@article{cortaredona:hal-03160963, TITLE = {{Regional variations of childhood immunisations in Senegal: a multilevel analysis}}, AUTHOR = {Cortaredona, S{\'e}bastien and Diop, Rokhaya and Seror, Val{\'e}rie and Sagaon-Teyssier, Luis and Peretti-watel, Patrick}, URL = {https://amu.hal.science/hal-03160963}, JOURNAL = {{Tropical Medicine \& International Health}}, PUBLISHER = {{ John Wiley \& Sons Ltd}}, VOLUME = {25}, NUMBER = {9}, PAGES = {1122-1130}, YEAR = {2020}, MONTH = Sep, DOI = {10.1111/tmi.13455}, KEYWORDS = {Senegal ; childhood vaccination ; couverture ; coverage ; immunisation ; socioeconomic ; socio{\'e}conomique ; vaccination infantile.}, PDF = {https://amu.hal.science/hal-03160963v1/file/Cortaredona_TMAII2020.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-03160963}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }