@article{michel:inserm-01264470, TITLE = {{Insufficient access to harm reduction measures in prisons in 5 countries (PRIDE Europe): a shared European public health concern}}, AUTHOR = {Michel, Laurent and Lions, Caroline and van Malderen, Sara and Schiltz, Julie and Vanderplasschen, Wouter and Holm, Karina and Kolind, Torsten and Nava, Felice and Weltzien, Nadja and Moser, Andrea and Jauffret-Roustide, Marie and Maguet, Olivier and Carrieri, Patrizia M and Brentari, Cinzia and St{\"o}ver, Heino}, URL = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-01264470}, JOURNAL = {{BMC Public Health}}, PUBLISHER = {{BioMed Central}}, VOLUME = {15}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1093}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = Dec, DOI = {10.1186/s12889-015-2421-y}, KEYWORDS = {Prison ; Prevention ; HIV ; HCV ; Infectious diseases ; Public health ; Recommendations ; Policy}, PDF = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-01264470v1/file/12889_2015_Article_2421.pdf}, HAL_ID = {inserm-01264470}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }