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Towards the European Health Data Space

The Joint Action TEHDaS is a two-year initiative co-funded by the European Commission with support of 25 EU Member States that aims to develop and promote concepts necessary for the implementation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS).

Période du projet :
Membre(s) SESSTIM du projet :
Partenaires :

Involves partners from EU and other European countries.

Site Web dédié au projet :

The TEHDaS project develops joint European principles for the secondary use of health data. The work involves 25 countries that work to improve cross-border use of health data for the benefit of citizens’ health, for public health, research and innovation.

Méthode :

TEHDaS helps EU member states and the European Commission to develop and promote concepts for the secondary use of health data to benefit public health and health research and innovation in Europe.

The project will focus on:

  • engaging other European projects and policymakers in a dialogue about the European Health Data Space;
  • ensuring sustainability of the secondary use of health data in Europe;
  • developing a governance model for cross-border co-operation in the secondary use of health data between European countries;
  • promoting the reliability and compatibility of and access to health data for secondary use;
  • clarifying the role of individuals in the secondary use of health data and including them in dialogue about the use of health data for research and policymaking.
Perspectives :

The results of the TEHDAS project will provide elements to the European Commission’s legislative proposal on the European Health Data Space as well as support the pan-European dialogue that will follow the proposal.
