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Publications de Jean-Charles DUFOUR

Mbaye Babacar, Wasfy Reham Magdy, Alou Maryam Tidjani, Borentain Patrick, Gerolami Rene, Dufour Jean-Charles, Million Matthieu. A catalog of ethanol-producing microbes in humans. Future Microbiology 2024 ; 1-18.
Menu Estelle, Filori Quentin, Dufour Jean-Charles, Ranque Stéphane, L’ollivier Coralie. A Repertoire of the Less Common Clinical Yeasts. Journal of Fungi 2023 ; 9 (11) : 1099.
Touzani Rajae, Dembele Elodie, Schultz Emilien, Rouquette Alexandra, Seguin Lorène, Dufour Jean-Charles, Bannier Marie, Mancini Julien. The French General Population’s Perception of New Information and Communication Technologies for Medical Consultations: National Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023 ; 25 : e45822.
Menu Estelle, Filori Quentin, Dufour Jean-Charles, Ranque Stéphane, L’ollivier Coralie. A Repertoire of Clinical Non-Dermatophytes Moulds. Journal of Fungi 2023 ; 9 (4) : 433.
Flora Luigi, Darmon David, Darmoni Stéfan J., Julien Grosjean, Simon Christian, Hassanaly Parina, Dufour Jean-Charles. Innover en partenariat par la création d’une aide à la décision d’applications mobiles dans la relation médecin-patient : la recherche ApiAppS. Le partenariat de soin avec le patient : analyses 2022 ; 4 : 73-94.
Della Vecchia Claire, Leroy Tanguy, Bauquier Charlotte, Pannard Myriam, Sarradon-Eck Aline, Darmon David, Dufour Jean-Charles, Preau Marie. Willingness of French General Practitioners to Prescribe mHealth Apps and Devices: Quantitative Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2022 ; 10 (2) : e28372.
Hassanaly Parina, Dufour Jean. Analysis of the Regulatory, Legal, and Medical Conditions for the Prescription of Mobile Health Applications in the United States, The European Union, and France. Med Devices (Auckl) / Medical devices (Auckland, N.Z.) - Medical devices : evidence and research. 2021 ; 14 : 389 - 409.
Florea Olga, Dufour Jean-Charles, Magnin Chloe, Brouqui Philippe, Boudjema Sophia. Improving Health Care Workers’ Compliance with Traceability by Recording the Nursing Process at the Point of Care Using a Personal Digital Assistant with a Barcode. Journal of Nursing & Care 2020 ; 9 : 3.
Dufour Jean-Charles, Grosjean Julien, Darmoni Stefan, Yasini Mobin, Marchand Guillaume, Simon Christian, Sarradon-Eck Aline, Préau Marie, Darmon David, Schuers Matthieu, Hassanaly Parina, Giorgi Roch. ApiAppS: A Project to Study and Help Practitioners in Recommending mHealth Apps and Devices to Their Patients. 2019 ; 264 : 1919-1920.
Morand Aurelie, Cornu Florent, Dufour Jean-Charles, Tsimaratos Michel, Lagier Jean-Christophe J.-C., Raoult Didier. Human Bacterial Repertoire of the Urinary Tract: a Potential Paradigm Shift. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2019 ; 57 (3) : e00675-18.
Togo Amadou, Dufour Jean-Charles, Lagier Jean-Christophe J.-C., Dubourg Gregory, Raoult Didier, Million Matthieu. Repertoire of human breast and milk microbiota: a systematic review. Future Microbiol. / Future microbiology. 2019 ; 14 : 623 - 641.
Ouedraogo Boukary, Inoue Yasuko, Kambiré Alinsa, Sallah Kankoé, Dieng Sokhna, Tine Raphael, Rouamba Toussaint, Herbreteau Vincent, Sawadogo Yacouba, Ouedraogo Landaogo, Yaka Pascal, Ouedraogo Ernest, Dufour Jean-Charles, Gaudart Jean. Spatio-temporal dynamic of malaria in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2011–2015. Malaria Journal 2018 ; 17 (1) : 138.
Ouedraogo B, Gaudart J., Dufour Jean-Charles. Une évaluation de l'utilisation de la téléphonie mobile et d'une réorganisation du circuit de l'information pour la surveillance épidémiologique au Burkina Faso. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 2018 ; 66 (3) : S177.
Fonkou Maxime D. M., Dufour Jean-Charles, Dubourg Gregory, Raoult Didier. Repertoire of bacterial species cultured from the human oral cavity and respiratory tract. Future Microbiology 2018 ; 13 (14) : 1611-1624.
Bilen Melhem, Dufour Jean-Charles, Lagier Jean-Christophe J.-C., Cadoret Frederic, Daoud Ziad, Dubourg Gregory, Raoult Didier. The contribution of culturomics to the repertoire of isolated human bacterial and archaeal species. Microbiome 2018 ; 6 (1) : 94.
Seck El Hadji, Dufour Jean-Charles, Raoult Didier, Lagier Jean-Christophe J.-C.. Halophilic & halotolerant prokaryotes in humans. Future Microbiology 2018 ; 13 (7) : 799-812.
Dufour Jean-Charles, Emeric Alain, Giorgi Roch. Interactive Videos within an e-Learning Context. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2017 ; 117.
Ouedraogo Boukary, Gaudart Jean, Dufour Jean-Charles. How does the cellular phone help in epidemiological surveillance? A review of the scientific literature. Informatics for Health and Social Care 2017 ; Epub ahead of print.
Dufour Jean-Charles, Brouqui Philippe, Boudjema Sophia, Soto Aladro Alberto, Chabriere Eric, Florea Olga, Nguyen Hoa. New Approaches to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2017 ; 65 (suppl_1) : S50 - S54.
Dufour Jean-Charles, Reynier P., Boudjema S., Aladro A. Soto, Giorgi R., Brouqui P.. Evaluation of hand hygiene compliance and associated factors with a radio-frequency-identification-based real-time continuous automated monitoring system. Journal of Hospital Infection 2017 ; 95 (4) : 344-351.
Kerbaj Jad, Toure Youssoupha, Aladro Alberto Soto, Boudjema Sophia, Giorgi Roch, Dufour Jean-Charles, Brouqui Philippe. Smartphone text message service to foster hand hygiene compliance in health care workers. American Journal of Infection Control 2017 ; 45 (3) : 234-250.
Burgun Anita, Oksen Dina V, Kuchinke Wolfgang, Prokosch Hans-Ulrich, Ganslandt Thomas, Buchan Iain, van Staa Tjeerd, Cunningham J, Gjerstorff Marianne L, Dufour Jean-Charles, Gibrat Jean-Francois, Nikolski Macha, Verger P, Cambon-Thomsen Anne, Masella Cristina, Lettieri Emanuele, Bertele Paolo, Salokannel Marjut, Thiébaut Rodolphe, Persoz Charles, Chene Geneviève, Ohmann Christian. Linking health and administrative data for maternal, child and young adult health. 2016 ; 26 (suplement 1) : np.
Borentain Patrick, Soussan J., Resseguier Noémie, Botta-Fridlund D., Dufour Jean-Charles, Gerolami René, Vidal V.. The presence of spontaneous portosystemic shunts increases the risk of ă complications after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) ă placement. Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2016 ; 97 (6) : 643-650.
Florea Olga, Boudjema Sophia, Reynier Pauline, Dufour Jean-Charles, Patouraux Phillipe, Peretti-Watel Patrick, Brouqui Philippe. Hygiène des mains chez les soignants en milieu hospitalier : étude observationnelle par vidéo. Bulletin CClin-Arlin 2016 .
Boudjema Sophia, Reynier Pauline, Dufour Jean-Charles, Florea Olga, Patouraux Philippe, Peretti-Watel Patrick, Brouqui Philippe. Hand Hygiene Analyzed by Video Recording. Journal of Nursing & Care 2016 ; 05 (02) : 1000338.
Dufour Jean-Charles, Hugon Perrine P., Colson Philippe, Fournier Pierre-Edouard, Sallah Kankoé, Raoult Didier. A comprehensive repertoire of prokaryotic species identified in human beings. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015 ; 15 (10) : 1211 - 1219.
Dufour Jean-Charles, Buzuru Bernard, Aladro Alberto Soto, Reynier Pauline, Boudjema Sophia, Giorgi Roch, Brouqui Philippe. MediHandTrace : un dispositif intégré utile à la recherche interventionnelle sur l’hygiène des mains. 2015 .
Dufour Jean-Charles, Buzuru Bernard, Soto Aladro Alberto, Reynier Pauline, Boudjema S., Giorgi R., Brouqui Philippe. « MediHandTrace » : un dispositif intégré utile à la recherche interventionnelle sur l’hygiène des mains. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 2015 ; 63 : S68.
Burgun Anita, Oksen Dina V, Kuchinke Wolfgang, Prokosch Hans-Ulrich, Ganslandt Thomas, Buchan Iain, van Staa Tjeerd, Cunningham James, Gjerstorff Marianne L, Dufour Jean-Charles, Gibrat Jean-Francois, Nikolski Macha, Verger Pierre, Cambon-Thomsen Anne, Masella Cristina, Lettieri Emanuele, Bertele Paolo, Salokannel Marjut, Thiébaut Rodolphe, Persoz Charles, Chêne Geneviève, Ohmann Christian. Proposal for a European Public Health Research Infrastructure for Sharing of health and Medical administrative data (PHRIMA). Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2015 ; 216 : 1005.
Cuggia Marc, Campillo-Gimenez Boris, Bouzille Guillaume, Besana Paolo, Jouini Wassim, Dufour Jean-Charles, Zekri Oussama, Gibaud Isabelle, Garde Cyril, Duvauferier Regis. Automatic Selection of Clinical Trials Based on A Semantic Web Approach. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2015 ; 216 : 564--568.
Weeks William B., Jardin Marie, Dufour Jean-Charles, Paraponaris Alain, Ventelou Bruno. Geographic variation in admissions for knee replacement, hip replacement, and hip fracture in France: evidence of supplier-induced demand in for-profit and not-for-profit hospitals. Medical Care 2014 ; 52 (10) : 909--917.
Demonchy Élisa, Dufour Jean-Charles, Gaudart Jean, Cervetti Emmanuel, Michelet Pierre, Poussard Nicolas, Levraut Jacques, Pulcini Céline. Impact of a computerized decision support system on compliance with guidelines on antibiotics prescribed for urinary tract infections in emergency departments: a multicentre prospective before-and-after controlled interventional study. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2014 .
Béranger Jérôme, Dufour Jean-Charles, Mancini Julien, Le Coz Pierre. Ethical Analysis of Information Systems (IS) In Health: A Model for Understanding Expectations and Actual Achievements to Stakeholders Involved In the IS. Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering 2013 ; Vol. 3 (Issue 1) : 118.
Avillach P., Dufour Jean-Charles, Diallo G., Salvo F., Joubert M., Thiessard F., Mougin Fleur, Trifiro G., Fourrier-Reglat A., Pariente A., Fieschi M.. Design and validation of an automated method to detect known adverse drug reactions in MEDLINE: a contribution from the EU-ADR project. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2013 ; 20 (3) : 446-452.
Avillach P., Coloma P. M., Gini R., Schuemie M., Mougin Fleur, Dufour Jean-Charles, Mazzaglia G., Giaquinto C., Fornari C., Herings R., Molokhia M., Pedersen L., Fourrier-Reglat A., Fieschi M., Sturkenboom M., van Der Lei J., Pariente A., Trifiro G.. Harmonization process for the identification of medical events in eight European healthcare databases: the experience from the EU-ADR project. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2013 ; 20 (1) : 184-192.
Béranger J., Mancini J., Dufour Jean-Charles, Le Coz P.. Évaluation éthique des systèmes d’information auprès des acteurs de santé. European Research in Telemedicine / La Recherche Européenne en Télémédecine 2013 ; 2 : 83-92.
Béranger Jérôme, Mancini Julien, Dufour Jean-Charles, Le Coz Pierre. Mise en place humaine des systèmes d'information en cancérologie: mesure du degré d'applicabilité des moyens et de désordre (entropie). Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering 2012 ; 33 (5-6) : 308-315.