@article{leturnier:hal-02862875, TITLE = {{Usefulness of C-Reactive Protein in Differentiating Acute Leptospirosis and Dengue Fever in French Guiana}}, AUTHOR = {Le Turnier, Paul and Bonifay, Timoth{\'e}e and Mosnier, Emilie and Schaub, Roxane and Jolivet, Anne and Demar, Magalie Pierre and Bourhy, Pascale and Nacher, Mathieu and Djossou, F{\'e}lix and Epelboin, Lo{\"i}c}, URL = {https://univ-guyane.hal.science/hal-02862875}, JOURNAL = {{Open Forum Infectious Diseases}}, PUBLISHER = {{Oxford University Press}}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {9}, PAGES = {ofz323}, YEAR = {2019}, MONTH = Sep, DOI = {10.1093/ofid/ofz323}, KEYWORDS = {dengue fever ; French Guiana ; C-reactive protein ; diagnosis ; leptospirosis}, PDF = {https://univ-guyane.hal.science/hal-02862875/file/ofz323.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-02862875}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }