@article{jauffretroustide:hal-03621559, TITLE = {{L'{\'e}valuation des salles de consommation {\`a} moindre risque en sant{\'e} publique : la cohorte COSINUS (cohorte pour l'{\'e}valuation des facteurs structurels et individuels de l'usage de drogues)}}, AUTHOR = {Jauffret-Roustide, Marie and Auriacombe, Marc and de Dinechin, S{\'e}bastien and Briand Madrid, La{\'e}lia and Donadille, C{\'e}cile and C{\'e}l{\'e}rier, Isabelle and Chauvin, Carole and Hamelin, Naomi and Kircherr, S{\'e}bastien and Lalanne, Laurence and Roux, Perrine}, URL = {https://cnam.hal.science/hal-03621559}, JOURNAL = {{Politiques des drogues}}, PUBLISHER = {{Conservatoire national des arts et m{\'e}tiers}}, SERIES = {2}, PAGES = {34-42}, YEAR = {2022}, MONTH = Feb, PDF = {https://cnam.hal.science/hal-03621559/file/PDD%20%232%20-%20JAUFRRET-ROUSTIDE%20et%20ali.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-03621559}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }