@article{barre:hal-02611930, TITLE = {{Untreated alcohol use disorder in people who inject drugs (PWID) in France: a major barrier to HCV treatment uptake (the ANRS-FANTASIO study)}}, AUTHOR = {Barre, Tangui and Marcellin, Fabienne and Di Beo, Vincent and Delorme, Jessica and Rojas Rojas, Teresa and Mathurin, Philippe and Protopopescu, Camelia and Bailly, Fran{\c c}ois and Coste, Marion and Authier, Nicolas and Carrieri, Maria Patrizia and Rolland, Benjamin}, URL = {https://amu.hal.science/hal-02611930}, JOURNAL = {{Addiction}}, PUBLISHER = {{Wiley}}, VOLUME = {115}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {573-582}, YEAR = {2019}, MONTH = Dec, DOI = {10.1111/add.14820}, PDF = {https://amu.hal.science/hal-02611930/file/add.14820.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-02611930}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }