@article{fiorentino:hal-02466813, TITLE = {{What is the effect of self-identified HIV activism in willingness to participate in HIV cure-related clinical trials? Results from the ANRS-APSEC study.}}, AUTHOR = {Fiorentino, Marion and Proti{\`e}re, Christel and Sagaon-Teyssier, Luis and Mohamed, Mohamed S. A. and Fressard, Lisa and Arnold, Michael and Lambotte, Olivier and Barbot, Janine and Fainzang, Sylvie and Meyer, Laurence and Goujard, C{\'e}cile and Pr{\'e}au, Marie and Spire, Bruno and Suzan-Monti, Marie}, URL = {https://amu.hal.science/hal-02466813}, JOURNAL = {{Journal of Virus Eradication}}, PUBLISHER = {{Elsevier}}, VOLUME = {5}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {152-162}, YEAR = {2019}, MONTH = Sep, KEYWORDS = {cure research ; cure trial ; willingness to participate in clinical trials ; activism ; HIV ; France}, PDF = {https://amu.hal.science/hal-02466813v1/file/jve-5-152.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-02466813}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }