@article{roux:inserm-01970007, TITLE = {{Is on-demand HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis a suitable tool for men who have sex with men who practice chemsex ? Results from a substudy of the ANRS-IPERGAY trial}}, AUTHOR = {Roux, Perrine and Fressard, Lisa and Suzan-Monti, Marie and Chas, Julie and Sagaon-Teyssier, Luis and Capitant, Catherine and Meyer, Laurence and Tremblay, C{\'e}cile and Rojas-Castro, Daniela and Pialoux, Gilles and Molina, Jean-Michel and Spire, Bruno}, URL = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-01970007}, JOURNAL = {{Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes - JAIDS}}, PUBLISHER = {{Lippincott, Williams \& Wilkins}}, VOLUME = {79}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {69-75}, YEAR = {2018}, MONTH = Oct, DOI = {10.1097/QAI.0000000000001781}, KEYWORDS = {PrEP ; HIV ; harm reduction ; gay ; prevention ; chemsex}, PDF = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-01970007/file/00126334-201810010-00010.pdf}, HAL_ID = {inserm-01970007}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }