@article{douine:inserm-01566314, TITLE = {{Illegal gold miners in French Guiana: a neglected population with poor health}}, AUTHOR = {Douine, Maylis and Mosnier, Emilie and Le Hingrat, Quentin and Charpentier, Charlotte and Corlin, Florine and Hureau, Louise and Adenis, Antoine and Lazrek, Yassamine and Niemetsky, Florence and Aucouturier, Anne-Laure and Demar, Magalie Pierre and Musset, Lise and Nacher, Mathieu}, URL = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-01566314}, JOURNAL = {{BMC Public Health}}, PUBLISHER = {{BioMed Central}}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {23}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = Jul, DOI = {10.1016/S0140-6736(10)62169-1}, KEYWORDS = {French Guiana ; Global health ; Gold mining ; HIV ; Hypertension ; Malaria ; Neglected population ; Transborder}, PDF = {https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-01566314v1/file/2017%2C%20Douine%20-%20Illegal%20gold%20miners%20in%20French%20Guiana.pdf}, HAL_ID = {inserm-01566314}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }