@article{blein:inserm-01991386, TITLE = {{Targeted Sequencing of the Mitochondrial Genome of Women at High Risk of Breast Cancer without Detectable Mutations in BRCA1/2}}, AUTHOR = {Blein, Sophie and Barjhoux, Laure and Damiola, Francesca and Dondon, Marie-Gabrielle and Eon-Marchais, S{\'e}verine and Marcou, Morgane and Caron, Olivier and Lortholary, Alain and Buecher, Bruno and Vennin, Philippe and Berthet, Pascaline and Nogu{\`e}s, Catherine and Lasset, Christine and Gauthier-Villars, Marion and Mazoyer, Sylvie and Stoppa-Lyonnet, Dominique and Andrieu, Nadine and Thomas, Gilles and Sinilnikova, Olga and Cox, David G}, URL = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-01991386}, JOURNAL = {{PLoS ONE}}, PUBLISHER = {{Public Library of Science}}, VOLUME = {10}, NUMBER = {9}, PAGES = {e0136192}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = Sep, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0136192}, PDF = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-01991386v1/file/pone.0136192.pdf}, HAL_ID = {inserm-01991386}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }