@article{marcellin:hal-02146876, TITLE = {{Wine Consumption and Lower Risk of Advanced Liver Fibrosis: A True Effect or Unmeasured Confounding? A Longitudinal Analysis (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH Cohort)}}, AUTHOR = {Marcellin, Fabienne and Costa, Marie and Wittkop, Linda and Protopopescu, Camelia and Esterle, Laure and Salmon-Ceron, Dominique and Sogni, Philippe and Carrieri, Patrizia M.}, URL = {https://amu.hal.science/hal-02146876}, JOURNAL = {{The American Journal of Gastroenterology}}, PUBLISHER = {{Lippincott, Williams \& Wilkins }}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {11}, PAGES = {1729-1732}, YEAR = {2018}, MONTH = Nov, DOI = {10.1038/s41395-018-0270-x}, HAL_ID = {hal-02146876}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }