@article{epelboin:inserm-01503825, TITLE = {{La leptospirose humaine en Guyane : {\'e}tat des connaissances et perspectives}}, AUTHOR = {Epelboin, Lo{\"i}c and Le Turnier, Paul and Picardeau, Mathieu and Schaub, Roxane and Petit-Sinturel, Marion and Villemant, Nicolas and Trombert-Paolantoni, Sabine and Berlioz-Arthaud, Alain and Bisser, Sylvie and Mosnier, Emilie and Ardillon, Vanessa and Jolivet, Anne and Demar, Magalie Pierre and Nacher, Mathieu and Bourhy, Pascale and Djossou, F{\'e}lix}, URL = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-01503825}, JOURNAL = {{Bulletin d'{\'e}pid{\'e}miologie hebdomadaire}}, PUBLISHER = {{INVS}}, VOLUME = {8-9}, PAGES = {168-175}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = Apr, KEYWORDS = {Neglected tropical disease ; {\'E}pid{\'e}miologie ; Maladie tropicale n{\'e}glig{\'e}e ; Zoonose ; Leptospira ; Leptospirose ; French Guiana ; Guyane fran{\c c}aise // Keywords: Leptospirosis ; Zoonosis ; Epidemiology}, PDF = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-01503825/file/2017%2C%20Adenis%20-%20La%20leptospirose%20en%20Guyane.pdf}, HAL_ID = {inserm-01503825}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }