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Equipe QuanTIM : Méthodes Quantitatives et Traitement de l’Information Médicale

Champeaux Depond Charles, Giorgi Roch, Jecko Vincent, Metellus Philippe. Adult Internal Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt Overall Survival: A Meta-Analysis of Restricted Mean Survival Times from Reconstructed Kaplan-Meier Data. World Neurosurgery 2025 ; 193 : 315-326.
Tréhard Hélène, Musset Lise, Lazrek Yassamine, White Michael, Pelleau Stephane, Mueller Ivo, Djossou Felix, Sanna Alice, Landier Jordi, Gaudart Jean, Mosnier Emilie. Which diagnostic test to use for Testing and Treatment strategies in Plasmodium vivax low-transmission settings: a secondary analysis of a longitudinal interventional study. The Lancet Regional Health - Americas 2024 ; 38 : 100883.
Mbaye Babacar, Wasfy Reham Magdy, Alou Maryam Tidjani, Borentain Patrick, Gerolami Rene, Dufour Jean-Charles, Million Matthieu. A catalog of ethanol-producing microbes in humans. Future Microbiology 2024 ; 1-18.
Menu Estelle, Filori Quentin, Dufour Jean-Charles, Ranque Stéphane, L’ollivier Coralie. A Repertoire of the Less Common Clinical Yeasts. Journal of Fungi 2023 ; 9 (11) : 1099.
Legendre Eva, Girond Florian, Herbreteau Vincent, Hoeun Sokeang, Rebaudet Stanislas, Thu Aung Myint, Rae Jade Dean, Lehot Laurent, Dieng Sokhna, Delmas Gilles, Nosten François, Gaudart Jean, Landier Jordi. ‘Forest malaria’ in Myanmar? Tracking transmission landscapes in a diversity of environments. Parasites & Vectors 2023 ; 16 (1) : 324.
Khirikoekkong Napat, Asarath Supa-At, Munruchaitrakun Mayreerat, Blay Naw, Waithira Naomi, Cheah Phaik Yeong, Nosten François, Lubell Yoel, Landier Jordi, Althaus Thomas. Fever and health-seeking behaviour among migrants living along the Thai-Myanmar border: a mixed-methods study. BMC Infectious Diseases 2023 ; 23 (1) : 501.
Touzani Rajae, Dembele Elodie, Schultz Emilien, Rouquette Alexandra, Seguin Lorène, Dufour Jean-Charles, Bannier Marie, Mancini Julien. The French General Population’s Perception of New Information and Communication Technologies for Medical Consultations: National Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023 ; 25 : e45822.
Landier Jordi, Bassez Léa, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Chaud Pascal, Franke Florian, Nauleau Steve, Danjou Fabrice, Malfait Philippe, Rebaudet Stanislas, Gaudart Jean. Social deprivation and SARS-CoV-2 testing: a population-based analysis in a highly contrasted southern France region. Frontiers in Public Health 2023 ; 11 (11) : 1162711.
Cissoko Mady, Landier Jordi, Kouriba Bourema, Sangare Abdoul Karim, Katilé Abdoulaye, Djimde Abdoulaye A, Berthé Ibrahima, Traore Siriman, Thera Ismaila, Hadiata Maiga, Sogodogo Elisabeth, Coulibaly Karyn, Guindo Abdoulaye, Dembele Ousmane, Sanogo Souleymane, Doumbia Zoumana, Dara Charles, Altmann Mathias, Bonnet Emmanuel, Balique Hubert, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Vidal Laurent, Sagara Issaka, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Gaudart Jean. SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and living conditions in Bamako (Mali): a cross-sectional multistage household survey after the first epidemic wave, 2020. BMJ Open 2023 ; 13 (4) : e067124.
Goungounga Juste, Graffeo Nathalie, Charvat Hadrien, Giorgi Roch. Correcting for heterogeneity and non-comparability bias in multicenter clinical trials with a rescaled random-effect excess hazard model. Biometrical Journal 2023 ; 65 (4) : 2100210.
Menu Estelle, Filori Quentin, Dufour Jean-Charles, Ranque Stéphane, L’ollivier Coralie. A Repertoire of Clinical Non-Dermatophytes Moulds. Journal of Fungi 2023 ; 9 (4) : 433.
Boher Jean Marie, Filleron Thomas, Bunouf Pierre, Cook Richard J. New late‐emphasis and combination tests based on infimum and supremum logrank statistics with application in oncology trials. Statistics in Medicine 2023 ; 42 : 1981 - 1994.
Althaus Thomas, Landier Jordi, Zhu Feng, Raps Hervé, Dejoux Olivier, Costantini Alizée, Lavagna Christian, Rampal Patrick, Mattiuzzo Giada, Xu Shuting, Wang Lin-Fa, Voiglio Eric J. The Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccination and Infection on Neutralizing Antibodies: A Nation-wide Cross-sectional Analysis. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2023 ; 227 : 1255 - 1265.
Atsou Kueshivi Midodji Midodji, Rachet Bernard, Cornet Edouard, Chretien Marie‐lorraine, Rossi Cédric, Remontet Laurent, Roche Laurent, Giorgi Roch, Gauthier Sophie, Girard Stéphanie, Böckle Johann, Wasse Stéphane Kroudia, Rachou Helene, Bouzid Laila, Poncet Jean‐marc, Orazio Sébastien, Monnereau Alain, Troussard Xavier, Mounier Morgane, Maynadie Marc. Factors influencing access to specialised haematology units during acute myeloblastic leukaemia patient care: A population‐based study in France. Cancer Medicine 2023 ; 12 (7) : 8911-8923.
Mosnier Émilie, Loubiere Sandrine, Monfardini Elisabetta, Alibert A., Landier Jordi, Ninoves L., Bosetti T., Auquier P., Mosnier Marine, Wakap Stephanie Nguengang, Warszawski Josiane, Tinland A.. Cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection within the homeless population: insights from a city-wide longitudinal study. BMJ Open 2023 ; 13 (2)
Ballester Benoit, Pilliol Virginie, Allaerd Perrine, Jacquot Bruno, Guivarc'H Maud. Evaluation of a new 3D ‐printed tooth model allowing preoperative ICDAS assessment and caries removal. European Journal of Dental Education 2023 ; Online ahead of print..
Legendre E., Lehot L., Dieng S., Rebaudet S., Thu A. M., Rae J. D., Delmas G., Girond F., Herbreteau Vincent, Nosten F., Landier Jordi, Gaudart J.. Malaria temporal dynamic clustering for surveillance and intervention planning. Epidemics 2023 ; 43 : p. [9 p.].
Ballester Benoit, Bukiet Frédéric, Dufour Jean-Charles. Correction to: Current state of dental informatics in the field of health information systems: a scoping review. BMC Oral Health 2022 ; 22 (1) : 212.
Katile Abdoulaye, Sagara Issaka, Cissoko Mady, Bationo Cedric Stephane, Dolo Mathias, Thera Ismaila, Traore Siriman, Kone Mamady, Dembele Pascal, Bocoum Djoouro, Sidibe Ibrahima, Simaga Ismael, Sissoko Mahamadou Soumana, Landier Jordi, Gaudart Jean. Spatio-Temporal Variability of Malaria Incidence in the Health District of Kati, Mali, 2015–2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022 ; 19 (21) : 14361.
Cissoko Mady, Sagara Issaka, Landier Jordi, Guindo Abdoulaye, Sanogo Vincent, Coulibaly Oumou Yacouba, Dembélé Pascal, Dieng Sokhna, Bationo Cedric S, Diarra Issa, Magassa Mahamadou H, Berthé Ibrahima, Katilé Abdoulaye, Traoré Diahara, Dessay Nadine, Gaudart Jean. Sub-national tailoring of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Mali based on malaria surveillance and rainfall data. Parasites & Vectors 2022 ; 15 (1) : 278.
Flora Luigi, Darmon David, Darmoni Stéfan J., Julien Grosjean, Simon Christian, Hassanaly Parina, Dufour Jean-Charles. Innover en partenariat par la création d’une aide à la décision d’applications mobiles dans la relation médecin-patient : la recherche ApiAppS. Le partenariat de soin avec le patient : analyses 2022 ; 4 : 73-94.
Rae Jade D, Nosten Suphak, Kajeechiwa Ladda, Wiladphaingern Jacher, Parker Daniel M, Landier Jordi, Thu Aung Myint, Dah Hsa, Be Aye, Cho Win Cho, Paw Eh Shee, Shee Paw Bway, Poe Christ, Nu Chit, Nyaw Baw, Simpson Julie A, Devine Angela, Maude Richard J, Moo Ku Ler, Min Myo Chit, Thwin May Myo, Tun Saw Win, Nosten François H. Surveillance to achieve malaria elimination in eastern Myanmar: a 7-year observational study. Malaria Journal 2022 ; 21 (1) : 175.
Cissoko Mady, Magassa Mahamadou, Sanogo Vincent, Ouologuem Abdoulaye, Sangaré Lansana, Diarra Modibo, Bationo Cedric Stephane, Dolo Mathias, Bah Mamadou Djoulde, Doumbia Sidy, Coulibaly Mamadou B, Traoré Diahara, Sidibé Boubacar, Landier Jordi, Cissé Idrissa, Sacko Moussa, Gaudart Jean, Sagara Issaka. Stratification at the health district level for targeting malaria control interventions in Mali. Scientific Reports 2022 ; 12 (1) : 8271.
Benoit Ballester, Bukiet Frédéric, Dufour Jean-Charles. Current state of dental informatics in the field of health information systems: a scoping review. BMC Oral Health 2022 ; 22 (1) : 131.
Allibert Agathe, Tinland Aurélie, Landier Jordi, Loubière Sandrine, Gaudart Jean, Mosnier Marine, Farnarier Cyril, Auquier Pascal, Mosnier Emilie. Residential Mobility of a Cohort of Homeless People in Times of Crisis: COVID-19 Pandemic in a European Metropolis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022 ; 19 (5) : 3129.
Della Vecchia Claire, Leroy Tanguy, Bauquier Charlotte, Pannard Myriam, Sarradon-Eck Aline, Darmon David, Dufour Jean-Charles, Preau Marie. Willingness of French General Practitioners to Prescribe mHealth Apps and Devices: Quantitative Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2022 ; 10 (2) : e28372.
Gillibert André, Jauréguiberry Stéphane, Hansmann Yves, Argemi Xavier, Landier Jordi, Caumes Eric, Gaudart Jean. Comment on “A. annua and A. afra infusions vs. Artesunate-amodiaquine (ASAQ) in treating Plasmodium falciparum malaria in a large scale, double blind, randomized clinical trial” Munyangi et al., 2019. Phytomedicine 2022 ; 96 : 152981.
Hassanaly Parina, Dufour Jean. Analysis of the Regulatory, Legal, and Medical Conditions for the Prescription of Mobile Health Applications in the United States, The European Union, and France. Med Devices (Auckl) / Medical devices (Auckland, N.Z.) - Medical devices : evidence and research. 2021 ; 14 : 389 - 409.
Ballester Benoit, Giraud Thomas, Ahmed Hany Mohamed Aly, Nabhan Mohamed Shady, Bukiet Frédéric, Guivarc’h Maud. Current strategies for conservative endodontic access cavity preparation techniques—systematic review, meta-analysis, and decision-making protocol. Clinical Oral Investigations 2021 ; 25 (11) : 6027-6044.
Thielemans Laurence, Peerawaranun Pimnara, Mukaka Mavuto, Paw Moo Kho, Wiladphaingern Jacher, Landier Jordi, Bancone Germana, Proux Stephane, Elsinga Henrike, Trip-Hoving Margreet, Hanboonkunupakarn Borimas, Htoo Tha Ler, Wah Thaw Shee, Beau Candy, Nosten Francois, Mcgready Rose, Carrara Verena I. High levels of pathological jaundice in the first 24 hours and neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia in an epidemiological cohort study on the Thailand-Myanmar border. PLoS ONE 2021 ; 16 (10) : e0258127.
Rae Jade D, Landier Jordi, Simpson Julie A, Proux Stéphane, Devine Angela, Maude Richard J, Thu Aung Myint, Wiladphaingern Jacher, Kajeechiwa Ladda, Thwin May Myo, Tun Saw Win, Nosten François H. Longitudinal trends in malaria testing rates in the face of elimination in eastern Myanmar: a 7-year observational study. BMC Public Health 2021 ; 21 (1) : 1725.
Taylor Walter Robert, Hoglund Richard M, Peerawaranun Pimnara, Nguyen Thuy Nhien, Hien Tran Tinh, Tarantola Arnaud, von Seidlein Lorenz, Tripura Rupam, Peto Thomas J, Dondorp Arjen M, Landier Jordi, H.Nosten Francois, Smithuis Frank, Phommasone Koukeo, Mayxay Mayfong, Kheang Soy Ty, Say Chy, Neeraj Kak, Rithea Leang, Dysoley Lek, Kheng Sim, Muth Sinoun, Roca-Feltrer Arantxa, Debackere Mark, Fairhurst Rick M, Song Ngak, Buchy Philippe, Menard Didier, White Nicholas J, Tarning Joel, Mukaka Mavuto. Development of weight and age-based dosing of daily primaquine for radical cure of vivax malaria. Malaria Journal 2021 ; 20 (1) : 366.
Jacob Christopher G, Thuy-Nhien Nguyen, Mayxay Mayfong, Maude Richard J, Quang Huynh Hong, Hongvanthong Bouasy, Vanisaveth Viengxay, Ngo Duc Thang, Rekol Huy, van Der Pluijm Rob, von Seidlein Lorenz, Fairhurst Rick, Nosten François, Hossain Md Amir, Park Naomi, Goodwin Scott, Ringwald Pascal, Chindavongsa Keobouphaphone, Newton Paul, Ashley Elizabeth, Phalivong Sonexay, Maude Rapeephan, Leang Rithea, Huch Cheah, Dong Le Thanh, Nguyen Kim-Tuyen, Nhat Tran Minh, Hien Tran Tinh, Nguyen Hoa, Zdrojewski Nicole, Canavati Sara, Sayeed Abdullah Abu, Uddin Didar, Buckee Caroline, Fanello Caterina I, Onyamboko Marie, Peto Thomas, Tripura Rupam, Amaratunga Chanaki, Myint Thu Aung, Delmas Gilles, Landier Jordi, Parker Daniel M, Chau Nguyen Hoang, Lek Dysoley, Suon Seila, Callery James, Jittamala Podjanee, Hanboonkunupakarn Borimas, Pukrittayakamee Sasithon, Phyo Aung Pyae, Smithuis Frank, Lin Khin, Thant Myo, Hlaing Tin Maung, Satpathi Parthasarathi, Satpathi Sanghamitra, Behera Prativa K, Tripura Amar, Baidya Subrata, Valecha Neena, Anvikar Anupkumar R, Ul Islam Akhter, Faiz Abul, Kunasol Chanon, Drury Eleanor, Kekre Mihir, Ali Mozam, Love Katie, Rajatileka Shavanthi, Jeffreys Anna E, Rowlands Kate, Hubbart Christina S, Dhorda Mehul, Vongpromek Ranitha, Kotanan Namfon, Wongnak Phrutsamon, Almagro Garcia Jacob, Pearson Richard D, Ariani Cristina V, Chookajorn Thanat, Malangone Cinzia, Nguyen T, Stalker Jim, Jeffery Ben, Keatley Jonathan, Johnson Kimberly J, Muddyman Dawn, Chan Xin Hui S, Sillitoe John, Amato Roberto, Simpson Victoria, Gonçalves Sonia, Rockett Kirk, Day Nicholas P, Dondorp Arjen M, Kwiatkowski Dominic P, Miotto Olivo. Genetic surveillance in the Greater Mekong subregion and South Asia to support malaria control and elimination. eLife 2021 ; 10 : e62997.
Landier Jordi, Paireau Juliette, Rebaudet Stanislas, Legendre Eva, Lehot Laurent, Fontanet Arnaud, Cauchemez Simon, Gaudart Jean. Cold and dry winter conditions are associated with greater SARS-CoV-2 transmission at regional level in western countries during the first epidemic wave. Scientific Reports 2021 ; 11 (1) : 12756.
Danwang Celestin, Noubiap Jean Jacques, Souopgui Jacob, Gaudart Jean, Yombi Jean Cyr, Robert Annie. Accuracy of malaria diagnostic tests performed on non-invasively collected samples: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Global Health 2021 ; 6 (6) : e005634.
Azarang Leyla, Giorgi Roch. Estimation of covariate effects on net survivals in the relative survival progressive illness-death model. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2021 ; 30 (6) : 1538-1553.
Gaudart Jean, Landier Jordi, Huiart Laetitia, Legendre Eva, Lehot Laurent, Bendiane Marc Karim, Chiche Laurent, Petitjean Aliette, Mosnier Emilie, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Fati, Demongeot Jacques, Piarroux Renaud, Rebaudet Stanislas. Factors associated with the spatial heterogeneity of the first wave of COVID-19 in France: a nationwide geo-epidemiological study. The Lancet Public Health 2021 ; 6 (4) : 222-231.
Menu Estelle, Landier Jordi, Prudent Elsa, Ranque Stéphane, L’ollivier Coralie. Evaluation of 11 DNA Automated Extraction Protocols for the Detection of the 5 Mains Candida Species from Artificially Spiked Blood. Journal of Fungi 2021 ; 7 (3) : 228.
Debourdeau Antoine, Caillol Fabrice, Zemmour Christophe, Winkler Jérome Polypo, Decoster Claire, Pesenti Christian, Ratone Jean-Philippe, Boher Jean-Marie, Giovannini Marc. Endoscopic management of concomitant biliary and duodenal malignant obstruction: Impact of the timing of drainage for one vs. two procedures and the modalities of biliary drainage. Endoscopic Ultrasound 2021 ; 10 (2) : 124-133.
Piarroux Renaud, Gaudart Jean, Rebaudet Stanislas. COVID-19 Pandemic: the story is not over yet. Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine 2021 ; 40 (1) : 100802.
Scully Jenna, Mosnier Emilie, Carbunar Aurel, Roux Emmanuel, Djossou Félix, Garçeran Nicolas, Musset Lise, Sanna Alice, Demar Magalie Pierre, Nacher Mathieu, Gaudart Jean. Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax in French Guiana: 2005–2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 ; 18 (3) : 1077.
Wotodjo Amélé, Doucoure Souleymane, Diagne Nafissatou, Sarr Fatoumata Diene, Parola Philippe, Gaudart Jean, Sokhna Cheikh. The Impact of Renewing Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets in the Event of Malaria Resurgence: Lessons from 10 Years of Net Use in Dielmo, Senegal. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2021 ; 104 (1) : 255-262.
Dahan Laurie Saloner, Giorgi Roch, Vergez Sébastien, Le Taillandier de Gabory Ludovic, Costes-Martineau Valérie, Herman Philippe, Poissonnet Gilles, Mauvais Olivier, Malard Olivier, Garrel Renaud, Uro-Coste Emmanuelle, Barry Béatrix, Bach Christine, Chevalier Dominique, Mouawad Francois, Merol Jean-Claude, Bastit Vianney, Thariat Juliette, Gilain Laurent, Dufour Xavier, Righini Christian-Adrien, Moya-Plana Antoine, Even Caroline, Radulesco Thomas, Michel Justin, Baujat Bertrand, Fakhry Nicolas. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary glands: A French Network of Rare Head and Neck Tumors (REFCOR) prospective study of 292 cases. EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2021 ; 47 (6) : 1376-1383..
Alauzet Pierre, Morand Aurélie, Mazenq Julie, Gaudart Jean, Bosdure Emmanuelle, Dubus Jean-Christophe. Key role of pediatricians and disease for influenza vaccination in children with high-risk chronic diseases. European Journal of Pediatrics 2021 ; 180 (1) : 303-306.
Rubio Francisco, Rachet Bernard, Giorgi Roch, Maringe Camille, Belot Aurélien. On models for the estimation of the excess mortality hazard in case of insufficiently stratified life tables. Biostatistics 2021 ; 22 (1) : 51-67.
Griffiths Karolina, Moise Kenny, Piarroux Martine, Gaudart Jean, Beaulieu Samuel, Bulit Greg, Marseille Jean-Petit, Jasmin Paul Menahel, Namphy Paul Christian, Henrys Jean-Hugues, Piarroux Renaud, Rebaudet Stanislas. Delineating and Analyzing Locality-Level Determinants of Cholera, Haiti. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2021 ; 27 (1) : 170 - 181.
Bationo Cédric, Gaudart Jean, Dieng Sokhna, Cissoko Mady, Taconet Paul, Ouedraogo Boukary, Somé Anthony, Zongo Issaka, Soma Dieudonné, Tougri Gauthier, Dabiré Roch, Koffi Alphonsine, Pennetier Cédric, Moiroux Nicolas. Spatio-temporal analysis and prediction of malaria cases using remote sensing meteorological data in Diébougou health district, Burkina Faso, 2016–2017. Scientific Reports 2021 ; 11 : 20027.
Sallah Kankoé, Giorgi Roch, Ba El-Hadj, Piarroux Martine, Piarroux Renaud, Cissé Badara, Gaudart Jean. Targeting Malaria Hotspots to Reduce Transmission Incidence in Senegal. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 ; 18 (1) : 76.
Galli Philippe, Ceva Antoine, Foletti Jean‐marc, Iline Nicolas, Giorgi Roch, Chossegros Cyrille, Graillon Nicolas. Salivary Gland Lithiasis Recurrence After Minimally‐Invasive Surgery: Incidence, Risk Factors and Prevention. Laryngoscope 2021 ; 131 (4) : 794-799.
Cavaille François, Peretti Mathieu, Garcia Marie Eve, Giorgi Roch, Ausias Nathalie, Vanelle Patrice, Barlesi Fabrice, Montana Marc. Real-world efficacy and safety of pembrolizumab in patients with non-small cell lung cancer: a retrospective observational study. Tumori 2021 ; 107 (1) : 32-38.
Deboscker Stéphanie, Séverac François, Gaudart Jean, Ménard Céline, Meyer Nicolas, Lavigne Thierry. An agent-based model to simulate the transmission of vancomycin-resistant enterococci according different prevention and control measures. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2021 ; 42 (7) : 857-863.
Rebaudet Stanislas, Gaudart Jean, Piarroux Renaud. Cholera in Haiti. The Lancet global health 2020 ; 8 (12) : e1468.
Saloner Dahan Laurie, Giorgi Roch, Garrel Renaud, Le Taillandier de Gabory Ludovic, Costes‐martineau Valérie, Herman Philippe, Poissonnet Gilles, Mauvais Olivier, Malard Olivier, Vergez Sébastien, Uro‐coste Emmanuelle, Barry Béatrix, Bach Christine, Chevalier Dominique, Mouawad Francois, Merol Jean‐claude, Bastit Vianney, Thariat Juliette, Gilain Laurent, Dufour Xavier, Righini Christian‐adrien, Dessi Patrick, Michel Justin, Radulesco Thomas, Even Caroline, Baujat Bertrand, Fakhry Nicolas. Management of cN0 low‐grade mucoepidermoid carcinomas of salivary glands: Prospective multicentre study of 152 cases of the French Network of Rare Head and Neck Tumors (REFCOR). Clinical Otolaryngology 2020 ; 45 (6) : 926-931.
Mba Robert Darlin, Goungounga Juste Aristide, Graffeo Nathalie, Giorgi Roch. Correcting inaccurate background mortality in excess hazard models through breakpoints. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2020 ; 20 (1) : 268.
Diagne Moussa M, Dieng Idrissa, Granjon Laurent, Lucaccioni Héloïse, Sow Abdourahmane, Ndiaye Oumar, Faye Martin, Bâ Khalilou, Bâ Yamar, Diallo Mamoudou, Faye Oumar, Duplantier Jean-Marc, Diallo Mawlouth, Handschumacher Pascal, Faye Ousmane, Sall Amadou A. Seoul Orthohantavirus in Wild Black Rats, Senegal, 2012–2013. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2020 ; 26 (10) : 2460-2464.
Maiga Hamma, Gaudart Jean, Sagara Issaka, Diarra Modibo, Bamadio Amadou, Djimde Moussa, Coumare Samba, Sangare Boubou, Dicko Yeyia, Tembely Aly, Traore Djibril, Dicko Alassane, Lasry Estrella, Doumbo Ogobara, Djimde Abdoulaye. Two-Year Scale-Up of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Reduced Malaria Morbidity among Children in the Health District of Koutiala, Mali. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 ; 17 (18) : 6639.
Ateba François Freddy, Febrero-Bande Manuel, Sagara Issaka, Sogoba Nafomon, Touré Mahamoudou, Sanogo Daouda, Diarra Ayouba, Magdalene Ngitah Andoh, Winch Peter J, Shaffer Jeffrey G, Krogstad Donald J, Marker Hannah C, Gaudart Jean, Doumbia Seydou. Predicting Malaria Transmission Dynamics in Dangassa, Mali: A Novel Approach Using Functional Generalized Additive Models. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 ; 17 (17) : 6339.
Stresman Gillian, Sepúlveda Nuno, Fornace Kimberly, Grignard Lynn, Mwesigwa Julia, Achan Jane, Miller John, Bridges Daniel J, Eisele Thomas P, Mosha Jacklin, Lorenzo Pauline Joy, Macalinao Maria Lourdes, Esperanza Espino Fe, Tadesse Fitsum, Stevenson Jennifer C, Quispe Antonio M, Siqueira André, Lacerda Marcus, Yeung Shunmay, Sovannaroth Siv, Pothin Emilie, Gallay Joanna, Hamre Karen E, Young Alyssa, Lemoine Jean Frantz, Chang Michelle A, Phommasone Koukeo, Mayxay Mayfong, Landier Jordi, Parker Daniel M, Seidlein Lorenz Von, Nosten François, Delmas Gilles, Dondorp Arjen, Cameron Ewan, Battle Katherine, Bousema Teun, Gething Peter, Alessandro Umberto, Drakeley Chris. Association between the proportion of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections detected by passive surveillance and the magnitude of the asymptomatic reservoir in the community: a pooled analysis of paired health facility and community data. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2020 ; 20 (8) : 953-963.
Florea Olga, Dufour Jean-Charles, Magnin Chloe, Brouqui Philippe, Boudjema Sophia. Improving Health Care Workers’ Compliance with Traceability by Recording the Nursing Process at the Point of Care Using a Personal Digital Assistant with a Barcode. Journal of Nursing & Care 2020 ; 9 : 3.
Ateba François Freddy, Sagara Issaka, Sogoba Nafomon, Touré Mahamoudou, Konaté Drissa, Diawara Sory Ibrahim, Diakité Séidina Aboubacar Samba, Diarra Ayouba, Coulibaly Mamadou D, Dolo Mathias, Dolo Amagana, Sacko Aissata, Thiam Sidibe M’baye, Sissako Aliou, Sangaré Lansana, Diakité Mahamadou, Koita Ousmane A, Cissoko Mady, Traore Sékou Fantamady, Winch Peter John, Febrero-Bande Manuel, Shaffer Jeffrey G, Krogtad Donald J, Marker Hannah Catherine, Doumbia Seydou, Gaudart Jean. Spatio-Temporal Dynamic of Malaria Incidence: A Comparison of Two Ecological Zones in Mali. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 ; 17 (13) : 4698.
Dieng Sokhna, Ba El Hadj, Cissé Badara, Sallah Kankoe, Guindo Abdoulaye, Ouedraogo Boukary, Piarroux Martine, Rebaudet Stanislas, Piarroux Renaud, Landier Jordi, Sokhna Cheikh, Gaudart Jean. Spatio-temporal variation of malaria hotspots in Central Senegal, 2008–2012. BMC Infectious Diseases 2020 ; 20 (1) : 424.
Cissoko Mady, Sagara Issaka, Sankaré Moussa H, Dieng Sokhna, Guindo Abdoulaye, Doumbia Zoumana, Allasseini Balam, Traore Diahara, Fomba Seydou, Bendiane Marc Karim, Landier Jordi, Dessay Nadine, Gaudart Jean. Geo-Epidemiology of Malaria at the Health Area Level, Dire Health District, Mali, 2013–2017. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 ; 17 (11) : 3982.
Dieng Sokhna, Michel Pierre, Guindo Abdoulaye, Sallah Kankoé L, Ba El-Hadj, Cisse Badara, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Sokhna Cheikh, Milligan Paul, Gaudart Jean. Application of Functional Data Analysis to Identify Patterns of Malaria Incidence, to Guide Targeted Control Strategies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 ; 17 (11) : 4168.
Le Floch Anne-Charlotte, Eisinger François, d'Incan Evelyne, Rey Jérôme, Charbonnier Aude, Caymaris Laurence, Stoler Marion, Julien Mancini, Boher Jean-Marie, Patrick Sfumato, Norbert Vey. Socioeconomic deprivation is associated with decreased survival in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Cancer Epidemiology 2020 ; 66 : 101699.
Rouamba Toussaint, Samadoulougou Sekou, Compaoré Cheick Saïd, Tinto Halidou, Gaudart Jean, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Fati. How to Estimate Optimal Malaria Readiness Indicators at Health-District Level: Findings from the Burkina Faso Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) Data. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 ; 17 (11) : 3923.
Wouda Eva Maria Nadine, Thielemans Laurence, Darakamon Mue Chae, Nge Aye Aye, Say Wah, Khing Sanda, Hanboonkunupakarn Borimas, Ngerseng Thatsanun, Landier Jordi, van Rheenen Patrick Ferry, Turner Claudia, Nosten Francois, Mcgready Rose, Carrara Verena Ilona. Extreme neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia in refugee and migrant populations: retrospective cohort. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2020 ; 4 (1) : e000641.
Marti Renaud, Li Zhichao, Catry Thibault, Roux Emmanuel, Mangeas Morgan, Handschumacher Pascal, Gaudart Jean, Tran Annelise, Demagistri Laurent, Faure Jean-François, Carvajal José Joaquín, Drumond Bruna, Xu Lei, Herbreteau Vincent, Gurgel Helen, Dessay Nadine, Gong Peng. A Mapping Review on Urban Landscape Factors of Dengue Retrieved from Earth Observation Data, GIS Techniques, and Survey Questionnaires. Remote Sensing 2020 ; 12 (6) : 932.
Gaye Alioune, Diagne Moussa Moïse, Ndiaye El Hadji, Dior Ndione Marie Henriette, Faye Martin, Talla Cheikh, Fall Gamou, Ba Yamar, Diallo Diawo, Dia Ibrahima, Handschumacher Pascal, Faye Ousmane, Sall Amadou Alpha, Diallo Mawlouth. Vector competence of anthropophilic mosquitoes for a new mesonivirus in Senegal. Emerging microbes & infections 2020 ; 9 (1) : 496-504.
Phommasone Koukeo, van Leth Frank, Peto Thomas J, Landier Jordi, Nguyen Thuy-Nhien, Tripura Rupam, Pongvongsa Tiengkham, Lwin Khin Maung, Kajeechiwa Ladda, Thwin May Myo, Parker Daniel M, Wiladphaingern Jacher, Nosten Suphak, Proux Stephane, Nguon Chea, Davoeung Chan, Rekol Huy, Adhikari Bipin, Promnarate Cholrawee, Chotivanich Kesinee, Hanboonkunupakarn Borimas, Jittmala Podjanee, Cheah Phaik Yeong, Dhorda Mehul, Imwong Mallika, Mukaka Mavuto, Peerawaranun Pimnara, Pukrittayakamee Sasithon, Newton Paul N, Thwaites Guy E, Day Nicholas P J, Mayxay Mayfong, Hien Tran Tinh, Nosten Francois H, Cobelens Frank, Dondorp Arjen M, White Nicholas J, von Seidlein Lorenz. Mass drug administrations with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine and single low dose primaquine to eliminate Plasmodium falciparum have only a transient impact on Plasmodium vivax: Findings from randomised controlled trials. PLoS ONE 2020 ; 15 (2) : e0228190.
Benmiloud Fares, Godiris-Petit Gaelle, Gras Régis, Gillot Jean-Charles, Turrin Nicolas, Penaranda Guillaume, Noullet Séverine, Chéreau Nathalie, Gaudart Jean, Chiche Laurent, Rebaudet Stanislas. Association of Autofluorescence-Based Detection of the Parathyroid Glands During Total Thyroidectomy With Postoperative Hypocalcemia Risk : Results of the PARAFLUO Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Surgery 2020 ; 155 (2) : 106.
Touraine C, Grafféo Nathalie, Giorgi R. More accurate cancer-related excess mortality through correcting background mortality for extra variables. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2020 ; 29 (1) : 122-136.
Michel Edwige, Gaudart Jean, Beaulieu Samuel, Bulit Gregory, Piarroux Martine, Boncy Jacques, Dely Patrick, Piarroux Renaud, Rebaudet Stanislas. Estimating effectiveness of case-area targeted response interventions against cholera in Haiti. eLife 2019 ; 8
Goungounga Juste Aristide, Touraine Célia, Grafféo Nathalie, Giorgi Roch. Correcting for misclassification and selection effects in estimating net survival in clinical trials. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2019 ; 19 (1)
Rae Jade D, Nosten Suphak, Proux Stéphane, Thu Aung Myint, Cho Win Cho, Paw K’nyaw, Shee Paw Eh, Shee Paw Bway, Be Saw Aye, Dah Saw Hsa, Ler Moo Saw Ku, Minh Saw Myo Chit, Shee Paw Wah, Wiladphaingern Jacher, Tun Saw Win, Kajeechiwa Ladda, Thwin May Myo, Delmas Gilles, Nosten François H, Landier Jordi. The role of monitoring and evaluation to ensure functional access to community-based early diagnosis and treatment in a malaria elimination programme in Eastern Myanmar. Malaria Journal 2019 ; 18 (1) : 50.
Peerawaranun Pimnara, Landier Jordi, Nosten Francois H., Nguyen Thuy-Nhien, Hien Tran Tinh, Tripura Rupam, Peto Thomas J., Phommasone Koukeo, Mayxay Mayfong, Day Nicholas P. J., Dondorp Arjen, White Nick, von Seidlein Lorenz, Mukaka Mavuto. Intracluster correlation coefficients in the Greater Mekong Subregion for sample size calculations of cluster randomized malaria trials Malaria Journal. Malaria Journal 2019 ; 18 (1)
Ndengué Jean de Matha, Texier Gaëtan, Landier Jordi, de Gavelle Erwan, Marchi Joffrey, Kamgang Louis Roger, Kenné Martin, Tindo Maurice, Eyangoh Sara, Le Gall Philippe. Adapting light trap to catch household insects in central Cameroon: a pilot study. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 2019 ; 55 (5) : 383-394.
Wolski Anna, Grafféo Nathalie, Giorgi Roch. A permutation test based on the restricted mean survival time for comparison of net survival distributions in non-proportional excess hazard settings. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2019 ; 096228021987021.
Dufour Jean-Charles, Grosjean Julien, Darmoni Stefan, Yasini Mobin, Marchand Guillaume, Simon Christian, Sarradon-Eck Aline, Préau Marie, Darmon David, Schuers Matthieu, Hassanaly Parina, Giorgi Roch. ApiAppS: A Project to Study and Help Practitioners in Recommending mHealth Apps and Devices to Their Patients. 2019 ; 264 : 1919-1920.
Graffeo Nathalie, Latouche Aurélien, Le Tourneau Christophe, Chevret Sylvie. ipcwswitch: An R package for inverse probability of censoring weighting with an application to switches in clinical trials. Computers in Biology and Medicine 2019 ; 111 : 103339.
Sfumato P., Filleron T., Giorgi R., Cook R.J., Boher J.M.. Goftte: A R package for assessing goodness-of-fit in proportional (sub) distributions hazards regression models. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2019 ; 177 : 269-275.
Sofeu Casimir Ledoux, Tejiokem Mathurin Cyrille, Penda Calixte Ida, Protopopescu Camelia, Ateba Ndongo Francis, Tetang Ndiang Suzie, Guemkam Georgette, Warszawski Josiane, Faye Albert, Giorgi Roch. Early treated HIV-infected children remain at risk of growth retardation during the first five years of life: Results from the ANRS-PEDIACAM cohort in Cameroon. PLoS ONE 2019 ; 14 (7) : e0219960.
Guindo Abdoulaye, Sagara Issaka, Ouedraogo Boukary, Sallah Kankoe, Hamady Assadou Mahamadoun, Healy Sara, Duffy Patrick, Doumbo Ogobara K, Dicko Alassane, Giorgi Roch, Gaudart Jean. “Spatial heterogeneity of environmental risk in randomized prevention trials: consequences and modeling”. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2019 ; 19 (1) : 149.
Mandja Bien-Aimé Makasa, Bompangue Didier, Handschumacher Pascal, Gonzalez Jean-Paul, Salem Gérard, Muyembe Jean-Jacques, Mauny Frédéric. The score of integrated disease surveillance and response adequacy (SIA): a pragmatic score for comparing weekly reported diseases based on a systematic review. BMC Public Health 2019 ; 19 (1) : 624.
Chaumeau Victor, Kajeechiwa Ladda, Fustec Bénédicte, Landier Jordi, Nyo Saw Naw, Hsel Saw Nay, Phatharakokordbun Phabele, Kittiphanakun Prapan, Nosten Suphak, Thwin May Myo, Tun Saw Win, Wiladphaingern Jacher, Cottrell Gilles, Parker Daniel M, Chit Myo, Kwansomboon Nittpha, Metaane Selma, Montazeau Céline, Kunjanwong Kitti, Sawasdichai Sunisa, Andolina Chiara, Ling Clare, Haohankhunnatham Warat, Christiensen Peter, Wanyatip Sunaree, Konghahong Kamonchanok, Cerqueira Dominique, Imwong Mallika, Dondorp Arjen M, Chareonviriyaphap Theeraphap, White Nicholas J, Nosten François H, Corbel Vincent. Contribution of Asymptomatic Plasmodium Infections to the Transmission of Malaria in Kayin State, Myanmar. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2019 ; 219 (9) : 1499-1509.
Parker Daniel M, Tun Sai Thein Than, White Lisa J, Kajeechiwa Ladda, Thwin May Myo, Landier Jordi, Chaumeau Victor, Corbel Vincent, Dondorp Arjen M, von Seidlein Lorenz, White Nicholas J, Maude Richard J, Nosten François H. Potential herd protection against Plasmodium falciparum infections conferred by mass antimalarial drug administrations. eLife 2019 ; 8 : e41023.
Rebaudet Stanislas, Bulit Gregory, Gaudart Jean, Michel Edwige, Gazin Pierre, Evers Claudia, Beaulieu Samuel, Abedi Aaron Aruna, Osei Lindsay, Barrais Robert, Pierre Katilla, Moore Sandra, Boncy Jacques, Adrien Paul, Duperval Guillaume Florence, Beigbeder Edouard, Piarroux Renaud. The case-area targeted rapid response strategy to control cholera in Haiti: a four-year implementation study. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2019 ; 13 (4) : e0007263.
Guillibert Caroline, Charpin Caroline, Raffray Marie, Benmenni Annie, Dehaut Francois-Xavier, Ghobeira Georges El, Giorgi Roch, Magalon Jeremy, Arniaud Denis. Single Injection of High Volume of Autologous Pure PRP Provides a Significant Improvement in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Prospective Routine Care Study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019 ; 20 (6) : E1327.
Morand Aurelie, Cornu Florent, Dufour Jean-Charles, Tsimaratos Michel, Lagier Jean-Christophe J.-C., Raoult Didier. Human Bacterial Repertoire of the Urinary Tract: a Potential Paradigm Shift. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2019 ; 57 (3) : e00675-18.
von Seidlein Lorenz, Peto Thomas J, Landier Jordi, Nguyen Thuy-Nhien, Tripura Rupam, Phommasone Koukeo, Pongvongsa Tiengkham, Lwin Khin Maung, Keereecharoen Lilly, Kajeechiwa Ladda, Thwin May Myo, Parker Daniel M, Wiladphaingern Jacher, Nosten Suphak, Proux Stephane, Corbel Vincent, Tuong-Vy Nguyen, Le Phuc-Nhi Truong, Son Do Hung, Nguyen Huong-Thu Pham, Tuyen Nguyen Thi Kim, Tien Nguyen Thanh, Dong Le Thanh, van Hue Dao, Quang Huynh Hong, Nguon Chea, Davoeung Chan, Rekol Huy, Adhikariid Bipin, Henriques Gisela, Phongmany Panom, Suangkanarat Preyanan, Jeeyapant Atthanee, Vihokhern Benchawan, van Der Pluijm Rob W, Lubell Yoel, White Lisa J, Aguas Ricardo, Promnarate Cholrawee, Sirithiranont Pasathorn, Malleret Benoit, Rénia Laurent, Onsjö Carl, Chan Xin Hui, Chalk Jeremy, Miotto Olivo, Patumrat Krittaya, Chotivanich Kesinee, Hanboonkunupakarn Borimas, Jittmala Podjanee, Kaehler Nils, Cheah Phaik Yeong, Pell Christopher, Dhorda Mehul, Imwong Mallika, Snounou Georges, Mukaka Mavuto, Peerawaranun Pimnara, Lee Sue J, Simpson Julie A, Pukrittayakamee Sasithon, Singhasivanon Pratap, Grobusch Martin P, Cobelens Frank, Smithuis Frank, Newton Paul N, Thwaites Guy E, Day Nicholas P J, Mayxay Mayfong, Hien Tran Tinh, Nosten Francois H, Dondorp Arjen M, White Nicholas J. The impact of targeted malaria elimination with mass drug administrations on falciparum malaria in Southeast Asia: A cluster randomised trial. PLoS Medicine 2019 ; 16 (2) : e1002745.
Rebaudet Stanislas, Moore Sandra, Rossignol Emmanuel, Bogreau Herve, Gaudart Jean, Normand Anne-Cécile, Laraque Marie-José, Adrien Paul, Boncy Jacques, Piarroux Renaud. Epidemiological and molecular forensics of cholera recurrence in Haiti. Scientific Reports 2019 ; 9 (1) : 1164.
Houvenaeghel Gilles, Lambaudie Eric, Classe Jean-Marc, Mazouni Chafika, Giard Sylvia, Cohen Monique, Faure Christelle, Charitansky Pierre, Rouzier Roman, Daraï Emile, Hudry Delphine, Azuar Pierre, Villet Richard, Gimbergues Pierre, Tunon de Lara Christine, Martino Marc, Fraisse Jean, Dravet François, Chauvet Marie Pierre, Boher Jean-Marie. Lymph node positivity in different early breast carcinoma phenotypes: a predictive model. BMC Cancer 2019 ; 19 (1) : 45.
Deboscker S., Schneider P., Severac F., Ménard C., Gaudart Jean, Lavigne T., Meyer N.. Factors associated with acquisition of glycopeptide-resistant enterococci during a single-strain outbreak. Epidemiology and Infection 2019 ; 147 : 1 - 8.
Hoang Van-Thuan, Dao Thi-Loi, Ly Tran Duc Anh, Belhouchat Khadidja, Chaht Kamel Larbi, Gaudart Jean, Mrenda Bakridine Mmadi, Drali Tassadit, Yezli Saber, Alotaibi Badriah, Fournier Pierre-Edouard, Raoult Didier, Parola Philippe, Pommier de Santi Vincent, Gautret Philippe. The dynamics and interactions of respiratory pathogen carriage among French pilgrims during the 2018 Hajj. Emerging microbes & infections 2019 ; 8 (1) : 1701-1710.
Argemi Xavier, Hansmann Yves, Gaudart Jean, Gillibert André, Caumes Eric, Jauréguiberry Stéphane, Meyer Nicolas. Comment on "Effect of Artemisia annua and Artemisia afra tea infusions on schistosomiasis in a large clinical trial. Phytomedicine 2019 ; 62 : 152943.
Rouamba Toussaint, Nakanabo-Diallo Seydou, Derra Karim, Rouamba Eli, Kazienga Adama, Inoue Yasuko, Ouedraogo Ernest, Waongo Moussa, Dieng Sokhna, Guindo Abdoulaye, Ouedraogo Boukary, Sallah Kankoé L, Barro Seydou, Yaka Pascal, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Fati, Tinto Halidou, Gaudart Jean. Socioeconomic and environmental factors associated with malaria hotspots in the Nanoro demographic surveillance area, Burkina Faso. BMC Public Health 2019 ; 19 (1) : 249.
Togo Amadou, Dufour Jean-Charles, Lagier Jean-Christophe J.-C., Dubourg Gregory, Raoult Didier, Million Matthieu. Repertoire of human breast and milk microbiota: a systematic review. Future Microbiol. / Future microbiology. 2019 ; 14 : 623 - 641.
Houvenaeghel Gilles, Cohen Monique, Raro Pédro, de Troyer Jérémy, de Lara Christine Tunon, Gimbergues Pierre, Gauthier Tristan, Faure-Virelizier Christelle, Vaini-Cowen Véronique, Lantheaume Stéphane, Regis Claudia, Daraï Emile, Ceccato Vivien, D’halluin Gauthier, del Piano Francesco, Villet Richard, Jouve Eva, Beedassy Bassoodéo, Theret Pierrick, Gabelle Philippe, Zinzindohoue Cécile, Opinel Pierre, Marsollier-Ferrer Catherine, Dhainaut-Speyer Caroline, Colombo Pierre-Emmanuel, Lambaudie Eric, Tallet Agnès, Boher Jean-Marie. Overview of the pathological results and treatment characteristics in the first 1000 patients randomized in the SERC trial: axillary dissection versus no axillary dissection in patients with involved sentinel node. BMC Cancer 2018 ; 18 : 1153.
Ouedraogo Boukary, Inoue Yasuko, Kambiré Alinsa, Sallah Kankoé, Dieng Sokhna, Tine Raphael, Rouamba Toussaint, Herbreteau Vincent, Sawadogo Yacouba, Ouedraogo Landaogo, Yaka Pascal, Ouedraogo Ernest, Dufour Jean-Charles, Gaudart Jean. Spatio-temporal dynamic of malaria in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2011–2015. Malaria Journal 2018 ; 17 (1) : 138.
Annede Pierre, Mailleux Hugues, Sfumato Patrick, Ferré Marjorie, Autret Aurélie, Varela Cagetti Leonel, Macagno Alban, Fau Pierre, Chargari Cyrus, Tallet Agnès, Resbeut Michel, Zemmour Christophe, Gonzague Laurence, Boher Jean-Marie. Multivariate normal tissue complication probability modeling of vaginal late toxicity after brachytherapy for cervical cancer. Brachytherapy 2018 ; 17 (6) : 922-928.
Wotodjo Amele N., Doucoure Souleymane, Diagne Nafissatou, Sarr Fatoumata Diene, Parola Philippe, Gaudart Jean, Sokhna Cheikh. Another challenge in malaria elimination efforts: the increase of malaria among adults after the implementation of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) in Dielmo, Senegal. Malaria Journal 2018 ; 17 (1) : 384.
Barcellos Christovam, Buzai Gustavo D., Handschumacher Pascal. Geography and health: what is at stake? History, themes and challenges. Confins - Revue franco-brésilienne de géographie/Revista franco-brasileira de geografia 2018 ; 37 : Epub ahead of print.
Cabarrou Bastien, Dalenc Florence, Leconte Eve, Boher Jean-Marie, Filleron Thomas. Focus on an infrequently used quantity in the context of competing risks: The conditional probability function. Computers in Biology and Medicine 2018 ; 101 : 70-81.
Sallah Kankoé L, Giorgi Roch, Ba El Hadj, Piarroux Martine, Piarroux Renaud, Griffiths Karolina, Cissé Badara, Gaudart Jean. Targeting hotspots to reduce transmission of malaria in Senegal: modeling of the effects of human mobility. 2018 .
Cabarrou Bastien, Sfumato Patrick, Leconte Eve, Boher Jean-Marie, Filleron Thomas. Designing phase II clinical trials to target subgroup of interest in a heterogeneous population: A case study using an R package. Computers in Biology and Medicine 2018 ; 100 : 239-246.
Landier Jordi, Haohankhunnatham Warat, Das Smita, Konghahong Kamonchanok, Christensen Peter, Raksuansak Jathee, Phattharakokoedbun Pase, Kajeechiwa Ladda, Thwin May Myo, Jang Ihn Kyung, Imwong Mallika, Wiladphaingern Jacher, Lwin Khin Maung, Ling Clare, Proux Stephane, Domingo Gonzalo J, Delmas Gilles, Nosten François H. Operational performance of a Plasmodium falciparum ultrasensitive rapid diagnostic test for detection of asymptomatic infections in Eastern Myanmar. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2018 ; 56 (8) : 565 - 583.
Thielemans Laurence, Trip-Hoving M., Landier Jordi, Turner C., Prins T J, Wouda E M N, Hanboonkunupakarn B., Po C., Beau C., Mu M., Hannay T., Nosten F., van Overmeire B., Mcgready R., Carrara V. I. Indirect neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in hospitalized neonates on the Thai-Myanmar border : a review of neonatal medical records from 2009 to 2014. BMC Pediatrics 2018 ; 18 (1) : 190.
Tradi Farouk, Louis Guillaume, Giorgi Roch, Mege Diane, Bartoli Jean-Michel, Sielezneff Igor, Vidal Vincent. Embolization of the Superior Rectal Arteries for Hemorrhoidal Disease: Prospective Results in 25 Patients. JVIR: Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 2018 ; 29 (6) : 884-892.e1.
Gravis Gwenaëlle, Boher Jean-Marie, Chen Yu-Hui, Liu Glenn, Fizazi Karim, Carducci Michael, Oudard Stephane, Joly Florence, Jarrard David, Soulié Michel, Eisenberger Mario, Habibian Muriel, Dreicer Robert, Garcia Jorge, Hussain Maha, Kohli Manish, Vogelzang Nicholas, Picus Joel, Dipaola Robert, Sweeney Christopher. Burden of Metastatic Castrate Naive Prostate Cancer Patients, to Identify Men More Likely to Benefit from Early Docetaxel: Further Analyses of CHAARTED and GETUG-AFU15 Studies. European Urology 2018 ; 73 (6) : 847-855.
Ouedraogo B, Gaudart J., Dufour Jean-Charles. Une évaluation de l'utilisation de la téléphonie mobile et d'une réorganisation du circuit de l'information pour la surveillance épidémiologique au Burkina Faso. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 2018 ; 66 (3) : S177.
Wolski Anna Maria, Grafféo Nathalie, Giorgi R.. Comparaison de k distributions de survie nette : un test simple à l’épreuve de situations de non-proportionnalité des risques. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 2018 ; 66 (3) : S143-S144.
Goungounga Juste Aristide, Giorgi Roch. Commentary on: Survival benefit of mantle cell lymphoma patients enrolled in clinical trials; a joint study from the LYSA group and French cancer registries. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 2018 ; 144 (4) : 791 - 793.
Graffeo Nathalie, Latouche Aurélien, Geskus Ronald B, Chevret Sylvie. Modeling time-varying exposure using inverse probability of treatment weights. Biometrical Journal 2018 ; 60 (2) : 323-332.
Rebaudet Stanislas, Bulit Gregory, Gaudart Jean, Michel Edwige, Gazin Pierre, Evers Claudia, Beaulieu Samuel, Abedi Aaron Aruna, Osei Lindsay, Barrais Robert, Pierre Katilla, Moore Sandra, Boncy Jacques, Adrien Paul, Beigbeder Edouard, Guillaume Florence Duperval, Piarroux Renaud. The national alert-response strategy against cholera in Haiti: a four-year assessment of its implementation. 2018 .
Raskin A., Ruquet M., Weiss-Pelletier L., Mancini J., Boulogne O., Michel J., Fakhry N., Foletti M., Chossegros C., Giorgi R.. Upper aerodigestive tract cancer and oral health status before radiotherapy: A cross-sectional study of 154 patients. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2018 ; 119 (1) : 2-7.
Sedat Jacques, Chau Yves, Gaudart Jean, Sachet Marina, Beuil Stephanie, Lonjon Michel. Stent-assisted coiling of intracranial aneurysms using LEO stents: long-term follow-up in 153 patients. Neuroradiology 2018 ; 60 (2) : 211-219.
Sellier Floriane, Bories Erwan, Sibertin-Blanc Camille, Griffiths Karolina, Dahan Laetitia, Giovannini Marc, Gaudart Jean, Seitz Jean-François, Laugier René, Caillol Fabrice, Grandval Philippe. Clinical outcome after biliary drainage for metastatic colorectal cancer: Survival analysis and prognostic factors. Digestive and Liver Disease 2018 ; 50 (2) : 189-194.
Gaudart Jean, Gaudart Louis. Wavelet for binocular vision modeling. 2018 .
Gaudart Jean, Gaudart Louis. Nerve impulse propagation and wavelet theory. 2018 .
Bilen Melhem, Dufour Jean-Charles, Lagier Jean-Christophe J