@article{sagaonteyssier:hal-02146871, TITLE = {{A Group-Based Trajectory Model for Changes in Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Condom Use Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Participating in the ANRS IPERGAY Trial}}, AUTHOR = {Sagaon-Teyssier, Luis and Mabire, Xavier and Laguette, Vanessa and Fressard, Lisa and Suzan-Monti, Marie and Rojas Castro, Daniela and Hall, Nolwenn and Capitant, Catherine and Meyer, Laurence and Chidiac, Christian and Tremblay, Cecile and Preau, Marie and Spire, Bruno and Molina, Jean-Michel and Grp, Anrs Ipergay Study}, URL = {https://amu.hal.science/hal-02146871}, JOURNAL = {{AIDS PATIENT CARE AND STDS}}, VOLUME = {32}, NUMBER = {12, SI}, PAGES = {495-510}, YEAR = {2018}, DOI = {10.1089/apc.2018.0081}, HAL_ID = {hal-02146871}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }