa H, Dieng Sokhna, Guindo Abdoulaye, Doumbia Zoumana, Allasseini Balam, Traore Diahara, Fomba Seydou, Bendiane Marc Karim, Landier Jordi, Dessay Nadine, Gaudart Jean. Geo-Epidemiology of Malaria at the Health Area Level, Dire Health District, Mali, 2013–2017. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 ; 17 (11) : 3982.
Marcellin Fabienne, Beo Vincent Di, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Alcohol Use Patterns and Liver Outcomes: Is There Really a Difference Between Drinking Beer and Drinking Wine? Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2020 ; 18 (7) : 1650-1651.
Jaquet Antoine, Shimakawa Yusuke, Marcellin Fabienne. HÉPATITES VIRALES : Épidémiologie et prévention vaccinale de l’hépatite B. 2020 ; 843-851.
Dieng Sokhna, Michel Pierre, Guindo Abdoulaye, Sallah Kankoé L, Ba El-Hadj, Cisse Badara, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Sokhna Cheikh, Milligan Paul, Gaudart Jean. Application of Functional Data Analysis to Identify Patterns of Malaria Incidence, to Guide Targeted Control Strategies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 ; 17 (11) : 4168.
Le Floch Anne-Charlotte, Eisinger François, d'Incan Evelyne, Rey Jérôme, Charbonnier Aude, Caymaris Laurence, Stoler Marion, Julien Mancini, Boher Jean-Marie, Patrick Sfumato, Norbert Vey. Socioeconomic deprivation is associated with decreased survival in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Cancer Epidemiology 2020 ; 66 : 101699.
Protière Christel, Fressard Lisa, Mora Marion, Meyer Laurence, Préau Marie, Suzan-Monti Marie, Lelièvre Jean-Daniel, Lambotte Olivier, Spire Bruno. Characterization of Physicians That Might Be Reluctant to Propose HIV Cure-Related Clinical Trials with Treatment Interruption to Their Patients? The ANRS-APSEC Study. Vaccines 2020 ; 8 (2) : 334.
Rouamba Toussaint, Samadoulougou Sekou, Compaoré Cheick Saïd, Tinto Halidou, Gaudart Jean, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Fati. How to Estimate Optimal Malaria Readiness Indicators at Health-District Level: Findings from the Burkina Faso Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) Data. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 ; 17 (11) : 3923.
Mosnier Emilie, Dusfour Isabelle, Lacour Guillaume, Saldanha Raphael, Guidez Amandine, Gomes Margarete, Sanna Alice, Epelboin Yanouk, Restrepo Johana, Davy Damien, Demar Magalie Pierre, Djossou Félix, Douine Maylis, Ardillon Vanessa, Nacher Mathieu, Musset Lise, Roux Emmanuel. Resurgence risk for malaria, and the characterization of a recent outbreak in an Amazonian border area between French Guiana and Brazil. BMC Infectious Diseases 2020 ; 20 : 373.
Annequin Margot, Villes Virginie, Delabre Rosemary, Alain Tristan, Morel Stéphane, Michels David, Schmidt Axel Jeremias, Velter Annie, Rojas Castro Daniela. Are PrEP services in France reaching all those exposed to HIV who want to take PrEP? MSM respondents who are eligible but not using PrEP (EMIS 2017). AIDS Care 2020 ; 32 (sup2) : 47-56.
Wouda Eva Maria Nadine, Thielemans Laurence, Darakamon Mue Chae, Nge Aye Aye, Say Wah, Khing Sanda, Hanboonkunupakarn Borimas, Ngerseng Thatsanun, Landier Jordi, van Rheenen Patrick Ferry, Turner Claudia, Nosten Francois, Mcgready Rose, Carrara Verena Ilona. Extreme neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia in refugee and migrant populations: retrospective cohort. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020 ; 4 (1) : e000641.
Rheault Francois, de Benedictis Alessandro, Daducci Alessandro, Maffei Chiara, Tax Chantal M. W., Romascano David, Caverzasi Eduardo, Morency Félix C, Corrivetti Francesco, Pestilli Franco, Girard Gabriel, Theaud Guillaume, Zemmoura Ilyess, Hau Janice, Glavin Kelly, Jordan Kessi M, Pomiecko Kristofer, Chamberland Maxime, Barakovic Muhamed, Goyette Nil, Poulin Philippe, Chenot Quentin, Panesar Sandip, Sarubbo Silvio, Petit Laurent, Descoteaux Maxime. Tractostorm: The what, why, and how of tractography dissection reproducibility. Human Brain Mapping 2020 ; 41 (7) : 1859-1874.
Sherr Lorraine, Harding Richard, Davidovich Udi, Cluver Lucie, Spire Bruno, Prince Bridgette, Hedge Barbara, Catalan Jose. AIDSImpact 2019 special issue – Promises to keep and miles to go …. AIDS Care 2020 ; 32 (sup2) : 1 - 4.
Santos Melina Erica, Protopopescu Camelia, Sogni Philippe, Yaya Issifou, Piroth Lionel, Bailly François, Marcellin Fabienne, Esterle Laure, Wittkop Linda, Rosenthal Eric, Morlat Philippe, Roux Perrine, de Araujo Wildo Navegantes, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. HCV-Related Mortality Among HIV/HCV Co-infected Patients: The Importance of Behaviors in the HCV Cure Era (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH Cohort). AIDS and Behavior 2020 ; 24 (4) : 1069-1084.
Barre Tangui, Protopopescu Camelia, Bani-Sadr Firouzé, Piroth Lionel, Rojas Rojas Teresa, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Wittkop Linda, Esterle Laure, Sogni Philippe, Lacombe Karine, Chas Julie, Zaegel Olivia, Chaix Marie-Laure, Miailhes Patrick, Serfaty Lawrence, Marcellin Fabienne, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. Elevated Fatty Liver Index as a Risk Factor for All‐Cause Mortality in Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Hepatitis C Virus–Coinfected Patients (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH Cohort Study). Hepatology 2020 ; 71 (4) : 1182-1197.
Mezaache Salim, Briand-Madrid Laélia, Laporte Virginie, Mora Marion, Moudachirou Khafil, Rojas Castro Daniela, Carrieri Patrizia M., Roux Perrine. Correlates of Self-Reported Cotton Fever Experience among People Who Inject Opioids. Substance Use and Misuse 2020 ; 55 (6) : 1021-1027.
Bolomey Sonia, Blanchard Arnaud, Barral Pierre-Antoine, Mancini Julien, Lagier David, Bal Laurence, de Masi Mariangela, Jacquier Alexis, Piquet Philippe, Gaudry Marine. Is the Natural Anatomical Evolution of Type B Intramural Hematomas Reliable to Identify the Patients at Risk of Aneurysmal Progression? Annals of Vascular Surgery 2020 ; 64 : 62-70.
Mosnier Emilie, Garancher Laure, Galindo M., Djossou Félix, Moriceau Olivier, Hureau-Mutricy L., Silva Barbosa R., Lambert Y., Lazrek Y, Musset L., Douine Maylis. Paludisme en Guyane : des projets de recherche opérationnelle originaux s'appuyant sur la santé communautaire. La Lettre de l'Infectiologue 2020 ; Tome XXXV (2) : Online ahead of print.
Costa Marie, Barre Tangui, Coste Marion, Yaya Issifou, Berenger Cyril, Tanti Marc, Cutarella Christophe, Mora Marion, Poloméni Pierre, Maynard Marianne, Teuma Danielle, Bazin Michaël, Maradan Gwenaelle, Roux Perrine, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Screening and care for alcohol use disorder in France: expectations, barriers and levers using a mixed-methods approach. BMC Public Health 2020 ; 20 (1) : 358.
Puppo Costanza, Mabire Xavier, Morel Stéphane, Laguette Vanessa, Rojas Castro Daniela, Chas Julie, Cua Eric, Pintado Claire, Suzan-Monti Marie, Spire Bruno, Molina Jean-Michel, Préau Marie. Becoming adherent to a preventive treatment for HIV: a qualitative approach. Psychology, Health and Medicine 2020 ; 25 (3) : 270-281.
Boyer S., Nishimwe M. L., Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, March L., Koulla-Shiro S., Bousmah Marwân-Al-Qays, Toby R., Mpoudi-Etame Mireille, Gueye Ndeye Fatou Ngom, Sawadogo A., Kouanfack C., Ciaffi L., Spire Bruno, Delaporte Eric. Cost-Effectiveness of Three Alternative Boosted Protease Inhibitor-Based Second-Line Regimens in HIV-Infected Patients in West and Central Africa. PharmacoEconomics - Open 2020 ; 4 (1) : 45-60.
Marti Renaud, Li Zhichao, Catry Thibault, Roux Emmanuel, Mangeas Morgan, Handschumacher Pascal, Gaudart Jean, Tran Annelise, Demagistri Laurent, Faure Jean-François, Carvajal José Joaquín, Drumond Bruna, Xu Lei, Herbreteau Vincent, Gurgel Helen, Dessay Nadine, Gong Peng. A Mapping Review on Urban Landscape Factors of Dengue Retrieved from Earth Observation Data, GIS Techniques, and Survey Questionnaires. Remote Sensing 2020 ; 12 (6) : 932.
Marcellin Fabienne, Di Beo Vincent, Aumaitre Hugues, Mora Marion, Wittkop Linda, Duvivier Claudine, Protopopescu Camelia, Lacombe Karine, Esterle Laure, Berenger Cyril, Gilbert Camille, Bouchaud Olivier, Poizot-Martin Isabelle, Sogni Philippe, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Patient-reported symptoms during direct-acting antiviral treatment: A real-life study in HIV-HCV coinfected patients (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH). Journal of Hepatology 2020 ; 72 (3) : 588-591.
Taghavi Atefeh, Eslami Esfandiar, Herrera-Viedma Enrique, Ureña Raquel. Trust based group decision making in environments with extreme uncertainty. Knowledge-Based Systems 2020 ; 105168.
Gaye Alioune, Diagne Moussa Moïse, Ndiaye El Hadji, Dior Ndione Marie Henriette, Faye Martin, Talla Cheikh, Fall Gamou, Ba Yamar, Diallo Diawo, Dia Ibrahima, Handschumacher Pascal, Faye Ousmane, Sall Amadou Alpha, Diallo Mawlouth. Vector competence of anthropophilic mosquitoes for a new mesonivirus in Senegal. Emerging microbes & infections 2020 ; 9 (1) : 496-504.
Marcellin Fabienne, Miailhes Patrick, Santos Melina, Mercié Patrick, Di Beo Vincent, Salmon-Céron Dominique, Barre Tangui, Wittkop Linda, Protopopescu Camelia, Zucman David, Sogni Philippe, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Cannabis Use and Plasma Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) RNA Levels in Patients Coinfected With HIV and Hepatitis C Virus Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy: Data From the ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH Cohort. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2020 ; ciaa117 : Online ahead of print.
Phommasone Koukeo, van Leth Frank, Peto Thomas J, Landier Jordi, Nguyen Thuy-Nhien, Tripura Rupam, Pongvongsa Tiengkham, Lwin Khin Maung, Kajeechiwa Ladda, Thwin May Myo, Parker Daniel M, Wiladphaingern Jacher, Nosten Suphak, Proux Stephane, Nguon Chea, Davoeung Chan, Rekol Huy, Adhikari Bipin, Promnarate Cholrawee, Chotivanich Kesinee, Hanboonkunupakarn Borimas, Jittmala Podjanee, Cheah Phaik Yeong, Dhorda Mehul, Imwong Mallika, Mukaka Mavuto, Peerawaranun Pimnara, Pukrittayakamee Sasithon, Newton Paul N, Thwaites Guy E, Day Nicholas P J, Mayxay Mayfong, Hien Tran Tinh, Nosten Francois H, Cobelens Frank, Dondorp Arjen M, White Nicholas J, von Seidlein Lorenz. Mass drug administrations with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine and single low dose primaquine to eliminate Plasmodium falciparum have only a transient impact on Plasmodium vivax: Findings from randomised controlled trials. PLoS ONE 2020 ; 15 (2) : e0228190.
Protière Christel, Arnold Michael, Fiorentino Marion, Fressard Lisa, Lelièvre Jean, Mimi Mohamed, Raffi Francois, Mora Marion, Meyer Laurence, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Zucman David, Preau Marie, Lambotte Olivier, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie. Differences in HIV cure clinical trial preferences of French people living with HIV and physicians in the ANRS‐APSEC study: a discrete choice experiment. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2020 ; 23 (2) : e25443.
Malama Kalonde, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Parker Rachel, Tichacek Amanda, Sharkey Tyronza, Kilembe William, Inambao Mubiana, Price Matt, Spire Bruno, Allen Susan. Factors associated with alcohol use before sex among HIV-negative female sex workers in Zambia. International Journal of STD and AIDS 2020 ; 31 (2) : 119-126.
Benmiloud Fares, Godiris-Petit Gaelle, Gras Régis, Gillot Jean-Charles, Turrin Nicolas, Penaranda Guillaume, Noullet Séverine, Chéreau Nathalie, Gaudart Jean, Chiche Laurent, Rebaudet Stanislas. Association of Autofluorescence-Based Detection of the Parathyroid Glands During Total Thyroidectomy With Postoperative Hypocalcemia Risk : Results of the PARAFLUO Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Surgery 2020 ; 155 (2) : 106.
Liegeois Florian, Boyer Sylvie, Eymard-Duvernay Sabrina, Carrieri Patrizia, Kouanfack Charles, Domyeum Jenny, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Ducos Jacques, Mpoudi-Ngolé Eitel, Spire Bruno, Delaporte Eric, Kuaban Christopher, Vidal Laurent, Laurent Christian. Hepatitis B testing, treatment, and virologic suppression in HIV-infected patients in Cameroon (ANRS 12288 EVOLCAM). BMC Infectious Diseases 2020 ; 20 (1) : 49.
Cao Mingshuo, Wu Jian, Chiclana Francisco, Urena Raquel, Herrera-Viedma Enrique. A Personalized Consensus Feedback Mechanism Based on Maximum Harmony Degree. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 2020 ; 1-13.
Bertucci Francois, Le Corroller-Soriano Anne-Gaëlle, Monneur Audrey, Fluzin Sylvain, Viens Patrice, Maraninchi Dominique, Gonçalves Anthony. Santé numérique et « cancer hors les murs », Big Data et intelligence artificielle. Bulletin du Cancer 2020 ; 107 (1) : 102-112.
Barré Tangui, Nishimwe Marie Libérée, Protopopescu Camelia, Marcellin Fabienne, Carrat Fabrice, Dorival Céline, Delarocque-Astagneau Elisabeth, Larrey Dominique G., Bourlière Marc, Petrov-Sanchez Ventzislava, Simony Mélanie, Pol Stanislas, Fontaine Hélène, Carrieri Patrizia Maria, Pageaux Georges Philippe. Cannabis use is associated with a lower risk of diabetes in chronic hepatitis C-infected patients (ANRS CO22 Hepather cohort). Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2020 ; 27 (12) : 1473-1483.
Mavaddat Nasim, Antoniou Antonis C., Mooij Thea, Hooning Maartje, Heemskerk-Gerritsen Bernadette, Noguès Catherine, Gauthier-Villars Marion, Caron Olivier, Gesta Paul, Pujol Pascal, Lortholary Alain, Barrowdale Daniel, Frost Debra, Evans D. Gareth, Izatt Louise, Adlard Julian, Eeles Ros, Brewer Carole, Tischkowitz Marc, Henderson Alex, Cook Jackie, Eccles Diana, van Engelen Klaartje, Mourits Marian, Ausems Margreet, Koppert Linetta, Hopper John, John Esther, Chung Wendy, Andrulis Irene, Daly Mary, Buys Saundra, Benitez Javier, Caldés Trinidad, Jakubowska Anna, Simard Jacques, Singer Christian, Tan Yen, Olah Edith, Navratilova Marie, Foretova Lenka, Gerdes Anne-Marie, Roos-Blom Marie-José, van Leeuwen Flora E., Arver Brita, Olsson Håkan, Schmutzler Rita, Engel Christoph, Kast Karin, Phillips Kelly-Anne, Terry Mary Beth, Milne Roger L, Goldgar David E., Rookus Matti A., Andrieu Nadine, Easton Douglas F.. Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy, natural menopause, and breast cancer risk: an international prospective cohort of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Breast Cancer Research 2020 ; 22 (1) : 8.
Kall Meaghan, Marcellin Fabienne, Harding Richard, Lazarus Jeffrey V, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Patient-reported outcomes to enhance person-centred HIV care. Lancet HIV 2020 ; 7 (1) : e59-e68.
Di Ciaccio Marion, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mimi Mohamed, Suzan-Monti Marie, Protière Christel, Castro Daniela Rojas, Meyer Laurence, Tremblay Cécile, Chidiac Christian, Capitant Catherine, Préau Marie, Molina Jean-Michel, Spire Bruno. What are the situational and behavioral factors associated with condomless anal sex without pre-exposure prophylaxis in MSM? AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 2020 ; 34 (9) : 1367-1375.
Nicollas R., Moreddu E., Le Treut-Gay C., Mancini J., Akkari M., Mondain M., Scavarda D., Hosanna G., Fayoux P., Pondaven-Letourmy S., Lescanne E., Triglia J.-M.. Ibuprofen as risk-factor for complications of acute anterior sinusitis in children. European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases 2020 ; 137 (2) : 99 - 103.
Chaptal M., Andréjak Claire, Bonifay T., Guillot G., Boutrou M., Vantilke V., Ntab B., Kallel H., Travers V., Thomas S., Mosnier E., Vaz T., Lucarelli A., Flament F., Beillard E., Guyomard S., Veziris N., Trombert-Paolantoni S., Jiacomo V., Djossou Félix, Epelboin Loïc. Épidémiologie des infections à mycobactéries non tuberculeuses d’expression respiratoire en Guyane française, étude rétrospective 2008–2018. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualites 2020 ; 12 (1) : 17-18.
Touraine C, Grafféo Nathalie, Giorgi R. More accurate cancer-related excess mortality through correcting background mortality for extra variables. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2020 ; 29 (1) : 122-136.
Saldanha Raphael, Mosnier Emilie, Barcellos Christovam, Carbunar Aurel, Charron Christophe, Desconnets Jean-Christophe, Guarmit Basma, Gomes Margarete Do Socorro Mendonça, Mandon Théophile, Mendes Anapaula Martins, Peiter Paulo César, Musset Lise, Sanna Alice, van Gastel Benoît, Roux Emmanuel. Contributing to Elimination of Cross-Border Malaria Through a Standardized Solution for Case Surveillance, Data Sharing, and Data Interpretation: Development of a Cross-Border Monitoring System. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2020 ; 6 (3) : e15409.
Santos Melina, Protopopescu Camelia, Ribeiro Rachel, Benzaken Adele, Pereira Gerson, Stevens Antony, Nishimwe Marie Libérée, Yaya Issifou, Carrieri Patrizia M., Araújo Wildo. Population attributable fractions of mortality in people living with HIV: roles of delayed antiretroviral therapy, hepatitis coinfections and social factors. AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 2020 ; 34 (12) : 1843-1854.
Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mimi Mohamed, Maradan Gwenaelle, Mora Marion, Bourrelly Michel, Dembélé Keita Bintou, Keita Abdoul Aziz, Anoma Camille, Yoro Stéphane-Alain Babo, Dah Elias ter Tiero, Coulibaly Christian, Mensah Ephrem, Agbomadji Selom, Palvadeau Pamela, Bernier Adeline, Rojas Castro Daniela, Couderc Clotilde, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Changes in risky sexual behaviours among West African MSM enrolled in a quarterly HIV testing and counselling prevention programme (CohMSM ANRS 12324 - Expertise France). Sexually Transmitted Infections 2020 ; 96 (2) : 115-120.
Troian Jaïs, Apostolidis Thémis, Touzani Rajae, Mouret-Fourme Emmanuelle, Stoppa-Lyonnet Dominique, Lasset Christine, Berthet Pascaline, Julian-Reynier Claire, Mancini Julien, Noguès Catherine, Bouhnik Anne-Deborah. Parental disclosure of positive BRCA1/2 mutation status to children 10 years after genetic testing. Psychology, Health and Medicine 2020 ; 1-11.
Pinto Sandrine, Fresneau Brice C., Hounsossou Hubert C., Mayet Auŕelie, Marchi Joeffrey, Pein François, Journy Neige M.Y., Mansouri Imène, Drubay Damien, Letort Véronique, Lemler Sarah, Demoor-Goldschmidt Charlotte, Jackson Angela, Souchard Vincent, Vu-Bezin Giao, Diallo Ibrahima, Rubino Carolé, Oberlin Odile, Haddy Nadia, de Vathaire Florent, Dumas Agnès, Allodji Setcheou Rodrigue. Identifying clusters of health risk behaviors and their predictors in adult survivors of childhood cancer: A report from the French Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Psycho-Oncology 2020 ; 29 (10) : 1595-1603.
Philip Mary, Tessonier Laetitia, Mancini Julien, Mainardi Jean-Luc, Fernandez-Gerlinger Marie-Paule, Lussato David, Attias David, Cammilleri Serge, Weinmann Pierre, Hagège Albert A., Arregle Florent, Martel Hélène, Oliver Leopold, Camoin Laurence, Casalta Anne Claire, Casalta Jean Paul, Gouriet Frederique, Riberi Alberto, Lepidi Hubert, Raoult Didier, Drancourt Michel, Habib Gilbert. Comparison Between ESC and Duke Criteria for the Diagnosis of Prosthetic Valve Infective Endocarditis. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 2020 ; 13 (12) : 2605-2615.
Santos Melina, Protopopescu Camelia, Zucman David, Marcellin Fabienne, Wittkop Linda, Miailhes Patrick, Sogni Philippe, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. Benefits of cannabis use for metabolic disorders and survival in people living with HIV with or without hepatitis C co-infection. AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 2020 ; 34 (6) : 953-954.
Eubanks August, Dembélé Keita Bintou, Anoma Camille, Dah ter Tiero Elias, Mensah Ephrem, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Bourrelly Michel, Mora Marion, Riegel Lucas, Rojas Castro Daniela, Yaya Issifou, Spire Bruno, Laurent Christian, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis. Reaching a Different Population of MSM in West Africa With the Integration of PrEP Into a Comprehensive Prevention Package (CohMSM-PrEP ANRS 12369—Expertise France). Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes - JAIDS 2020 ; 85 (3) : 292-301.
Protière Christel, Fiorentino Marion, Sow Abdourahmane, Préau Marie, Mora Marion, Fressard Lisa, Meyer Laurence, Lelièvre Jean-Daniel, Lambotte Olivier, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie. Who are the PLWH who might refuse to participate in HIV cure-related clinical trials with treatment interruption? AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 2020 ; 1.
Coquerelle Séverine, Darlington Meryl, Michel Morgane, Durand Manon, Borget Isabelle, Baffert Sandrine, Marino Patricia, Perrier Lionel, Durand-Zaleski Isabelle. Impact of Next Generation Sequencing on Clinical Practice in Oncology in France: Better Genetic Profiles for Patients Improve Access to Experimental Treatments. Value in Health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 2020 ; 23 (7) : pp. 898-906.
Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mimi Mohamed, M'Madi Mrenda Bakridine, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Mora Marion, Bourrelly Michel, Keita Bintou Dembélé, Keita Abdoul Aziz, Anoma Camille, Babo Yoro Stéphane-Alain, Dah ter Tiero Elias, Coulibaly Christian, Mensah Ephrem, Agbomadji Selom, Bernier Adeline, Couderc Clotilde, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Combined Sexual Behavioral Profiles in HIV-Seronegative Men Who have Sex with Men in West Africa (CohMSM ANRS 12324-Expertise France). Archives of Sexual Behavior 2020 ; 49 (1) : 331-345.
Mosnier Emilie, Roux Emmanuel, Cropet Claire, Lazrek Yassamine, Moriceau Olivier, Gaillet Mélanie, Mathieu Luana, Nacher Mathieu, Demar Magalie Pierre, Odonne Guillaume, Douine Maylis, Michaud Céline, Pelleau Stéphane, Djossou Félix, Musset Lise. Prevalence of Plasmodium spp. in the Amazonian Border Context (French Guiana–Brazil): Associated Factors and Spatial Distribution. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2020 ; 102 (1) : 130-141.
Lions Caroline, Laroche Helene, Zaegel-Faucher Olivia, Ressiot Emmanuelle, Bregigeon Sylvie, Geneau de Lamarliere Perrine, Solas Caroline, Tamalet Catherine, Pieve Marie-Ange, Ritleng Anne-Suzel, Debreux Caroline, Ivanova Alena, Obry-Roguet Veronique, Carrieri Patrizia, Poizot-Martin Isabelle. Hepatitis C virus-microelimination program and patient trajectories after hepatitis C virus cure in an outpatient HIV clinical unit. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2020 ; 1.
Di Ciaccio Marion, Puppo Costanza, Préau Marie. La recherche communautaire : un lieu privilégié de mise en œuvre des méthodes mixtes. 2020 ; chapitre 6 : 119-132.
Ousseine Youssoufa M, Bouhnik Anne-Déborah, Peretti‐watel Patrick, Sarradon-Eck Aline, Memoli Victoria, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Durand Marie-Anne, Mancini Julien. The impact of health literacy on medico‐social follow‐up visits among French cancer survivors 5 years after diagnosis: The national VICAN survey. Cancer Medicine 2020 ; 9 (12) : 4185-4196.
Michel Edwige, Gaudart Jean, Beaulieu Samuel, Bulit Gregory, Piarroux Martine, Boncy Jacques, Dely Patrick, Piarroux Renaud, Rebaudet Stanislas. Estimating effectiveness of case-area targeted response interventions against cholera in Haiti. eLife 2019 ; 8