@article{protiere:halshs-01779875, TITLE = {{Patterns of patient and healthcare provider viewpoints regarding participation in HIV cure-related clinical trials. Findings from a multicentre French survey using Q methodology (ANRS-APSEC)}}, AUTHOR = {Proti{\`e}re, Christel and Spire, Bruno and Mora, Marion and Poizot-Martin, Isabelle and Preau, Marie and Doumergue, Marjolaine and Morlat, Philippe and Zucman, David and Goujard, Cecile and Raffi, Fran{\c c}ois and Lambotte, Olivier and Suzan-Monti, Marie}, URL = {https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01779875}, JOURNAL = {{PLoS ONE}}, PUBLISHER = {{Public Library of Science}}, VOLUME = {12}, NUMBER = {11}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = Nov, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0187489}, KEYWORDS = {HIV ; Physicians ; Adverse events ; Clinical trials ; Antiretroviral therapy ; HIV diagnosis and management ; Health care providers ; Quality of life}, PDF = {https://shs.hal.science/halshs-01779875v1/file/journal.pone.0187489.pdf}, HAL_ID = {halshs-01779875}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }