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Pays de résidence (durant la formation)  : 
ZA Afrique du Sud
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Formation initiale  : 
Applied Mathematics / Computer engineering
Parcours  : 
Profession  : 
ICT4D Technical Consultant | Digital Health | AI in Healthcare Researcher
Activité  : 
- I am a Data lover with a strong passion for Data4Development, passionate about Machine Learning, and Artificial intelligence in Healthcare.

- My experiences cover:
The following agencies: UNFPA, UNICEF, UNDP, UNOPS, Millennium Promise Inc, I.E of Columbia University, One Million Community Health Workers Campaign, Dimagi, Health-Focus & GIZ.
The following countries: Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, DR. Congo (Kinshasa, Goma, Béni, Butembo, and Komanda in Ituri province ), and South Africa.

Specialties: Technology for Mobile Data Collection and Survey Design (CommCare, Kobo Toolbox, ODK, FormHub, Ona Platforms), Databases (MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle), Technology for Data Visualisation (R, Python, Power BI, Tableau Desktop, Google Data Studio, Tableau Prep Builder), Technology for Monitoring and Evaluation (DHIS2, iHRIS Platforms, RapidPro SMS), Mobile Phone for Public Health, Statistics (SPSS, MatLab), GIS (QGIS), Digital Development, Digital health, Data4Development, ML, AzureML and AI.
Commentaire personnel  : 
This training allows me to have deep knowledege and understanding about issues, needs, implications and methods used in AI for Public Health, futermore how to respond to a public health problems by applying AI methods in critical manner.
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