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Equipe SanteRCom : Santé et Recherche COMmunautaire

Fiorentino Marion, Yanwou Nathan, Gravier-Dumonceau Mazelier Robinson, Roux Perrine, Eubanks August, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Marriage and steady relationships with women in men who have sex with men in Sub-Saharan Africa : a mixed-method systematic review and meta-analyses. AIDS and Behavior 2025 ; Online ahead of print.
Lefebvre Sarah, Lelièvre Jean-Daniel, Rieux Véronique, Weiss Laurence, Ward Denise, Rachline Anne, Bureau-Stoltmann Morgane, Ben Rayana Raida, Gaad Nadir, Ben Mechlia Mohamed, Barbareschi Giorgio, Corbelli Guilio Maria, Brodnicki Elizabeth, Spire Bruno, Mc Cormack Sheena, Protière Christel. “They Have to Make an Effort Too”: What Decliners Can Teach Us About HIV Cure/Remission-Related Clinical Trials? Results from a French Qualitative Study. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 2025 ; 41 (1) : 20-29.
Mosnier Emilie, Ségéral Olivier, Neth Sansothy, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Khuon Dyna, Phoeung Chan Leakhena, Mam Sovatha, Chhay Chhingsrean, Heang Kimeang, Duclos-Vallée Jean Charles, Saphonn Vonthanak. Community Versus Facility-Based Services to Improve the Screening of Active Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Cambodia: The ANRS 12384 CAM-C Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial—Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2024 ; 13 : e63376.
Balhan Liam, Aubert Marion, Lacoux Cynthia, Grau Nina, Levy Joachim, Stefanowski Marie-Lou, Perreaut Lola, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Deuffic-Burban Sylvie, Cousien Anthony, Michels David, Costa Marie, Roux Perrine. A hand-washing community-based educational intervention to reduce abscess incidence among people who inject drugs: a cluster randomised controlled clinical trial protocol (the HAWA study protocol). BMC Public Health 2024 ; 24 (1) : 2858.
Protiere Christel, Sow Abdourahmane, Estellon Vincent, Bureau Morgane, Leclercq Vincent, Grégoire Muriel, Bladou Fred, Spire Bruno, Michels David, Roux Perrine. Diversity of Chemsex Experiences among Men Who Have Sex with Men: Results from the French ANRS PaacX Study Using Q-Methodology. Archives of Sexual Behavior 2024 .
Roux Perrine, Faye Aissatou, Sagaon‐teyssier Luis, Donadille Cécile, Briand Madrid Laélia, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Maradan Gwenaelle, Jauffret‐roustide Marie, Lalanne Laurence, Auriacombe Marc. Prevalence of stimulant use and the role of opioid agonist treatment among people who inject drugs in France: Results from the COSINUS cohort study. Drug and Alcohol Review 2024 ; 44 (1) : 275-287.
Gerin Larissa, Pedroso Andrey Oeiras, Antonini Marcela, Gir Elucir, Spire Bruno, Reis Renata Karina. Factors Associated with Vaccination Adequacy in People Living with HIV: A Cross-Sectional Study. Vaccines 2024 ; 12 (9) : 1003.
Gerin Larissa, Gir Elucir, Neves Lis Aparecida de Souza, Passos Luzia Márcia Romanholi, Kfouri Renato de Ávila, Spire Bruno, Reis Renata Karina. Vaccination Coverage of People Living with HIV: Before and after Interventional Action. Vaccines 2024 ; 12 (8) : 897.
Granville Ashely, Grigg Jodie, Kowalski Michala, Sevigny Eric, Zobel Frank, Fortin Davide. What can we learn from low-THC cannabis growers in Europe? A comparative transnational study of small-scale cannabis growers from Italy and Switzerland. International Journal of Drug Policy 2024 ; 104505.
Schönnesson Lena Nilsson, Cluver Lucie, Eriksson Lars E, Davidovich Udi, Harding Richard, Spire Bruno, Catalan José, Karkouri Mehdi, Steventon-Roberts Kathryn, Prince Bridgette, Sherr Lorraine. The power for action – now! AIDS Care 2024 ; 36 (sup1) : 1-5.
Baltes Virginie, de Boissieu Paul, Champenois Karen, Luan Louise, Seng Rémonie, Essat Asma, Novelli Sophie, Novelli Sophie, Spire Bruno, Molina Jean-Michel, Goujard Cécile, Meyer Laurence. Sexual behaviour and STIs among MSM living with HIV in the PrEP era: the French ANRS PRIMO cohort study. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2024 ; 27 (3)
Antonini Marcela, Vettore Mario Vianna, Øgård-Repål Anita, de Macêdo Rocha Daniel, de Alencar Rocha Karyanna Alves, Elias Henrique Ciabotti, Barufaldi Felipe, Santana Rodrigo Carvalho, Gir Elucir, Spire Bruno, Reis Renata Karina. Patterns of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in different anatomical sites among Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) users in Brazil. BMC Infectious Diseases 2024 ; 24 (1) : 260.
Fiorentino Marion, Coulibaly Bakary, Couderc Clotilde, Keita Bintou Dembélé, Anoma Camille, Dah Elias, Mensah Ephrem, Aka Thomas Niamkey, Touré Juste Rodrigue, Camara Drissa, Kokouba Anouwarsadat Rodolphe, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Mora Marion, Bourrelly Michel, Riegel Lucas, Rojas-Castro Daniela, Spire Bruno, Laurent Christian, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis. Men Who Have Sex with Both Men and Women in West Africa: Factors Associated with a High Behavioral Risk of Acquiring HIV from Male Partners and Transmission to Women (CohMSM ANRS 12324—Expertise France). Archives of Sexual Behavior 2024 ; 53 (2)
Dahuron Laureen, Goungounga Juste, Dramé Moustapha, Douine Maylis, Nacher Mathieu, Blaise Théo, Mosnier Emilie, Musset Lise, Fouillet Marie, Djossou Félix, Epelboin Loïc. Kinetics of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity during Plasmodium vivax infection: implications for early radical malaria treatment. Malaria Journal 2024 ; 23 (1) : 140.
Sznitman Sharon R, Potter Gary R, Grigg Jodie, Granville Ashely, Hakkarainen Pekka, Decorte Tom, Lenton Simon, Fortin Davide, Bear Daniel, Kirtadze Irma, Jauffret-Roustide Marie, Barratt Monica J, Sevigny Eric L. Are cannabis use problems comparable across individuals using for recreational and medical purposes? An international cross-sectional study of individuals who use self-grown cannabis. International Journal of Drug Policy 2023 ; 104263.
Roux P, Jauffret-Roustide M, Donadille C, Briand Madrid L, Denis C, Célérier I, Chauvin C, Hamelin N, Maradan G, Carrieri M P, Protopopescu C, Lalanne L, Auriacombe M. Impact of drug consumption rooms on non-fatal overdoses, abscesses and emergency department visits in people who inject drugs in France: results from the COSINUS cohort. International Journal of Epidemiology 2023 ; 52 (2) : 562 - 576.
Fortin Davide, Di Beo Vincent, Carrieri Patrizia, Barré Tangui. Therapeutic Use and Other Reasons to Consume Cannabidiol: Insight from the French and Italian Contexts. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2023 ; Online ahead of print.
Pereira Gonçalves Jessica, Briand Madrid Laélia, Donadille Cécile, Michels David, Ahouah Mathieu, Rojas Castro Daniela, Roux Perrine. Unsafe practices fostering cutaneous abscesses in people who inject substances : Results from the ANRS-OUTSIDER study. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 2023 ; 71 (5) : 102142.
Bastien Martin, Mezaache Salim, Donadille Cécile, Martin Victor, Appel Laurent, Lebrun Maela, Briand Madrid Laélia, Barré Tangui, Roux Perrine. Exclusive Therapeutic Use of Cannabis in a Large Sample of Daily Cannabis Users in France: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2023 ; 56 (3) : 353-363.
Fiorentino Marion, Gravier-Dumonceau Mazelier Robinson, Yanwou Nathan, Eubanks August, Roux Perrine, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Self-identified bisexual men and implications for research, prevention and care in men who have sex with men: a mixed-method systematic review and meta-analysis in Southern Africa. 2023 .
Perray M, Traore D, Riegel L, Rojas Castro D, Spire B, Mora M, Yattassaye A, Préau M. Benefits and challenges of a community-based programme for women living with HIV in Mali. AIDS Care 2023 ; 35 : 1100 - 1106.
Protiere C, Sagaon‐teyssier L, Donadille C, Sow A, Gaubert G, Girard G, Mora M, Assoumou L, Beniguel L, Michels D, Ghosn J, Costagliola D, Rojas Castro D, Molina Jean-Michel, Spire B. Perception of PrEP-related stigma in PrEP users: Results from the ANRS-PREVENIR cohort. HIV Medicine 2023 ; 24 : 938 - 945.
Fiorentino Marion, Coulibaly Abdouramane, Kamissoko Aliou, Dramé Souleymane, Koné Aïchata, Traoré Sokona, Koné Mariam, Fofana Sitan, Kanicomo Fatoumata, Bagayoko Gnamé, Cissé Mamadou, Girard Gabriel, Spire Bruno, Dembélé Keita Bintou, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis. Highly precarious general and sexual health conditions of young domestic servants: results from a qualitative exploratory study and perspectives for community-based research in Bamako, Mali. AIDS Care 2023 ; 35 : 2024 - 2035.
Mosnier Émilie, Loubiere Sandrine, Monfardini Elisabetta, Alibert A., Landier Jordi, Ninoves L., Bosetti T., Auquier P., Mosnier Marine, Wakap Stephanie Nguengang, Warszawski Josiane, Tinland A.. Cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection within the homeless population: insights from a city-wide longitudinal study. BMJ Open 2023 ; 13 (2)
Mosnier Emilie, Artigas Fernanda, Richard Elodie, Hoyer Maxime, Michels David, Vandentorren Stephanie, Girard Gabriel, Nagot Nicolas, Regnault Hippolyte, Mosnier Marine, Inegbeze Grâce, Roux Perrine, Spire Bruno, Eldin Carole. Effectiveness of a Community Empowerment Intervention to Improve Access to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in Migrant Women Sex Workers: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Implementation Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2023 ; 12 : e42844.
Eubanks August, Coulibaly Bakary, Dembélé Keita Bintou, Anoma Camille, Tiero Elias Dah Ter, Mensah Ephrem, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Bourrelly Michel, Mora Marion, Riegel Lucas, Rojas Castro Daniela, Yaya Issifou, Spire Bruno, Laurent Christian, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis. Loss to Follow-Up from HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Care in Men Who Have Sex with Men in West Africa. Viruses 2022 ; 14 (11) : 2380.
Barré Tangui, Moinot Laetitia, Spire Bruno, Protopopescu Camelia, Bureau Morgane, Arsandaux Julie, Gilbert Camille, Mercié Patrick, Marcellin Fabienne. Integrating Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Specific Elements in the Treatment of Tobacco Dependence (ANRS 144 Inter-ACTIV). Clinical Infectious Diseases 2022 ; 75 (10) : 1868-1871.
Mutricy-Hureau Louise, Pisoni Amandine, Pisoni Amandine, Suarez-Mutis Martha, Figueira da Silva Amanda, Lambert Yann, Mespoulhe Pauline, Godin Audrey, Parriault Marie-Claire, van Melle Astrid, Mosnier Emilie, Mosnier Emilie, Gaillet Mélanie, Michaud Céline, Schaub Roxane, Galindo Muriel Suzanne, Adenis Antoine, Nacher Mathieu, Vreden Stephen, Tuaillon Edouard, Douine Maylis. Sexual and addictive risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infections in illegal gold miners in French Guiana: a multicenter observational study. PLoS ONE 2022 ; 17 (9) : e0272932.
Chaptal Milène, Andrejak Claire, Bonifay Timothée, Beillard Emmanuel, Guillot Geneviève, Guyomard-Rabenirina Stéphanie, Demar Magalie, Trombert-Paolantoni Sabine, Jacomo Veronique, Mosnier Emilie, Veziris Nicolas, Djossou Felix, Epelboin Loïc. Epidemiology of Infection by Pulmonary Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria in French Guiana 2008-2018. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2022 ; 16 (9) : e0010693.
Floersheim Charlotte, Musso Sandrine, Eubanks August, Douine Maylis, Spire Bruno, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Parriault Marie Claire, Girard Gabriel, Mosnier Emilie. What can lead to late diagnosis of HIV in an illegal gold mining environment? A qualitative study at the French Guiana’s border with Brazil. BMJ Open 2022 ; 12 (9) : e061237.
Fortin Davide, Marcellin Fabienne, Carrieri Patrizia, Mancini Julien, Barré Tangui. Medical Cannabis: Toward a New Policy and Health Model for an Ancient Medicine. Frontiers in Public Health 2022 ; 10 (1) : 133-154.
Mutricy Rémi, Matheus Séverine, Mosnier Émilie, Martinez-Lorenzi Enguerrane, de Laval Franck, Nacher Mathieu, Niemetzky Florence, Naudion Pauline, Djossou Félix, Rousset Dominique, Epelboin Loïc. Mayaro virus infection in French Guiana, a cross sectional study 2003–2019. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 2022 ; 99 : 105243.
Fortin Davide, Di Beo Vincent, Massin Sophie, Bisiou Yann, Carrieri Patrizia, Barré Tangui. A “Good” Smoke? The Off-Label Use of Cannabidiol to Reduce Cannabis Use. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022 ; 13 : 829944.
Mezaache Salim, Donadille Cécile, Martin Victor, Le Brun Gadelius Maëla, Appel Laurent, Spire Bruno, Briand Madrid Laelia, Bastien Martin, Roux Perrine. Changes in cannabis use and associated correlates during France’s first COVID-19 lockdown in daily cannabis users: results from a large community-based online survey. Harm Reduction Journal 2022 ; 19 (1) : 26.
Allibert Agathe, Tinland Aurélie, Landier Jordi, Loubière Sandrine, Gaudart Jean, Mosnier Marine, Farnarier Cyril, Auquier Pascal, Mosnier Emilie. Residential Mobility of a Cohort of Homeless People in Times of Crisis: COVID-19 Pandemic in a European Metropolis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022 ; 19 (5) : 3129.
Jauffret-Roustide Marie, Auriacombe Marc, de Dinechin Sébastien, Briand Madrid Laélia, Donadille Cécile, Célérier Isabelle, Chauvin Carole, Hamelin Naomi, Kircherr Sébastien, Lalanne Laurence, Roux Perrine. L'évaluation des salles de consommation à moindre risque en santé publique : la cohorte COSINUS (cohorte pour l'évaluation des facteurs structurels et individuels de l'usage de drogues). Politiques des drogues 2022 ; 34-42.
Menu Estelle, Mosnier Emilie, Cotrel Arnaud, Favennec Loic, Razakandrainibe Romy, Valot Stéphane, Blanchet Denis, Dalle Frédéric, Costa Damien, Gaillet Mélanie, Demar Magalie, de Laval Franck. Cryptosporidiosis outbreak in Amazonia, French Guiana, 2018. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2022 ; 16 (1) : e0010068.
Roux Perrine, Donadille Cécile, Girard Gabriel, Spire Bruno, Protière Christel, Velter Annie. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Men Who Have Sex With Men That Practice Chemsex in France: Results From the National ERAS Web Survey. American Journal of Men's Health 2022 ; 16 (1) : 15579883211073225.
Odonne Guillaume, Musset Lise, Cropet C., Philogene B., Gaillet M., Tareau Marc-Alexandre, Douine M., Michaud C., Davy Damien, Epelboin L., Lazrek Y., Brousse P., Travers P., Djossou F., Mosnier E.. When local phytotherapies meet biomedicine. Cross-sectional study of knowledge and intercultural practices against malaria in Eastern French Guiana. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2021 ; 279 : 114384.
Vezenegho Samuel, Carinci Romuald, Issaly Jean, Nguyen Christophe, Gaborit Pascal, Ferraro Laetitia, Lacour Guillaume, Mosnier Emilie, Pommier de Santi Vincent, Epelboin Yanouk, Girod Romain, Briolant Sébastien, Dusfour Isabelle. Variation in pyrethroid resistance phenotypes in Anopheles darlingi from residual malaria transmission area: warning on suspected resistance built-up in French Guiana. 2021 ; 424-427.
Fortin Davide, Di Beo Vincent, Massin Sophie, Bisiou Yann, Carrieri Patrizia, Barré Tangui. Reasons for using cannabidiol: a cross-sectional study of French cannabidiol users. Journal of Cannabis Research 2021 ; 3 (1) : 46.
Alsaïdi Ismaïl, de Sousa Santos Frédéric, Plard Bérengère, Janvier Elise, Tinland Aurélie, Hafni Abdelmajid, Mosnier Emilie. Factors associated with SARS-CoV2 infection and care pathways among the most vulnerable populations living in Marseille: a case control study. BMC Public Health 2021 ; 21 (1) : 1704.
Loubiere Sandrine, Monfardini Elisabetta, Allaria Camille, Mosnier Marine, Allibert Agathe, Ninove Laetitia, Bosetti Thomas, Farnarier Cyril, Hamouda Ilyes, Auquier Pascal, Mosnier Emilie, Tinland Aurélie. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among homeless people living rough, in shelters and squats: A large population-based study in France. PLoS ONE 2021 ; 16 (9) : e0255498.
Schincariol Thomas, Roux Emmanuel, Jégo Sylvaine, Catry Thibault, Girond Florian, Herbreteau Vincent, Moua Yi, Saldanha Raphael, Mosnier Emilie. Forecasting cross-border malaria case number: towards an early warning system to support malaria elimination plans. 2021 .
Epelboin Loïc, Dione Aïda, Serris Alexandra, Blanchet Denis, Bidaud Bastien, Walter Gaëlle, Abboud Philippe, Mosnier Emilie, Gaillet Mélanie, Michaud Céline, Couppié Pierre, Demar Magalie Pierre, Nacher Mathieu, Djossou Félix, Adenis Antoine. Histoplasmosis of the Central Nervous System: A Case Series between 1990 and 2019 in French Guiana. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2021 ; 105 (1) : 125 - 129.
Laurent Christian, Dembélé Keita B, Yaya Issifou, Le Guicher Gwenvael, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Agboyibor Mawuényégan K, Coulibaly Alou, Traoré Issa, Malan Jean-Baptiste, de Baetselier Irith, Eubanks August, Riegel Lucas, Castro Daniela Rojas, Fayé-Ketté Hortense, Koné Amadou, Diandé Souba, Dagnra Claver A, Serrano Laetitia, Diallo Fodié, Mensah Ephrem, Dah Tiero E, Anoma Camille, Vuylsteke Bea, Spire Bruno. HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis for men who have sex with men in west Africa: a multicountry demonstration study. Lancet HIV 2021 ; 8 (7) : e420-e428.
Mosnier Emilie, Nevissas Olivia, Loubière Sandrine, Mosnier Marine, Bosetti Thomas, Bottero Julie, Roux Perrine, Monfardini Elisabetta, Tinland Aurélie. SARS-CoV-2 rapid serological tests for field-based healthcare workers in homeless communities: A mixed-methods exploratory analysis. Public Health in Practice 2021 ; 2 : 100154.
Allaria Camille, Loubière Sandrine, Mosnier Emilie, Monfardini Elisa, Auquier Pascal, Tinland Aurelie. “Locked down outside”: Perception of hazard and health resources in COVID-19 epidemic context among homeless people. SSM - Population Health 2021 ; 15 : 100829.
Gaudart Jean, Landier Jordi, Huiart Laetitia, Legendre Eva, Lehot Laurent, Bendiane Marc Karim, Chiche Laurent, Petitjean Aliette, Mosnier Emilie, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Fati, Demongeot Jacques, Piarroux Renaud, Rebaudet Stanislas. Factors associated with the spatial heterogeneity of the first wave of COVID-19 in France: a nationwide geo-epidemiological study. The Lancet Public Health 2021 ; 6 (4) : 222-231.
Fiorentino Marion, Sow Abdourahmane, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mora Marion, Mengue Marie-Thérèse, Vidal Laurent, Kuaban Christopher, March Laura, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno, Boyer Sylvie. Intimate partner violence by men living with HIV in Cameroon: Prevalence, associated factors and implications for HIV transmission risk (ANRS-12288 EVOLCAM). PLoS ONE 2021 ; 16 (2) : e0246192.
Delabre Rosemary, Bernier Adeline, Sánchez Flor, Vilotitch Antoine, Chanos Sophocles, Cosmaro Maria, Langanke Harriet, Mey Coline, James Cary, Duken Sascha, Schlegel Vincent, Stranz Richard, Jonas Kai, Spire Bruno, Rojas Castro Daniela. “Yes, I’m interested in taking PrEP!”: PrEP interest among women respondents to the European community-based survey “Flash! PrEP in Europe”. PLoS ONE 2021 ; 16 (2) : e0246037.
Scully Jenna, Mosnier Emilie, Carbunar Aurel, Roux Emmanuel, Djossou Félix, Garçeran Nicolas, Musset Lise, Sanna Alice, Demar Magalie Pierre, Nacher Mathieu, Gaudart Jean. Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax in French Guiana: 2005–2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 ; 18 (3) : 1077.
Cropet Claire, Abboud Philippe, Mosnier Emilie, Epelboin Loïc, Djossou Félix, Schrooten Ward, Sobesky Milko, Nacher Mathieu. Relationship between influenza and dengue outbreaks, and subsequent bacterial sepsis in French Guiana: A time series analysis. Journal of Public Health Research 2021 ; 10 (1) : 1768.
Cropet Claire, Abboud Philippe, Mosnier Emilie, Epelboin Loïc, Djossou Félix, Schrooten Ward, Sobesky Milko, Nacher Mathieu. Relations between influenza, dengue outbreaks, and subsequent bacterial sepsis in French Guiana: a time series analysis. 2021 .
Even Caroline, Sagaon Teyssier Luis, Pointreau Yoann, Temam Stéphane, Huguet Florence, Geoffrois Lionnel, Schwarzinger Michaël. Factors associated with under-reporting of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in cause-of-death records: A comparative study of two national databases in France from 2008 to 2012. PLoS ONE 2021 ; 16 (2) : e0246252.
Roux Perrine, Donadille Cécile, Magen Carine, Schatz Eberhard, Stranz Richard, Curado Adriana, Tsiakou Tania, Verdes Ludmila, Aleksova Aleksandrina, Carrieri Patrizia M., Mezaache Salim, Ben Charif Ali. Implementation and evaluation of an educational intervention for safer injection in people who inject drugs in Europe: a multi-country mixed-methods study. International Journal of Drug Policy 2021 ; 87 : 102992.
Malama Kalonde, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Parker Rachel, Tichacek Amanda, Sharkey Tyronza, Kilembe William, Inambao Mubiana, Price Matt, Spire Bruno, Allen Susan E.. Client-initiated violence against Zambian female sex workers : prevalence and associations with behavior, environment, and sexual history. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2021 ; 36 (17-18) : NP9483-NP9500.
Di Ciaccio Marion, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Protière Christel, Mimi Mohamed, Suzan-Monti Marie, Meyer Laurence, Rojas Castro Daniela, Pialoux Gilles, Pintado Claire, Molina Jean Michel, Préau Marie, Spire Bruno. Impact of HIV risk perception on both pre-exposure prophylaxis and condom use. Journal of Health Psychology 2021 ; 26 (10) : 1575-1586.
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Yattassaye Adam, Bourrelly Michel, Dembélé Keïta Bintou, Spire Bruno. The COVID-19 response must integrate people living with HIV needs in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Mali. Tropical Medicine and Health 2020 ; 48 (1) : 41.
Champenois Karen, Annequin Margot, Ngoh Paméla, Touitou Irit, Lert France, Bouvet de la Maisonneuve Philippe, Valbousquet Julie, Le Hô Erwan, Lydie Nathalie, Plenel Ève, Pugliese Pascal. Profils des usagers du programme « Au labo sans ordo », dépistage du VIH sans ordonnance et sans frais en laboratoire de biologie médicale. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire 2020 ; 33-34 : 657-665.
Nevissas Olivia, Tinland Aurelie, Farnarier Cyril, Mosnier Emilie, Mosnier Marine. Les personnes en situation de sans-abrisme face à la Covid-19 : étude sur des éléments d’une praxis humanitaire chez des acteurs associatifs de Marseille. Alternatives Humanitaires = Humanitarian alternatives 2020 ; (15) : 35-47.
Malama Kalonde, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Gosset Andréa, Parker Rachel, Wall Kristin M, Tichacek Amanda, Sharkey Tyronza, Kilembe William, Inambao Mubiana, Price Matt A, Spire Bruno, Allen Susan. Loss to follow-up among female sex workers in Zambia: findings from a five-year HIV-incidence cohort. African Journal of AIDS Research 2020 ; 19 (4) : 296-303.
Alsaidi I., de Sousa F., Janvier E., Plard B., Garguilo G., Mosnier E.. Facteurs associés à l’infection par le SARS-CoV2 et parcours de soins des populations précaires. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 2020 ; 50 (6) : S69.
Cortaredona Sébastien, Diop Rokhaya, Seror Valérie, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Peretti‐watel Patrick. Regional variations of childhood immunisations in Senegal: a multilevel analysis. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2020 ; 25 (9) : 1122-1130.
Blaizot Romain, Nabet Cécile, Laghoe Laure, Faivre Benjamin, Escotte-Binet Sandie, Djossou Félix, Mosnier Emilie, Henaff Fanny, Blanchet Denis, Mercier Aurélien, Darde Marie Laure, Villena Isabelle, Demar Magalie Pierre. Outbreak of Amazonian Toxoplasmosis: A One Health Investigation in a Remote Amerindian Community. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 2020 ; 10
Protière Christel, Fressard Lisa, Mora Marion, Meyer Laurence, Préau Marie, Suzan-Monti Marie, Lelièvre Jean-Daniel, Lambotte Olivier, Spire Bruno. Characterization of Physicians That Might Be Reluctant to Propose HIV Cure-Related Clinical Trials with Treatment Interruption to Their Patients? The ANRS-APSEC Study. Vaccines 2020 ; 8 (2) : 334.
Mosnier Emilie, Dusfour Isabelle, Lacour Guillaume, Saldanha Raphael, Guidez Amandine, Gomes Margarete, Sanna Alice, Epelboin Yanouk, Restrepo Johana, Davy Damien, Demar Magalie Pierre, Djossou Félix, Douine Maylis, Ardillon Vanessa, Nacher Mathieu, Musset Lise, Roux Emmanuel. Resurgence risk for malaria, and the characterization of a recent outbreak in an Amazonian border area between French Guiana and Brazil. BMC Infectious Diseases 2020 ; 20 : 373.
Annequin Margot, Villes Virginie, Delabre Rosemary, Alain Tristan, Morel Stéphane, Michels David, Schmidt Axel Jeremias, Velter Annie, Rojas Castro Daniela. Are PrEP services in France reaching all those exposed to HIV who want to take PrEP? MSM respondents who are eligible but not using PrEP (EMIS 2017). AIDS Care 2020 ; 32 (sup2) : 47-56.
Rheault Francois, de Benedictis Alessandro, Daducci Alessandro, Maffei Chiara, Tax Chantal M. W., Romascano David, Caverzasi Eduardo, Morency Félix C, Corrivetti Francesco, Pestilli Franco, Girard Gabriel, Theaud Guillaume, Zemmoura Ilyess, Hau Janice, Glavin Kelly, Jordan Kessi M, Pomiecko Kristofer, Chamberland Maxime, Barakovic Muhamed, Goyette Nil, Poulin Philippe, Chenot Quentin, Panesar Sandip, Sarubbo Silvio, Petit Laurent, Descoteaux Maxime. Tractostorm: The what, why, and how of tractography dissection reproducibility. Human Brain Mapping 2020 ; 41 (7) : 1859-1874.
Sherr Lorraine, Harding Richard, Davidovich Udi, Cluver Lucie, Spire Bruno, Prince Bridgette, Hedge Barbara, Catalan Jose. AIDSImpact 2019 special issue – Promises to keep and miles to go …. AIDS Care 2020 ; 32 (sup2) : 1 - 4.
Mezaache Salim, Briand-Madrid Laélia, Laporte Virginie, Mora Marion, Moudachirou Khafil, Rojas Castro Daniela, Carrieri Patrizia M., Roux Perrine. Correlates of Self-Reported Cotton Fever Experience among People Who Inject Opioids. Substance Use and Misuse 2020 ; 55 (6) : 1021-1027.
Santos Melina Erica, Protopopescu Camelia, Sogni Philippe, Yaya Issifou, Piroth Lionel, Bailly François, Marcellin Fabienne, Esterle Laure, Wittkop Linda, Rosenthal Eric, Morlat Philippe, Roux Perrine, de Araujo Wildo Navegantes, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. HCV-Related Mortality Among HIV/HCV Co-infected Patients: The Importance of Behaviors in the HCV Cure Era (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH Cohort). AIDS and Behavior 2020 ; 24 (4) : 1069-1084.
Mosnier Emilie, Garancher Laure, Galindo M., Djossou Félix, Moriceau Olivier, Hureau-Mutricy L., Silva Barbosa R., Lambert Y., Lazrek Y, Musset L., Douine Maylis. Paludisme en Guyane : des projets de recherche opérationnelle originaux s'appuyant sur la santé communautaire. La Lettre de l'Infectiologue 2020 ; Tome XXXV (2) : Online ahead of print.
Costa Marie, Barre Tangui, Coste Marion, Yaya Issifou, Berenger Cyril, Tanti Marc, Cutarella Christophe, Mora Marion, Poloméni Pierre, Maynard Marianne, Teuma Danielle, Bazin Michaël, Maradan Gwenaelle, Roux Perrine, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Screening and care for alcohol use disorder in France: expectations, barriers and levers using a mixed-methods approach. BMC Public Health 2020 ; 20 (1) : 358.
Puppo Costanza, Mabire Xavier, Morel Stéphane, Laguette Vanessa, Rojas Castro Daniela, Chas Julie, Cua Eric, Pintado Claire, Suzan-Monti Marie, Spire Bruno, Molina Jean-Michel, Préau Marie. Becoming adherent to a preventive treatment for HIV: a qualitative approach. Psychology, Health and Medicine 2020 ; 25 (3) : 270-281.
Boyer S., Nishimwe M. L., Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, March L., Koulla-Shiro S., Bousmah Marwân-Al-Qays, Toby R., Mpoudi-Etame Mireille, Gueye Ndeye Fatou Ngom, Sawadogo A., Kouanfack C., Ciaffi L., Spire Bruno, Delaporte Eric, Aghokeng Fobang Avelin. Cost-Effectiveness of Three Alternative Boosted Protease Inhibitor-Based Second-Line Regimens in HIV-Infected Patients in West and Central Africa. PharmacoEconomics - Open 2020 ; 4 (1) : 45-60.
Malama Kalonde, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Parker Rachel, Tichacek Amanda, Sharkey Tyronza, Kilembe William, Inambao Mubiana, Price Matt, Spire Bruno, Allen Susan. Factors associated with alcohol use before sex among HIV-negative female sex workers in Zambia. International Journal of STD and AIDS 2020 ; 31 (2) : 119-126.
Protière Christel, Arnold Michael, Fiorentino Marion, Fressard Lisa, Lelièvre Jean, Mimi Mohamed, Raffi Francois, Mora Marion, Meyer Laurence, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Zucman David, Preau Marie, Lambotte Olivier, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie. Differences in HIV cure clinical trial preferences of French people living with HIV and physicians in the ANRS‐APSEC study: a discrete choice experiment. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2020 ; 23 (2) : e25443.
Liegeois Florian, Boyer Sylvie, Eymard-Duvernay Sabrina, Carrieri Patrizia, Kouanfack Charles, Domyeum Jenny, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Ducos Jacques, Mpoudi-Ngolé Eitel, Spire Bruno, Delaporte Eric, Kuaban Christopher, Vidal Laurent, Laurent Christian. Hepatitis B testing, treatment, and virologic suppression in HIV-infected patients in Cameroon (ANRS 12288 EVOLCAM). BMC Infectious Diseases 2020 ; 20 (1) : 49.
Di Ciaccio Marion, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mimi Mohamed, Suzan-Monti Marie, Protière Christel, Castro Daniela Rojas, Meyer Laurence, Tremblay Cécile, Chidiac Christian, Capitant Catherine, Préau Marie, Molina Jean-Michel, Spire Bruno. What are the situational and behavioral factors associated with condomless anal sex without pre-exposure prophylaxis in MSM? AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 2020 ; 34 (9) : 1367-1375.
Eubanks August, Dembélé Keita Bintou, Anoma Camille, Dah ter Tiero Elias, Mensah Ephrem, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Bourrelly Michel, Mora Marion, Riegel Lucas, Rojas Castro Daniela, Yaya Issifou, Spire Bruno, Laurent Christian, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis. Reaching a Different Population of MSM in West Africa With the Integration of PrEP Into a Comprehensive Prevention Package (CohMSM-PrEP ANRS 12369—Expertise France). Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes - JAIDS 2020 ; 85 (3) : 292-301.
Protière Christel, Fiorentino Marion, Sow Abdourahmane, Préau Marie, Mora Marion, Fressard Lisa, Meyer Laurence, Lelièvre Jean-Daniel, Lambotte Olivier, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie. Who are the PLWH who might refuse to participate in HIV cure-related clinical trials with treatment interruption? AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 2020 ; 1.
Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mimi Mohamed, Maradan Gwenaelle, Mora Marion, Bourrelly Michel, Dembélé Keita Bintou, Keita Abdoul Aziz, Anoma Camille, Yoro Stéphane-Alain Babo, Dah Elias ter Tiero, Coulibaly Christian, Mensah Ephrem, Agbomadji Selom, Palvadeau Pamela, Bernier Adeline, Rojas Castro Daniela, Couderc Clotilde, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Changes in risky sexual behaviours among West African MSM enrolled in a quarterly HIV testing and counselling prevention programme (CohMSM ANRS 12324 - Expertise France). Sexually Transmitted Infections 2020 ; 96 (2) : 115-120.
Chaptal M., Andréjak Claire, Bonifay T., Guillot G., Boutrou M., Vantilke V., Ntab B., Kallel H., Travers V., Thomas S., Mosnier E., Vaz T., Lucarelli A., Flament F., Beillard E., Guyomard S., Veziris N., Trombert-Paolantoni S., Jiacomo V., Djossou Félix, Epelboin Loïc. Épidémiologie des infections à mycobactéries non tuberculeuses d’expression respiratoire en Guyane française, étude rétrospective 2008–2018. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualites 2020 ; 12 (1) : 17-18.
Saldanha Raphael, Mosnier Emilie, Barcellos Christovam, Carbunar Aurel, Charron Christophe, Desconnets Jean-Christophe, Guarmit Basma, Gomes Margarete Do Socorro Mendonça, Mandon Théophile, Mendes Anapaula Martins, Peiter Paulo César, Musset Lise, Sanna Alice, van Gastel Benoît, Roux Emmanuel. Contributing to Elimination of Cross-Border Malaria Through a Standardized Solution for Case Surveillance, Data Sharing, and Data Interpretation: Development of a Cross-Border Monitoring System. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2020 ; 6 (3) : e15409.
Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mimi Mohamed, M'Madi Mrenda Bakridine, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Mora Marion, Bourrelly Michel, Keita Bintou Dembélé, Keita Abdoul Aziz, Anoma Camille, Babo Yoro Stéphane-Alain, Dah ter Tiero Elias, Coulibaly Christian, Mensah Ephrem, Agbomadji Selom, Bernier Adeline, Couderc Clotilde, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Combined Sexual Behavioral Profiles in HIV-Seronegative Men Who have Sex with Men in West Africa (CohMSM ANRS 12324-Expertise France). Archives of Sexual Behavior 2020 ; 49 (1) : 331-345.
Mosnier Emilie, Roux Emmanuel, Cropet Claire, Lazrek Yassamine, Moriceau Olivier, Gaillet Mélanie, Mathieu Luana, Nacher Mathieu, Demar Magalie Pierre, Odonne Guillaume, Douine Maylis, Michaud Céline, Pelleau Stéphane, Djossou Félix, Musset Lise. Prevalence of Plasmodium spp. in the Amazonian Border Context (French Guiana–Brazil): Associated Factors and Spatial Distribution. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2020 ; 102 (1) : 130-141.
Di Ciaccio Marion, Puppo Costanza, Préau Marie. La recherche communautaire : un lieu privilégié de mise en œuvre des méthodes mixtes. 2020 ; chapitre 6 : 119-132.
Kounta Cheick Haïballa, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Balique Hubert, Diallo Fodié, Kalampalikis Nikos, Mora Marion, Bourrelly Michel, Suzan-Monti Marie, Spire Bruno, Keita Bintou Dembélé. Sex work among female workers in the traditional mining sector in Mali - results from the ANRS-12339 Sanu Gundo cross-sectional study in 2015. African Journal of AIDS Research 2019 ; 18 (3) : 215-223.
Mosnier Émilie, Nacher Mathieu, Parriault Marie-Claire, Dao C, Bidaud Bastien, Brousse Paul, Gaillet Mélanie, Epelboin Loïc, Mendes Antonio M, Montenegro Luiz, Nakano Daniel C., Botreau Raphaëlle, Rouseliere A, Rhodes Sophie, Carbunar Aurel. Knowledge, attitudes, practices about HIV and implications in risk and stigma prevention among French Guianese and Brazilian border inhabitants : Beliefs about HIV among border inhabitants. BMC Public Health 2019 ; 19 (1) : 1633.
Kounta Cheick Haïballa, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Bourrelly Michel, Aziz Keita Abdoul, Babo Yoro Stephane-Alain, Anoma Camille, Coulibaly Christian, ter Tiero Dah Elias, Agbomadji Selom, Mensah Ephrem, Bernier Adeline, Couderc Clotilde, Bintou Dembele Keita, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Transactional sex among men who have sex with men participating in the CohMSM prospective cohort study in West Africa. PLoS ONE 2019 ; 14 (11) : e0217115.
Marcellin Fabienne, Roux Perrine, Lazarus Jeffrey, Rolland Benjamin, Carrieri Patrizia. France removes hepatitis C treatment prescriber restrictions—But what is the impact of the delay for key populations? Liver International 2019 ; 39 (12) : 2418-2419.
Fiorentino Marion, Protière Christel, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mohamed Mohamed S. A., Fressard Lisa, Arnold Michael, Lambotte Olivier, Barbot Janine, Fainzang Sylvie, Meyer Laurence, Goujard Cécile, Préau Marie, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie. What is the effect of self-identified HIV activism in willingness to participate in HIV cure-related clinical trials? Results from the ANRS-APSEC study. Journal of Virus Eradication 2019 ; 5 (3) : 152-162.
Le Turnier Paul, Bonifay Timothée, Mosnier Emilie, Schaub Roxane, Jolivet Anne, Demar Magalie Pierre, Bourhy Pascale, Nacher Mathieu, Djossou Félix, Epelboin Loïc. Usefulness of C-Reactive Protein in Differentiating Acute Leptospirosis and Dengue Fever in French Guiana. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2019 ; 6 (9) : ofz323.
Rojas Castro Daniela, Delabre Rosemary, Morel Stéphane, Michels David, Spire Bruno. Community engagement in the provision of culturally competent HIV and STI prevention services: lessons from the French experience in the era of PrEP. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2019 ; 22 (S6)
Schernberg Antoine, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Schwarzinger Michaël, Baillot Sylvain, Bec Mélina, Benmahammed Lynda, Even Caroline, Geoffrois Lionel, Huguet Florence, Le Vu Béatrice, Lévy-Bachelot Laurie, Luchini Stéphane, Pointreau Yoann, Robert Camille, Temam Stéphane. Clinical and economic burden of head and neck cancer : a nationwide retrospective cohort study from France. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research 2019 ; 11 : 441-451.
Espindola Gomez Reinaldo, Mosnier Emilie, Djossou Félix, Epelboin Loïc. La dengue : quoi de neuf en 2019 ? La Lettre de l'Infectiologue 2019 ; (N°3 Juin 2019)
Mosnier Émilie. FRONTIÈRES : PROBLÈMES OU RESSOURCES EN SANTÉ POUR LES MIGRANTS ? EXEMPLE DE LA GUYANE. La Revue du Praticien Médecine Générale 2019 ; 69 (6) : 679-682.
Puppo Costanza, Mabire Xavier, Cotte Laurent, Castro Daniela Rojas, Spire Bruno, Cua Eric, Pialoux Gilles, Suzan-Monti Marie, Pasquet Armelle, Raffi François, Molina Jean-Michel, Préau Marie. Community-Based Care in the ANRS-IPERGAY Trial: The Challenges of Combination Prevention. AIDS Education and Prevention 2019 ; 31 (3) : 259-272.
Kounta Cheick Haïballa, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Bourrelly Michel, Aziz Keita Abdoul, Babo Yoro Stephane-Alain, Anoma Camille, Coulibaly Christian, ter Tiero Dah Elias, Agbomadji Selom, Mensah Ephrem, Bernier Adeline, Couderc Clotilde, Keita Bintou Dembélé, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Male clients of male sex workers in West Africa: A neglected high-risk population. PLoS ONE 2019 ; 14 (5) : e0212245.
Garay Osvaldo Ulises, Nishimwe Marie Libérée, Bousmah Marwân-Al-Qays, Janah Asmaa, Girard Pierre-Marie, Chene Geneviève, Moinot Laetitia, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Meynard Jean-Luc, Spire Bruno, Boyer Sylvie. Cost‑Effectiveness Analysis of Lopinavir/Ritonavir Monotherapy Versus Standard Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV‑1 Infected Patients with Viral Suppression in France (ANRS 140 DREAM). PharmacoEconomics - Open 2019 ; 3 : 505–515.
Mosnier Emilie, Epelboin Loïc, Guiraud Noé, Huber Florence, Adriouch Leila, Guarmit Basma, Brousse Paul, Terraz Anne, Boser Anna, Gaillet Mélanie, Djossou Félix, Adenis Antoine, Nacher Mathieu. Spatial dynamics and epidemiology for AIDS in remote areas in French Guiana. AIDS Care 2019 ; 31 (4) : 498-504.
Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Préau Marie, Maradan Gwenaelle, Mora Marion, Traoré Fodé, Oga Maxime, Thio Elisabeth, Ekon Lorette, Bintou Dembele Keita, Anoma Camille, ter Tiero Dah Elias, Mensah Ephrem, Bernier Adeline, Couderc Clotilde, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Taking empowerment into account: the response of community-based organisations to the HIV care needs of men who have sex with men in West Africa (CohMSM ANRS 12324 - Expertise France). AIDS Care 2019 ; 31 (11) : 1403-1411.
Auriacombe Marc, Roux Perrine, Briand Madrid Laélia, Kirchherr Sébastien, Kervran Charlotte, Chauvin Carole, Gutowski Marie, Denis Cécile, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Lalanne Laurence, Jauffret-Roustide Marie. Impact of drug consumption rooms on risk practices and access to care in people who inject drugs in France: the COSINUS prospective cohort study protocol. BMJ Open 2019 ; 9 (2) : e023683.
Baizet C., Ouar-Epelboin S., Walter G., Mosnier E., Moreau B., Djossou Félix, Epelboin Loïc. Decreased antibiotic susceptibility of Enterobacteriaceae causing community-acquired urinary tract infections in French Amazonia. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 2019 ; 49 (1) : 63-68.
Di Ciaccio Marion, Puppo Christel, Rojas Castro Daniela, Tremblay Cécile, Cotte Laurent, Pialoux Gilles, Spire Bruno, Molina Jean-Michel, Préau M.. Accompagnement médical et communautaire dans un essai de prévention biomédicale : vers une nouvelle forme d’éducation ? Pratiques Psychologiques 2019 ; Epub ahead of print.
Fiorentino Marion, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Ndiaye Khadim, Suzan-Monti Marie, Mengue Marie-Thérèse, Vidal Laurent, Kuaban Christopher, March Laura, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno, Boyer Sylvie. Intimate partner violence against HIV-positive Cameroonian women: Prevalence, associated factors and relationship with antiretroviral therapy discontinuity-results from the ANRS-12288 EVOLCam survey. Women's Health 2019 ; 15 : 1-12.
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Vilotitch Antoine, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Guagliardo Valérie, Suzan-Monti Marie, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Spire Bruno, Cuzin Lise. A generalized additive model to disentangle age and diagnosis-specific cohort effects in psychological and behavioral outcomes in people living with HIV: the French cross-sectional ANRS-VESPA2 survey. BMC Public Health 2019 ; 19 : 590.
Douine Maylis, Schaub Roxane, Jardin H., Adenis Antoine, Nacher Mathieu, Hureau-Mutricy L., Vreden S., Mosnier E., Pisoni A., Tuaillon E.. High prevalence of hepatitis B and syphilis in illegal gold miners in French Guiana. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2019 ; 25 (8) : 1051--1053.
ter Tiero Dah Elias, Couderc Clotilde, Coulibaly Alou, Jean-Baptiste Kouamé Malan, Kouamivi Agboyibor Mawuényégan, Traoré Issa, Maradan Gwenaelle, Castro Daniela Rojas, Mensah Ephrem, Anoma Camille, Keita Bintou Dembélé, Spire Bruno, Laurent Christian. Hepatitis B Virus Prevalence and Vaccination in Men Who Have Sex With Men in West Africa (CohMSM ANRS 12324—Expertise France). Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2019 ; 6 (7) : ofz249.
Girard Gabriel, Perreault Isabelle, Sallée Nicolas. Sexualité, savoirs et pouvoirs. Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal 2019 ; 224 PAGES / SEPTEMBRE 2019.
Khatmi Nicolas, Dany Lionel, Ndiaye Khadim, Carrieri Patrizia, Rojas Castro Daniela, Roux Perrine. Impact of an educational intervention on risks associated with drug injection, and on psychosocial factors (PSF) involved in initiating and maintaining new health behaviors over time. Addictive Behaviors 2018 ; 87 : 222-230.
Valdes Audrey, Epelboin Loïc, Mosnier Emilie, Walter Gaelle, Vesin Guillaume, Abboud Philippe, Melzani Alessia, Blanchet Denis, Blaise Nicaise, Nacher Mathieu, Demar Magalie Pierre, Djossou Félix. Primaquine 30 mg/day versus 15 mg/day during 14 days for the prevention of Plasmodium vivax relapses in adults in French Guiana: a historical comparison. Malaria Journal 2018 ; 17 (1) : 237.
Tron Laure, Lert France, Spire Bruno, Dray-Spira Rosemary. Behavioral cardiovascular risk factors in HIV-infected people in France: diversity of profiles across groups requires an urgent and tailored preventive approach. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 2018 ; epub ahead of print.
Mezaache Salim, Protopopescu Camelia, Debrus Marie, Morel Stéphane, Mora Marion, Suzan-Monti Marie, Rojas Castro Daniel, Carrieri Patrizia, Roux Perrine. Changes in supervised drug-injecting practices following a community-based educational intervention: A longitudinal analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2018 ; 192 : 1 - 7.
Potentier C, Martin E, Brousse P, Mosnier E, Henaff F, Guarmit B, Nacher N, Douine Maylis. Morbidité pédiatrique d’un village amérindien en Guyane française (2009–2016). Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique 2018 ; 111 (3) : 167 - 175.
Suzan-Monti Marie, Cotte Laurent, Fressard Lisa, Cua Eric, Capitant Catherine, Meyer Laurence, Pialoux Gilles, Molina Jean-Michel, Spire Bruno. Factors associated with partner notification of STIs in men who have sex with men on PrEP in France: a cross-sectional substudy of the ANRS-IPERGAY trial. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2018 ; 94 (7) : 490-493.
Costa Marie, Yaya Issifou, Mora Marion, Marcellin Fabienne, Villotitch Antoine, Berenger Cyril, Tanti Marc, Cutarella Christophe, Polomeni Pierre, Maradan Gwenaelle, Roux Perrine, Rolland Benjamin, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Barriers and levers in screening and care for alcohol use disorders among French general practitioners: results from a computer-assisted telephone interview-based survey. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 2018 ; 37 (2) : 207-224.
Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, M'Madi Mrenda Bakridine, Elle Maradan Gwenaëlle, Mora Marion, Bourrelly Michel, Demb El E Keita Bintou, Keita Abdoul Aziz, Anoma Camille, St Ephane-Alain Babo, Dah Tiero Elias, Coulibaly Christian, Mensah Ephrem, Agbomadji Selom, Bernier Adeline, Couderc Clotilde, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Interest in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in men who have sex with men in West Africa (CohMSM ANRS 12324 - Expertise France). Tropical Medicine & International Health 2018 ; 23 (10) : 1084-1091.
Roux Perrine, Fressard Lisa, Suzan-Monti Marie, Chas Julie, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Capitant Catherine, Meyer Laurence, Tremblay Cécile, Rojas-Castro Daniela, Pialoux Gilles, Molina Jean-Michel, Spire Bruno. Is on-demand HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis a suitable tool for men who have sex with men who practice chemsex ? Results from a substudy of the ANRS-IPERGAY trial. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes - JAIDS 2018 ; 79 (2) : 69-75.
Suzan-Monti Marie, Celse Michel, Vilotitch Antoine, Demoulin Baptiste, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Yeni Patrick, Lert France, Spire Bruno. Assessement of Awareness of, Concerns and Attitudes Towards HIV-Related Court-Case Sentences in France in a Representative Sample of People Living with HIV (ANRS VESPA2 Survey). AIDS and Behavior 2018 ; 22 (10) : 3264-3272.
Roux Perrine, Mezaache Salim, Briand-Madrid Laélia, Debrus Marie, Khatmi Nicolas, Maradan Gwenaelle, Protopopescu Camelia, Rojas-Castro Daniela, Carrieri Patrizia. Profile, risk practices and needs of people who inject morphine sulfate: Results from the ANRS-AERLI study. International Journal of Drug Policy 2018 ; 59 : 3 - 9.
Préau Marie, Mora Marion, Puppo Costanza, Laguette Vanessa, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Boufassa Faroudy, Meyer Laurence, Lambotte Olivier, Spire Bruno. Does Quality of Life and Sexual Quality of Life in HIV Patients Differ Between Non-treated HIV Controllers and Treated Patients in the French ANRS VESPA 2 National Survey? AIDS and Behavior 2018 ; 1 : Epub ahead of print.
Guarmit Basma, Brousse Paul, Lucarelli Aude, Donutil Gerd, Cropet Claire, Mosnier Emilie, Travers Philippe, Nacher Mathieu. Descriptive epidemiology of suicide attempts and suicide in the remote villages of French Guiana. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2018 ; Epub ahead of print.
Le Turnier Paul, Mosnier Emilie, Schaub Roxane, Bourhy Pascale, Jolivet Anne, Cropet Claire, Villemant Nicolas, Trombert-Paolantoni Sabine, Berlioz-Arthaud Alain, Nacher Mathieu, Demar Magalie Pierre, Picardeau Mathieu, Djossou Félix, Epelboin Loïc. Epidemiology of Human Leptospirosis in French Guiana (2007–2014): A Retrospective Study. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2018 ; 99 : 590 - 596.
Yaya Issifou, Roux Perrine, Marcellin Fabienne, Wittkop Linda, Esterle Laure, Spire Bruno, Domínguez Stéphanie, Elegbe Boni Armand, Piroth Lionel, Sogni Philippe, Salmon-Céron Dominique, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. Evolution of patients’ socio-behavioral characteristics in the context of DAA: Results from the French ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH cohort of HIV-HCV co-infected patients. PLoS ONE 2018 ; 13 (7) : e0199874.
Roux Perrine, Marcellin Fabienne, Ndiaye Khadim, Suzan-Monti Marie, Mayet Aurélie, Duracinsky Martin, Briand-Madrid Laélia, Maradan Gwenaelle, Mora Marion, Préau Marie, Verger Pierre, Carrieri Patrizia, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Spire Bruno. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder as a Significant Correlate of Voluntary Antiretroviral Treatment Interruption in Adult HIV-Infected Patients Followed up in French Hospitals. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2018 ; 79 (3)
Mosnier Emilie, Martin Noémie, Razakandrainibe Romy, Dalle Frédéric, Roux Guillaume, Buteux Arnaud, Favennec Loïc, Brousse Paul, Guarmit Basma, Blanchet Denis, Epelboin Loïc, Girouin Camille, Martin Elise, Djossou Félix, Nacher Mathieu, Demar Magalie Pierre. Cryptosporidiosis Outbreak in Immunocompetent Children from a Remote Area of French Guiana. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2018 ; 98 (6) : 1727 - 1732.
Meynard Jean-Luc, Moinot Laetitia, Landman Roland, Morand-Joubert Laurence, Besseghir Amel, Kolta Sami, Spire Bruno, Todesco Eve, Bouchaud Olivier, Fagard Catherine, Chene Geneviève, Girard Pierre-Marie. Week 96 efficacy of lopinavir/ritonavir monotherapy in virologically suppressed patients with HIV: a randomized non-inferiority trial (ANRS 140 DREAM). Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2018 ; 73 (6) : 1672-1676.
Nacher Mathieu, Adenis Antoine, Huber Florence, Hallet Edouard, Abboud Philippe, Mosnier Emilie, Bideau Bastien, Marty Christian, Lucarelli Aude, Morel Vanessa, Lacapère François, Epelboin Loïc, Couppié Pierre. Estimation of the duration between HIV seroconversion and HIV diagnosis in different population groups in French Guiana: Strategic information to reduce the proportion of undiagnosed infections. PLoS ONE 2018 ; 13 (6) : e0199267.
Di Ciaccio Marion, Protière Christel, Rojas Castro Daniela, Suzan-Monti Marie, Chas Julie, Cotte Laurent, Siguier Martin, Cua Eric, Spire Bruno, Molina Jean-Michel, Préau Marie. The ANRS-Ipergay trial, an opportunity to use qualitative research to understand the perception of the “participant”-physician relationship. AIDS Care 2018 ; 30 (sup2) : 41-47.
Roux Emmanuel, Saldanha Raphael, Barcellos Christovam, Mandon Théophile, Do Socorro Mendonca Gomes Margarete, Mosnier Emilie, Guarmit Basma, Desconnets Jean-Christophe. Cross-border epidemiological data integration and harmonization – Application to malaria in the cross-border area between French Guiana and Brazil. 2018 .
Protière C., Préau M., Carrieri P., Lambotte O., Spire B., Suzan-Monti M.. Importance of the patient-physician interaction in assessing acceptability of HIV cure trials. HIV Medicine 2018 ; 19 (4) : e56-e57.
Ségéral Olivier, Nerrienet Eric, Neth Sansothy, Spire Bruno, Khol Vohith, Ferradini Laurent, Sarun Saramony, Mom Chandara, Ngin Sopheak, Charpentier Charlotte, Men Pagnaroat, Mora Marion, Mean Chhi Vun, Ly Penhsun, Saphonn Vonthanak. Positive Virological Outcomes of HIV-Infected Patients on Protease Inhibitor-Based Second-Line Regimen in Cambodia: The ANRS 12276 2PICAM Study. Frontiers in Public Health 2018 ; 6 : 63.
Boser Anna S, Bidaud Bastien, Maues Silvia, Guiraud Noé, Mendes Anapaula M, Lacapere François, Rhodes Sophie, Huber Florence, Adriouch Leila, Nacher Mathieu, Mosnier Emilie. Addressing HIV on the French Guianese-Brazilian border. AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 2018 ; 32 (5) : 539 - 542.
Molina Jean-Michel, Charreau Isabelle, Chidiac Christian, Pialoux Gilles, Cua Eric, Delaugerre Constance, Capitant Catherine, Rojas-Castro Daniela, Fonsart Julie, Berçot Béatrice, Bébéar Cécile, Cotte Laurent, Robineau Olivier, Raffi Francois, Charbonneau Pierre, Aslan Alexandre, Chas Julie, Niedbalski Laurence, Spire Bruno, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Carette Diane, Mestre Soizic Le, Doré Veronique, Meyer Laurence. Post-exposure prophylaxis with doxycycline to prevent sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men: an open-label randomised substudy of the ANRS IPERGAY trial. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2018 ; 18 (3) : 308-317.
Tong Christelle, Suzan-Monti Marie, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mimi Mohamed, Laurent Christian, Maradan Gwenaelle, Mengue Marie-Thérèse, Spire Bruno, Kuaban Christopher, Vidal Laurent, Boyer Sylvie. Treatment interruption in HIV-positive patients followed up in Cameroon's antiretroviral treatment programme : individual and health care supply-related factors (ANRS-12288 EVOLCam survey). Tropical Medicine & International Health 2018 ; 23 (3) : 315-326.
Mercié Patrick, Arsandaux Julie, Katlama Christine, Ferret Samuel, Beuscart Aurélie, Spadone Christian, Duvivier Claudine, Reynes Jacques, Wirth Nathalie, Moinot Laetitia, Bénard Antoine, Zucman David, Duval Xavier, Molina Jean-Michel, Spire Bruno, Fagard Catherine, Chêne Geneviève. Efficacy and safety of varenicline for smoking cessation in people living with HIV in France (ANRS 144 Inter-ACTIV): a randomised controlled phase 3 clinical trial. Lancet HIV 2018 ; 5 (3) : e126-e135.
Preau Marie, Doumergue Marjolaine, Protière Christel, Goujard Cecile, Mora Marion, Meyer Laurence, Lelièvre Jean-Daniel, Raffi François, Spire Bruno, Lambotte Olivier, Suzan-Monti Marie. Acceptability of HIV cure-related trials: the challenges for physicians and people living with HIV (ANRS-APSEC). AIDS Care 2018 ; 30 (7) : 914-920.
Durand-Zaleski Isabelle, Mutuon Pierre, Charreau Isabelle, Tremblay Cecile, Rojas Daniela, Pialoux Gilles, Chidiac Christian, Capitant Catherine, Spire Bruno, Cotte Laurent, Chas Julie, Meyer Laurence, Molina Jean Michel. Costs and benefits of on-demand HIV preexposure prophylaxis in MSM. AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 2018 ; 32 (1) : 95-102.
Makofane Keletso, Spire Bruno, Mtetwa Phumi. Tackling global health inequities in the HIV response. The Lancet 2018 ; 392 (10144) : 263-264.
Girard Gabriel, Patten San, Leblanc Marc-André, Adam Barry D, Jackson Edward. Is HIV prevention creating new biosocialities among gay men? Treatment as prevention and pre-exposure prophylaxis in Canada. Sociology of Health and Illness 2018 ; 41 (3) : 484-501.
Toupin Isabelle, Engler Kim, Lessard David, Wong Leo, Lenart Andras, Spire Bruno, Raffi Francois, Lebouche Bertrand. Developing a patient-reported outcome measure for HIV care on perceived barriers to antiretroviral adherence: assessing the needs of HIV clinicians through qualitative analysis. Quality of Life Research 2018 ; 27 (2) : 379-388.
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mabire Xavier, Laguette Vanessa, Fressard Lisa, Suzan-Monti Marie, Rojas Castro Daniela, Hall Nolwenn, Capitant Catherine, Meyer Laurence, Chidiac Christian, Tremblay Cecile, Preau Marie, Spire Bruno, Molina Jean-Michel, Grp Anrs Ipergay Study. A Group-Based Trajectory Model for Changes in Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Condom Use Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Participating in the ANRS IPERGAY Trial. AIDS PATIENT CARE AND STDS 2018 ; 32 (12, SI) : 495-510.
Fiorentino Marion, Suzan-Monti Marie, Vilotitch Antoine, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Lert France, Spire Bruno. Renunciation of health care by people living with HIV in France is still associated with discrimination in health-care services and social insecurity - results from the ANRS-VESPA2 survey. Antiviral Therapy 2018 ; 23 (5) : 443-450.
Bekker Linda-Gail, Alleyne George, Baral Stefan, Cepeda Javier, Daskalakis Demetre, Dowdy David, Dybul Mark, Eholie Serge, Esom Kene, Garnett Geoff, Grimsrud Anna, Hakim James, Havlir Diane, Isbell Michael T., Johnson Leigh, Kamarulzaman Adeeba, Kasaie Parastu, Kazatchkine Michel, Kilonzo Nduku, Klag Michael, Klein Marina, Lewin Sharon R., Luo Chewe, Makofane Keletso, Martin Natasha K., Mayer Kenneth, Millett Gregorio, Ntusi Ntobeko, Pace Loyce, Pike Carey, Piot Peter, Pozniak Anton, Quinn Thomas C., Rockstroh Jurgen, Ratevosian Jirair, Ryan Owen, Sippel Serra, Spire Bruno, Soucat Agnes, Starrs Ann, Strathdee Steffanie A., Thomson Nicholas, Vella Stefano, Schechter Mauro, Vickerman Peter, Weir Brian, Beyrer Chris. Advancing global health and strengthening the HIV response in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals: the International AIDS Society-Lancet Commission. The Lancet 2018 ; 392 (10144) : 312-358.
Toupin Isabelle, Engler Kim, Lessard David, Wong Leo, Lenart Andras, Raffi Francois, Spire Bruno, Lebouche Bertrand. Patient profiles as organizing HIV clinicians' ART adherence management: a qualitative analysis. AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV 2018 ; 30 (2) : 207-210.
Castro Daniela Rojas, Delabre Rosemary M., Bernier Adeline, Vilotitch Antoine, Carvalho Rocha Luis Miguel, Chanos Sophocles, Corbelli Giulio Maria, Sweers Holger, Meulbroek Michael, Pichon Francois, Duken Sascha Bela, Stranz Richard, Schlegel Vincent, Spire Bruno, Jonas Kai. Factors Associated With Interest in Using PrEP Among Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) Respondents to the Community-based Survey Flash! PrEP in Europe. AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES 2018 ; 34 (1) : 157.
Skeen Sarah, Prince Bridgette, Rooyen Heidi Van, Tomlinson Mark, Swartz Alison, Colvin Christopher J., Cooper Diane, Cluver Lucie, Davidovich Udi, Harding Richard, Spire Bruno, Catalan Jose, Hedge Barbara, Sherr Lorraine. What will it really take to end the HIV epidemic? AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV 2018 ; 30 (2, SI) : 1-4.
Delabre Rosemary M., Ghosn Jade, Bernier Adeline, Stranz Richard, Mey Coline, Vilotitch Antoine, Schlegel Vincent, Sweers Holger, Chanos Sophocles, Jonas Kai, Spire Bruno, Castro Daniela Rojas. HIV-related Risks and Interest in Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Among Transgender Respondents of the Community-based Survey Flash! PrEP in Europe. AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES 2018 ; 34 (1) : 24.
Briand Madrid Laélia, Morel Stéphane, Ndiaye Khadim, Mezaache Salim, Rojas Castro Daniela, Mora Marion, Olivet Fabrice, Laporte Virginie, Protopopescu Camelia, Carrieri Patrizia, Roux Perrine. Factors associated with perceived loss of libido in people who inject opioids: Results from a community-based survey in France. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2018 ; 190 : 121-127.
Protière Christel, Spire Bruno, Mora Marion, Poizot-Martin Isabelle, Preau Marie, Doumergue Marjolaine, Morlat Philippe, Zucman David, Goujard Cecile, Raffi François, Lambotte Olivier, Suzan-Monti Marie. Patterns of patient and healthcare provider viewpoints regarding participation in HIV cure-related clinical trials. Findings from a multicentre French survey using Q methodology (ANRS-APSEC). PLoS ONE 2017 ; 12 (11)
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mmadi Mrenda Bakridine, Khol Vohith, Ferradini Laurent, Mam Sovatha, Ngin Sopheak, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Vun Mean Chhi, Ségéral Olivier, Nerrienet Eric, Saphonn Vonthanak, Spire Bruno. Adherence to PI-based 2nd-line regimens in Cambodia is not simply a question of individual behaviour : the ANRS 12276 2PICAM study. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2017 ; 22 (11) : 1428-1435.
Carrieri Patrizia, Roux Perrine. Role of community-based research in advocating HCV prevention and care. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017 ; 20 (2) : e25005.
Treibich Carole, Lescher Sabine, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Ventelou Bruno. The expected and unexpected benefits of dispensing the exact number of pills. PLoS ONE 2017 ; 12 (9) : e0184420.
Knight Rod, Roux Perrine, Vilotitch Antoine, Marcellin Fabienne, Rosenthal Eric, Esterle Laure, Boue François, Rey David, Piroth Lionel, Domínguez Stéphanie, Sogni Philippe, Salmon-Céron Dominique, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Spire Bruno. Significant reductions in alcohol use after hepatitis C treatment: results from the ANRS CO13-HEPAVIH cohort. Addiction 2017 ; 112 (9) : 1669-1679.
Protière Christel, Préau Marie, Doumergue Marjolaine, Mora Marion, Lambotte Olivier, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie. Will CURE trials introduce an uncomfortable revolution in the field of HIV research? HIV Clinical Trials 2017 ; 18 (4) : 174-175.
Tirera Sourakhata, Ginouvès Marine, Donato Damien, Caballero Ignacio S., Bouchier Christiane, Lavergne Anne, Bourreau Eliane, Mosnier Emilie, Vantilcke Vincent, Couppié Pierre, Prevot Ghislaine, Lacoste Vincent. Unraveling the genetic diversity and phylogeny of Leishmania RNA virus 1 strains of infected Leishmania isolates circulating in French Guiana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2017 ; 11 (7) : e0005764.
Douine Maylis, Mosnier Emilie, Le Hingrat Quentin, Charpentier Charlotte, Corlin Florine, Hureau Louise, Adenis Antoine, Lazrek Yassamine, Niemetsky Florence, Aucouturier Anne-Laure, Demar Magalie Pierre, Musset Lise, Nacher Mathieu. Illegal gold miners in French Guiana: a neglected population with poor health. BMC Public Health 2017 ; 18 (1) : 23.
Boyer Véronique, Vilotitch Antoine, Demoulin Baptiste, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Spire Bruno. Self-Reported Bothersome Symptoms Across Different Socioepidemiological Groups of People Living With HIV Attending French Hospitals: Results From the ANRS-VESPA2 Survey. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2017 ; 54 (1) : 110-119.
Schaub Roxane, Mac Donald Ms, Tuaillon Edouard, Cantaloube Jean François, Gordien E, Molenkamp R, Mosnier E, Adriouch Leila, Brousse Paul, Vreden S, Nacher Mathieu. Hépatites B et C dans les communautés migrantes et transfrontalières du fleuve Maroni : le projet de recherche MaHevi. Bulletin de Veille Sanitaire - Cire Antilles Guyane 2017 .
Nordmann Sandra, Vilotitch Antoine, Lions Caroline, Michel Laurent, Mora Marion, Spire Bruno, Maradan Gwenaelle, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Morel Alain, Roux Perrine, Carrieri Patrizia. Pain in methadone patients: Time to address undertreatment and suicide risk (ANRS-Methaville trial). PLoS ONE 2017 ; 12 (5) : e0176288.
Protière Christel, Chanel Olivier, Mouret-Fourme Emmanuelle, Julian-Reynier Claire, Noguès Catherine, Coupier Isabelle. How Can Contingent Valuation Inform the Bioethics Debate? Evidence from a Survey on Hereditary Cancers in France. Revue Economique 2017 ; 68 (3) : 379--404.
Chanel Olivier, Paraponaris Alain, Protière Christel, Ventelou Bruno. Take the Money and Run? Hypothetical Fee Variations and French GPs’ Labour Supply. Revue Economique 2017 ; 68 (3) : 357--377.
Epelboin Loïc, Le Turnier Paul, Picardeau Mathieu, Schaub Roxane, Petit-Sinturel Marion, Villemant Nicolas, Trombert-Paolantoni Sabine, Berlioz-Arthaud Alain, Bisser Sylvie, Mosnier Emilie, Ardillon Vanessa, Jolivet Anne, Demar Magalie Pierre, Nacher Mathieu, Bourhy Pascale, Djossou Félix. La leptospirose humaine en Guyane : état des connaissances et perspectives. Bulletin épidémiologie hebdomadaire 2017 ; 8-9 : 168-175.
Rojas Castro Daniela, Quatremere Guillemette, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Le Gall Jean-Marie, Préau M., Suzan-Monti Marie, Spire Bruno. Informal pre-exposure prophylaxis use in France : results from the Flash PrEP survey (2014). HIV Medicine 2017 ; 18 (4) : 308-310.
Mosnier Emilie, Niemetzky Florence, Stroot J, Pommier de Santi Vincent, Brousse Paul, Guarmit Basma, Blanchet Denis, Ville Muriel, Abboud Philippe, Djossou Félix, Nacher Mathieu. A Large Outbreak of Thiamine Deficiency among Illegal Gold Miners in French Guiana. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2017 ; Epub ahead of print.
Douine Maylis, Musset Lise, Corlin Florine, Pelleau Stéphane, Lazrek Yassamine, Mutricy Louise, Adenis Antoine, Mosnier Emilie, Djossou Félix, Demar Magalie Pierre, Nacher Mathieu. Paludisme et orpaillage illégal en Guyane : un enjeu majeur de santé publique. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire 2017 ; 6 : 102-114.
Marcellin Fabienne, Lions Caroline, Rosenthal Éric, Roux Perrine, Sogni Philippe, Wittkop Linda, Protopopescu Camelia, Salmon-Céron Dominique, Dabis François, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Spire Bruno. No significant effect of cannabis use on the count and percentage of circulating CD4 T-cells in HIV-HCV co-infected patients (ANRS CO13-HEPAVIH French cohort). Drug and Alcohol Review 2017 ; 36 (2) : 227-238.
Spire Bruno, Nait-Ighil Lella, Pugliese Pascal, Poizot-Martin Isabelle, Jullien Vincent, Marcelin Anne-Geneviève, Billaud Eric. Quality of life improvement in HIV-1 patients treated with raltegravir in a real-life observational study: RACING. HIV Clinical Trials 2017 ; 18 (1) : 1-16.
Sagaon-Teyssier L., Balique H., Diallo F., Kalampalikis Nikos, Mora M., Bourrelly M., Suzan-Monti M., Spire Bruno, Dembélé Keita B.. Prevalence of HIV at the Kokoyo informal gold mining site: What lies behind the glitter of gold with regard to HIV epidemics in Mali ? A community-based approach (The ANRS-12339 Sanu Gundo cross-sectional survey). BMJ Open 2017 ; 7 (8) : e016558.
Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Marcellin Fabienne, Fressard Lisa, Préau Marie, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Suzan-Monti Marie, Guagliardo Valérie, Mora Marion, Roux Perrine, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Spire Bruno. Suicide risk in a representative sample of people receiving HIV care: Time to target most-at-risk populations (ANRS VESPA2 French national survey). PLoS ONE 2017 ; 12 (2) : e0171645.
Succo Tiphanie, de Laval Franck, Sicard Sebastien, Belleoud Didier, Marimoutou Catherine, Mayet Aurélie, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Michel Rémy. Do alcohol-based hand rubs reduce the incidence of acute diarrhea during military deployments? A prospective randomized trial. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 2017 ; 15 : 48-51.
Carrieri Patrizia, Vilotitch Antoine, Nordmann Sandra, Lions Caroline, Michel Laurent, Mora Marion, Morel Alain, Maradan Gwenaelle, Roux Perrine, Spire Bruno. Decrease in self-reported offences and incarceration rates during methadone treatment: A comparison between patients switching from buprenorphine to methadone and maintenance treatment incident users (ANRS-Methaville trial). International Journal of Drug Policy 2017 ; 39 : 86-91.
Annequin Margot, Gosselin Anne, Dray-Spira Rosemary. Trajectoires et mobilités professionnelles autour de la migration. 2017 ; 73-91.
Roux Perrine, Rojas Castro Daniela, Ndiaye Khadim, Briand Madrid Laélia, Laporte Virginie, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Morel Stéphane, Spire Bruno, Carrieri Patrizia. Willingness to receive intravenous buprenorphine treatment in opioid-dependent people refractory to oral opioid maintenance treatment: results from a community-based survey in France. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 2016 ; 12 (1) : 46.
Annequin Margot, Lert France, Spire Bruno, Dray-Spira Rosemary. Increase in Unemployment over the 2000’s: Comparison between People Living with HIV and the French General Population. PLoS ONE 2016 ; 11 (11) : e0165634.
Michel Laurent, Lions Caroline, Winnock Maria, Lang Jean-Philippe, Loko Marc-Arthur, Rosenthal Eric, Marchou Bruno, Valantin Marc Antoine, Morlat Philippe, Roux Perrine, Sogni Philippe, Spire Bruno, Poizot-Martin Isabelle, Lacombe Karine, Lascoux-Combe Caroline, Duvivier Claudine, Neau Didier, Dabis François, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Psychiatric and substance use disorders in HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV)-coinfected patients: does HCV clearance matter? [Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le SIDA et les Hépatites Virales (ANRS) HEPAVIH CO13 cohort]. HIV Medicine 2016 ; 17 (10) : 758-765.
Mosnier Emilie, Epelboin Loïc, Guiraud Noé, Jacoud E, Guarmit B, Auz M, Fereira C, Rhodes S, Huber F, Nacher Mathieu, Adriouch L. LES PERIPHERIES DE L’EPIDEMIE DE VIH EN GUYANE : PARTICULARITES DES ZONES ISOLEES. 2016 ; (P33) : 63.
Mosnier E, Brousse P, Carrera C, Milan A, Guiraud Noé, Gadio G, Bidaud B, Epelboin Loïc, Auz M, Nacher Mathieu, Adriouch L, Guarmit B, Rhodes S. FRONTIERES : LIMITES OU ESPACES INNOVANTS DANS LA LUTTE CONTRE LE VIH ? EXEMPLE PRATIQUE EN GUYANE. 2016 .
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Fressard Lisa, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Guagliardo Valérie, Suzan-Monti Marie, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Spire Bruno. Larger is not necessarily better! Impact of HIV care unit characteristics on virological success: results from the French national representative ANRS-VESPA2 study. Health Policy 2016 ; 120 (8) : 936-947.
Roux Perrine, Rojas Castro Daniela, Ndiaye Khadim, Debrus Marie, Protopopescu Camelia, Le Gall Jean-Marie, Haas Aurélie, Mora Marion, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie, Carrieri Patrizia. Increased Uptake of HCV Testing through a Community-Based Educational Intervention in Difficult-to-Reach People Who Inject Drugs: Results from the ANRS-AERLI Study. PLoS ONE 2016 ; 11 (6) : e0157062.
Mosnier E., Douine Maylis, Musset L., Rhodes S., Gaudin O., Davy Damien, Epelboin Loïc, Pieter P., Mutricy R., Djossou Félix. TROP-14 - Attitudes et pratiques vis à vis du paludisme dans une communauté amérindienne de Guyane. 2016 ; 46 (4) : 107 - 108.
Mosnier E., Djossou Félix, Pelleau S., Douine Maylis, Guarmit B., Brousse P., Mutricy R., Simonnet C., Gauduchon S., Musset L.. TROP-15 - Importance du portage asymptomatique de plasmodies dans un quartier à transmission autochtone du paludisme en Guyane : enjeux pour une stratégie d’élimination. 2016 ; 46 (4) : 108.
Le Turnier P., Epelboin Loïc, Mosnier E., Schaub Roxane, Boukhari R., Berlioz-Arthaud A., Bourhy Pascale, Djossou Félix. PADS 2-07 - La leptospirose en Guyane française : 1re étude transversale multicentrique 2007-2014. 2016 ; 46 (4)
Epelboin Loïc, Nacher Mathieu, Mahamat Aba, Pommier de Santi Vincent, Berlioz-Arthaud Alain, Eldin Carole, Abboud Philippe, Briolant Sébastien, Mosnier Emilie, Mendonça Gomes Margarete Do Socorro, Vreden Stephen, Demar Magalie Pierre, Lacerda Marcus, Raoult Didier, Sampaio de Lemos Elba Regina, Djossou Félix. Q Fever in French Guiana: Tip of the Iceberg or Epidemiological Exception? PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2016 ; 10 (5) : e0004598.
Mosnier Emilie, Guiraud Noé, Epelboin Loïc, Huber Florence, Adriouch Leila, Guarmit Basma, Djossou Félix, Brousse Paul, Terraz Anne, Ville Muriel, Adenis Antoine, Nacher Mathieu. Spacial dynamics and social risk factor for AIDS in isolated area in French Guiana. 2016 .
Kankou J. M., Bouchaud Olivier, Lele N., Bourgeois Denis, Spire Bruno, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Abgrall Sophie. Factors Associated with HIV Status Disclosure in HIV-Infected Sub-Saharan Migrants Living in France and Successfully Treated with Antiretroviral Therapy: Results from the ANRS-VIHVO Study. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2016 ; [Epub ahead of print].
Epelboin Loïc, Douine Maylis, Carles G., Villemant N., Nacher Mathieu, Rousset D., Djossou Félix, Mosnier E. [Zika virus outbreak in Latin America: what are the challenges for French Guiana in April 2016?]. Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique 2016 ; 109 (2) : 114-25.
Boyer Sylvie, Iwuji Collins, Gosset Andréa, Protopopescu Camelia, Okesola Nonhlanhla, Plazy Melanie, Orne-Gliemann Joanna, Mcgrath Nuala, Pillay Deenan K, Dabis François, Larmarange Joseph, Spire Bruno. Factors associated with antiretroviral treatment initiation amongst HIV-positive individuals linked to care within a universal test and treat programme: early findings of the ANRS 12249 TasP trial in rural South Africa. AIDS Care 2016 ; 28 (sup3) : 39-51.
Djossou Félix, Vesin Guillaume, Bidaud Bastien, Mosnier Emilie, Simonnet Christine, Matheus Séverine, Prince Christelle, Balcaen John, Donutil Gerd, Egmann Gérald, Okandze Antoine, Malvy Denis, Nacher Mathieu. Incidence and Predictive Factors of Central Nervous System Dysfunction in Patients Consulting for Dengue Fever in Cayenne Hospital, French Guiana. PLoS ONE 2016 ; 11 (3) : e0150828.
Djossou Félix, Vesin Guillaume, Walter Gaelle, Epelboin Loïc, Mosnier Emilie, Bidaud Bastien, Abboud Philippe, Okandze Antoine, Mattheus Severine, Elenga Narcisse, Demar Magalie Pierre, Malvy Denis, Nacher Mathieu. Incidence and predictive factors of transaminase elevation in patients consulting for dengue fever in Cayenne Hospital, French Guiana. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2016 ; 110 (2) : 134 - 140.
Feuillet Pascaline, Lert France, Tron Laure, Aubriere Cindy, Spire Bruno, Dray-Spira Rosemary. Prevalence of and factors associated with depression among people living with HIV in France. HIV Medicine 2016 .
Préau Marie, Lorente Nicolas, Sagaon Teyssier Luis, Champenois Karen, Le Gall Jean-Marie, Xavier Mabire, Spire Bruno, Mora Marion, Yazdanpanah Yazdan, Suzan-Monti Marie, Group Anrs-Drag, Group Anrs-Comtest. Factors associated with satisfaction with community-based non-medicalized counseling and testing using HIV rapid tests among MSM in France. AIDS Care 2016 ; 28 (10) : 1240-8.
Roux Perrine, Le Gall Jean-Marie, Debrus Marie, Protopopescu Camelia, Ndiaye Khadim, Demoulin Baptiste, Lions Caroline, Haas Aurelie, Mora Marion, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Innovative community-based educational face-to-face intervention to reduce HIV, hepatitis C virus and other blood-borne infectious risks in difficult-to-reach people who inject drugs: results from the ANRS-AERLI intervention study. Addiction 2016 ; 111 (1) : 94-106.
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Suzan-Monti Marie, Demoulin Baptiste, Capitant Catherine, Lorente Nicolas, Préau Marie, Mora Marion, Castro Daniela Rojas, Chidiac Christian, Chas Julie, Meyer Laurence, Molina Jean-Michel. Uptake of PrEP and condom and sexual risk behavior among MSM during the ANRS IPERGAY trial. AIDS Care 2016 .
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Singh Sauman, Dongmo-Nguimfack Boniface, Moatti Jean-Paul. Affordability of adult HIV/AIDS treatment in developing countries : modelling price determinants for a better insight of the market functioning. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2016 ; 19 (1) : 20619.
Epelboin Loïc, Chroboczek Tomasz, Mosnier Emilie, Abboud Philippe, Adenis Antoine, Blanchet Denis, Demar Magalie Pierre, Guiraud Noé, Douine Maylis, Mahamat Aba, Aznar Christine, Nacher Mathieu, Couppié Pierre, Carme Bernard, Djossou Félix. L'infectiologie en Guyane : le dernier bastion de la médecine tropicale française. La Lettre de l'Infectiologue 2016 ; Tome XXXI - n° 4 - juillet-août 2016
Werb Daniel, Garfein Richard, Kerr Thomas, Davidson Peter, Roux Perrine, Jauffret-Roustide Marie, Auriacombe Marc, Small Will, Strathdee Steffanie A.. A socio-structural approach to preventing injection drug use initiation: rationale for the PRIMER study. Harm Reduction Journal 2015 ; 13 (1) : 25.
Mosnier Emilie, Guiraud Noé, Epelboin Loïc, Huber Florence, Adriouch Leila, Guarmit Basma, Djossou Félix, Douine Maylis, Brousse Paul, Terraz Anne, Ville Muriel, Adenis Antoine, Nacher Mathieu. Diagnostic et prise en charge des PVVIH en zones isolées et frontalières en Guyane. Bulletin de Veille Sanitaire - Cire Antilles Guyane 2015 ; (11) : 10-16.
Roux Perrine, Lions Caroline, Vilotitch Antoine, Michel Laurent, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Marcellin Fabienne, Spire Bruno, Morel Alain, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Correlates of cocaine use during methadone treatment: implications for screening and clinical management (ANRS Methaville study). Harm Reduction Journal 2015 ; 13 (1) : 12.
Lee Janice Soo Fern, Sagaon Teyssier Luis, Dongmo Nguimfack Boniface, Collins Intira Jeannie, Lallemant Marc, Perriens Joseph, Moatti Jean-Paul. An analysis of volumes, prices and pricing trends of the pediatric antiretroviral market in developing countries from 2004 to 2012. BMC Pediatrics 2015 ; 16 (1) : 41.
Michel Laurent, Lions Caroline, Maradan Gwenaelle, Mora Marion, Marcellin Fabienne, Morel Alain, Roux Perrine, Carrieri Patrizia, Spire Bruno. Suicidal risk among patients enrolled in methadone maintenance treatment: HCV status and implications for suicide prevention (ANRS Methaville). Comprehensive Psychiatry 2015 ; 62 : 123-131.
Dione A, Epelboin Loïc, Walter G, Mosnier Emilie, Bidaud B, Carrera C, Jeanbourquin D, Adenis Antoine, Nacher Mathieu, Blanchet D., Savatovsky Julien. Méningo-encéphalite à Histoplasma capsulatum chez une patiente infectée par le VIH : une pathologie à évoquer chez les patients vivant en Amérique latine ou en revenant. La Lettre de l'Infectiologue 2015 ; XXX (5) : 194-195.
Roux Perrine, Lions Caroline, Michel Laurent, Vilotitch Antoine, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Marcellin Fabienne, Spire Bruno, Alain Morel, Patrizia Carrieri M. Concomitant use of benzodiazepine and alcohol in methadone-maintained patients from the ANRS-Methaville trial: Preventing the risk of opioid overdose in patients who failed with buprenorphine. Drug and Alcohol Review 2015 ; 35 : 61 - 69.
Annequin Margot, Weill Alain, Thomas Frédérique, Chaix Basile. Environmental and individual characteristics associated with depressive disorders and mental healthcare use. Annals of Epidemiology 2015 ; 25 (8) : 605-612.
Annequin Margot, Lert France, Spire Bruno, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Group The Vespa2 Study. Has the employment status of people living with HIV changed since the early 2000s? AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 2015 ; 29 (12) : 1537–1547.
Mosnier Emilie, Demar Magalie Pierre, Bernit Emmanuelle, Rousset Dominique, Epelboin Loïc, Nacher Mathieu, Abboud Philippe, Vantilke Vincent, Djossou Félix. Dengue infection in sickle cell patients in French Guiana. Journal of Virology and Retrovirology 2015 ; 2 (1) : 1-5.
Mosnier Emilie, Carvalho Luisiane, Mahamat Aba, Chappert Jean-Loup, Ledrans Martine, Ville Muriel, Renaud Mireille, Chesneau Pierre, Rousset Dominique, Rosine Jacques, Pommier de Santi Vincent, Nacher Mathieu, Demar Magalie Pierre, Abboud Philippe, Couppié Pierre, Djossou Félix. ÉPIDÉMIES MULTIPLES DANS DES CAMPS D'ORPAILLAGE EN FORÊT AMAZONIENNE (GUYANE FRANÇAISE) EN 2013 : QUELLES LEÇONS POUR L'ACCÈS AUX SOINS ET À LA PRÉVENTION ? Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire 2015 ; 11-12 : 181-189.
Carrieri Patrizia, Michel Laurent, Lions Caroline, Cohen Julien, Vray Muriel, Mora Marion, Marcellin Fabienne, Spire Bruno, Morel Alain, Roux Perrine. Methadone Induction in Primary Care for Opioid Dependence: A Pragmatic Randomized Trial (ANRS Methaville). PLoS ONE 2014 ; 9 (11) : 112328 - 112328.
Marcellin Fabienne, Roux Perrine, Loko Marc-Arthur, Lions Caroline, Caumont-Prim Chloé, Dabis Francois, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Spire Bruno, Carrieri Patrizia M.. High levels of alcohol consumption increase the risk of advanced hepatic fibrosis in HIV/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients: a sex-based analysis using transient elastography at enrollment in the HEPAVIH ANRS CO13 cohort. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2014 ; 59 (8) : 1190-2.
Lions Caroline, Carrieri Patrizia M., Michel Laurent, Mora Marion, Marcellin Fabienne, Morel Alain, Spire Bruno, Roux Perrine. Predictors of non-prescribed opioid use after one year of methadone treatment: An attributable-risk approach (ANRS-Methaville trial). Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2014 ; 135 : 1-8.
Roux Perrine, Lions Caroline, Michel Laurent, Mora Marion, Daulouède Jean-Pierre, Marcellin Fabienne, Spire Bruno, Morel Alain. Factors associated with HCV risk practices in methadone-maintained patients: the importance of considering the couple in prevention interventions. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 2014 ; 9 : 37.
Sambourg E, Dufour J, Edouard S, Morris A, Mosnier E, Reynaud Y, Sainte Marie D., Nacher Mathieu, Guégan J-F, Couppié Pierre. Réponses et réactions paradoxales au cours du traitement médicamenteux de l’infection à Mycobacterium ulcerans (ulcère de Buruli). Quatre observations en Guyane française. Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie 2014 ; 141 (6-7) : 413-8.
Roux Perrine, Lions Caroline, Cohen Julien, Winnock Maria, Salmon-Céron Dominique, Bani-Sadr Firouzé, Sogni Philippe, Spire Bruno, Dabis François, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. Impact of HCV treatment and depressive symptoms on adherence to HAART among coinfected HIV-HCV patients: results from the ANRS-CO13-HEPAVIH cohort. Antiviral Therapy 2014 ; 19 (2) : 171-8.
Roux Perrine, Sullivan Maria A., Cohen Julien, Fugon Lionel, Jones Jermaine D., Vosburg Suzanne K., Cooper Ziva D., Manubay Jeanne M., Mogali Shanthi, Comer Sandra D.. Buprenorphine/naloxone as a promising therapeutic option for opioid abusing patients with chronic pain: reduction of pain, opioid withdrawal symptoms, and abuse liability of oral oxycodone. Pain 2013 ; 154 (8) : 1442-8.
Nacher Mathieu, Basurko Celia, Adenis Antoine, Gaubert-Marechal Emilie, Mosnier Emilie, Edouard Sophie, Vantilcke Vincent, Sivapregassam Sindou, Tressières Benoit, Cabié André, Couppié Pierre. Predictive Factors of Herpes Zoster HIV-Infected Patients: Another Adverse Effect of Crack Cocaine. PLoS ONE 2013 ; 8 (11) : e80187.
Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Cohen Julien, Winnock Maria, Roux Perrine, Sadr Firouze Bani, Rosenthal Eric, Martin Isabelle Poizot, Loko Marc-Arthur, Mora Marion, Sogni Philippe, Spire Bruno, Dabis François, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. Engaging HIV-HCV co-infected patients in HCV treatment: the roles played by the prescribing physician and patients' beliefs (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH cohort, France). BMC Health Services Research 2012 ; 12 (1) : 59.
Roux Perrine, Michel Laurent, Cohen Julien, Mora Marion, Morel Alain, Aubertin Jean-Francois, Desenclos Jean-Claude, Spire Bruno, Carrieri Patrizia. Methadone induction in primary care (ANRS-Methaville): a phase III randomized intervention trial. BMC Public Health 2012 ; 12 (1) : 488.
Jauffret-Roustide Marie, Cohen Julien, Poisot-Martin Isabelle, Spire Bruno, Gossop Michael, Carrieri Patrizia. Distributive sharing among HIV-HCV co-infected injecting drug users: the preventive role of trust in one's physician. AIDS Care 2011 .
Roux Perrine, Fugon Lionel, Michel Laurent, Lert France, Obadia Yolande, Spire Bruno, Carrieri P.. Determinants of benzodiazepine use in a representative population of HIV infected individuals: the role of HIV status disclosure (ANRS-EN12-VESPA study). AIDS Care 2011 ; 1.
Lewin Sharon, Evans Vanessa, Elliott Julian, Spire Bruno, Chomont Nicolas. Finding a cure for HIV: will it ever be achievable? Journal of the International AIDS Society 2011 ; 14 (1) : 4.
Roux Perrine, Carrieri Patrizia, Cohen Julien, Ravaux Isabelle, Spire Bruno, Gossop Michael, Comer Sandra. Non-medical use of opioids among HIV-infected opioid dependent individuals on opioid maintenance treatment: the need for a more comprehensive approach. Harm Reduction Journal 2011 ; 8 (1) : 31.
Spire Bruno. Test and treat -- community perspectives. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2010 ; 13 (Suppl 4) : O14.
Becquet Renaud, Burgos-Soto Juan, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Spire Bruno. Quality of life assessment in HIV clinical research in resource-limited settings: better late than never. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2010 ; 15 (9) : 1008-1010.
Marino Patricia, Siani C., Roché H., Protière C., Fumoleau P., Spielmann M., Martin A.-L, Viens P., Le Corroller Soriano A.-. Cost-effectiveness of adjuvant docetaxel for node-positive breast cancer patients: results of the PACS 01 economic study. Annals of Oncology 2010 ; 21 (7) : 1448-1454.
Marcellin Fabienne, Protopopescu Camelia, Abé Claude, Boyer Sylvie, Blanche Jérôme, Ongolo-Zogo Pierre, Koulla-Shiro Sinata, Moatti Jean-Paul, Carrieri Patrizia, Spire Bruno. Desire for a child among HIV-infected women receiving antiretroviral therapy in Cameroon: results from the national survey EVAL (ANRS 12-116). AIDS Care 2010 ; 22 (04) : 441-451.
Préau Marie, Bouhnik Anne-Déborah, Heard Isabelle, Brunet-François Cécile, Lemoing Vincent, Collin Fidéline, Spire Bruno. La santé mentale des femmes séropositives en France à l'ère des thérapies antirétrovirales : quelles différences avec les hommes ? Quels enjeux ? Médecine/Sciences 2008 ; 24 : 151 - 160.
Spire Bruno, de Zoysa Isabelle, Himmich Hakima. HIV prevention: What have we learned from community experiences in concentrated epidemics? J Int AIDS Soc 2008 ; 11 (1) : 5.
Spire Bruno, Carrieri Patrizia, Sopha Pal, Protopopescu Camelia, Prak Narom, Quillet Catherine, Ngeth Chanchhaya, Ferradini Laurent, Delfraissy Jean-François, Laureillard Didier. Adherence to antiretroviral therapy in patients enrolled in a comprehensive care program in Cambodia: a 24-month follow-up assessment. Antiviral Therapy 2008 ; 13 (5) : 697-703.
Spire Bruno, Lucas Gregory M., Carrieri Maria Patrizia. Adherence to HIV treatment among IDUs and the role of opioid substitution treatment (OST). International Journal of Drug Policy 2007 ; 18 (4) : 262-70.
Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Villes Virginie, Raffi François, Protopopescu Camelia, Preau Marie, Salmon Dominique, Taieb Audrey, Lang Jean-Marie, Verdon Renaud, Chene Geneviève, Spire Bruno. Self-reported side-effects of anti-retroviral treatment among IDUs: a 7-year longitudinal study (APROCO-COPILOTE COHORT ANRS CO-8). International Journal of Drug Policy 2007 ; 18 (4) : 288-95.
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Protière Christel, Evans Katrin, Camerlo Jacques, d'Ingrado Marie-Pierre, Macquart-Moulin Geneviève, Viens Patrice, Maraninchi Dominique, Genre Dominique. Efficacy and tolerance of a scalp-cooling system for prevention of hair loss and the experience of breast cancer patients treated by adjuvant chemotherapy. Supportive Care in Cancer 2002 ; 10 (7) : 529-537.
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Genre Dominique, Protière C., Macquart-Moulin Geneviève, Gravis G., Camerlo Jacques, Alzieu C., Maraninchi Dominique, Moatti Jean-Paul, Viens Patrice. Quality of life of breast cancer patients receiving high-dose-intensity chemotherapy: impact of length of cycles. Supportive Care in Cancer 2002 ; 10 (3) : 222-230.
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