Logiciels et packages développés
Programmes d'analyse statistique
- Copulas.jl: A fully `Distributions.jl`-compliant copula package.
- NetSurvival.jl: A Julia take on standard net survival routines.
- JuliaSurv: A GitHub organisation handling survival analysis in Julia.
- goftte: Goodness-of-Fit for Time-to-Event Data. R package for assessing goodness-of-fit in proportional (sub) distributions hazards regression models.
- ipcwswitch: Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights to Deal with Treatment Switch in Randomized Clinical Trials. R package for formatting clinical trials data and implementing inverse probability of censoring weights to handle treatment switches when estimating causal treatment effect in randomized clinical trials.
- missCforest: R package for single imputation based on the ensemble conditional trees Cforest algorithm.
- Plot.RSurv: R function used to plot method for the function 'RSurv'.
- RSurv: R function to fit relative survival regression model with or without proportional hazards.
- SensMice: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations (Iteration Step for sensitivity analysis). R package to impute missing data under different scenarios of non response mechanism in order to perform a sensitivity analysis.
- SPODT: Spatial Oblique Decision Tree. R package for a spatial partitioning method based on oblique decision trees, in order to classify study area into zones of different risks, determining their boundaries.
- xhaz: R package to fit relative survival regression models with or without proportional excess hazards and with the additional possibility to correct for background mortality by one or more parameter(s).
- MI Dentistry. Based on the MI handbook developed by the European MI advisory Board this mobile application (iOS & Android) is a stand-alone clinical decision support system for educational purposes. It helps dental students and dental GPs perform a caries risk assessment that forms the basis of the minimally invasive dental approach.