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Publications de Luis SAGAON TEYSSIER

Floersheim Charlotte, Musso Sandrine, Eubanks August, Douine Maylis, Spire Bruno, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Parriault Marie Claire, Girard Gabriel, Mosnier Emilie. What can lead to late diagnosis of HIV in an illegal gold mining environment? A qualitative study at the French Guiana’s border with Brazil. BMJ Open 2022 ; 12 (9) : e061237.
Malama Kalonde, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Parker Rachel, Tichacek Amanda, Sharkey Tyronza, Kilembe William, Inambao Mubiana, Price Matt, Spire Bruno, Allen Susan E.. Client-initiated violence against Zambian female sex workers : prevalence and associations with behavior, environment, and sexual history. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2021 ; 36 (17-18) : NP9483-NP9500.
Di Ciaccio Marion, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Protière Christel, Mimi Mohamed, Suzan-Monti Marie, Meyer Laurence, Rojas Castro Daniela, Pialoux Gilles, Pintado Claire, Molina Jean Michel, Préau Marie, Spire Bruno. Impact of HIV risk perception on both pre-exposure prophylaxis and condom use. Journal of Health Psychology 2021 ; 26 (10) : 1575-1586.
Even Caroline, Sagaon Teyssier Luis, Pointreau Yoann, Temam Stéphane, Huguet Florence, Geoffrois Lionnel, Schwarzinger Michaël. Factors associated with under-reporting of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in cause-of-death records: A comparative study of two national databases in France from 2008 to 2012. PLoS ONE 2021 ; 16 (2) : e0246252.
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Yattassaye Adam, Bourrelly Michel, Dembélé Keïta Bintou, Spire Bruno. The COVID-19 response must integrate people living with HIV needs in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Mali. Tropical Medicine and Health 2020 ; 48 (1) : 41.
Malama Kalonde, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Gosset Andréa, Parker Rachel, Wall Kristin M, Tichacek Amanda, Sharkey Tyronza, Kilembe William, Inambao Mubiana, Price Matt A, Spire Bruno, Allen Susan. Loss to follow-up among female sex workers in Zambia: findings from a five-year HIV-incidence cohort. African Journal of AIDS Research 2020 ; 19 (4) : 296-303.
Cortaredona Sébastien, Diop Rokhaya, Seror Valérie, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Peretti‐watel Patrick. Regional variations of childhood immunisations in Senegal: a multilevel analysis. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2020 ; 25 (9) : 1122-1130.
Boyer S., Nishimwe M. L., Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, March L., Koulla-Shiro S., Bousmah Marwân-Al-Qays, Toby R., Mpoudi-Etame Mireille, Gueye Ndeye Fatou Ngom, Sawadogo A., Kouanfack C., Ciaffi L., Spire Bruno, Delaporte Eric, Aghokeng Fobang Avelin. Cost-Effectiveness of Three Alternative Boosted Protease Inhibitor-Based Second-Line Regimens in HIV-Infected Patients in West and Central Africa. PharmacoEconomics - Open 2020 ; 4 (1) : 45-60.
Protière Christel, Arnold Michael, Fiorentino Marion, Fressard Lisa, Lelièvre Jean, Mimi Mohamed, Raffi Francois, Mora Marion, Meyer Laurence, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Zucman David, Preau Marie, Lambotte Olivier, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie. Differences in HIV cure clinical trial preferences of French people living with HIV and physicians in the ANRS‐APSEC study: a discrete choice experiment. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2020 ; 23 (2) : e25443.
Malama Kalonde, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Parker Rachel, Tichacek Amanda, Sharkey Tyronza, Kilembe William, Inambao Mubiana, Price Matt, Spire Bruno, Allen Susan. Factors associated with alcohol use before sex among HIV-negative female sex workers in Zambia. International Journal of STD and AIDS 2020 ; 31 (2) : 119-126.
Di Ciaccio Marion, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mimi Mohamed, Suzan-Monti Marie, Protière Christel, Castro Daniela Rojas, Meyer Laurence, Tremblay Cécile, Chidiac Christian, Capitant Catherine, Préau Marie, Molina Jean-Michel, Spire Bruno. What are the situational and behavioral factors associated with condomless anal sex without pre-exposure prophylaxis in MSM? AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 2020 ; 34 (9) : 1367-1375.
Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mimi Mohamed, Maradan Gwenaelle, Mora Marion, Bourrelly Michel, Dembélé Keita Bintou, Keita Abdoul Aziz, Anoma Camille, Yoro Stéphane-Alain Babo, Dah Elias ter Tiero, Coulibaly Christian, Mensah Ephrem, Agbomadji Selom, Palvadeau Pamela, Bernier Adeline, Rojas Castro Daniela, Couderc Clotilde, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Changes in risky sexual behaviours among West African MSM enrolled in a quarterly HIV testing and counselling prevention programme (CohMSM ANRS 12324 - Expertise France). Sexually Transmitted Infections 2020 ; 96 (2) : 115-120.
Eubanks August, Dembélé Keita Bintou, Anoma Camille, Dah ter Tiero Elias, Mensah Ephrem, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Bourrelly Michel, Mora Marion, Riegel Lucas, Rojas Castro Daniela, Yaya Issifou, Spire Bruno, Laurent Christian, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis. Reaching a Different Population of MSM in West Africa With the Integration of PrEP Into a Comprehensive Prevention Package (CohMSM-PrEP ANRS 12369—Expertise France). Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes - JAIDS 2020 ; 85 (3) : 292-301.
Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mimi Mohamed, M'Madi Mrenda Bakridine, Maradan Gwenaëlle, Mora Marion, Bourrelly Michel, Keita Bintou Dembélé, Keita Abdoul Aziz, Anoma Camille, Babo Yoro Stéphane-Alain, Dah ter Tiero Elias, Coulibaly Christian, Mensah Ephrem, Agbomadji Selom, Bernier Adeline, Couderc Clotilde, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Combined Sexual Behavioral Profiles in HIV-Seronegative Men Who have Sex with Men in West Africa (CohMSM ANRS 12324-Expertise France). Archives of Sexual Behavior 2020 ; 49 (1) : 331-345.
Kounta Cheick Haïballa, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Bourrelly Michel, Aziz Keita Abdoul, Babo Yoro Stephane-Alain, Anoma Camille, Coulibaly Christian, ter Tiero Dah Elias, Agbomadji Selom, Mensah Ephrem, Bernier Adeline, Couderc Clotilde, Bintou Dembele Keita, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Transactional sex among men who have sex with men participating in the CohMSM prospective cohort study in West Africa. PLoS ONE 2019 ; 14 (11) : e0217115.
Fiorentino Marion, Protière Christel, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mohamed Mohamed S. A., Fressard Lisa, Arnold Michael, Lambotte Olivier, Barbot Janine, Fainzang Sylvie, Meyer Laurence, Goujard Cécile, Préau Marie, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie. What is the effect of self-identified HIV activism in willingness to participate in HIV cure-related clinical trials? Results from the ANRS-APSEC study. Journal of Virus Eradication 2019 ; 5 (3) : 152-162.
Schernberg Antoine, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Schwarzinger Michaël, Baillot Sylvain, Bec Mélina, Benmahammed Lynda, Even Caroline, Geoffrois Lionel, Huguet Florence, Le Vu Béatrice, Lévy-Bachelot Laurie, Luchini Stéphane, Pointreau Yoann, Robert Camille, Temam Stéphane. Clinical and economic burden of head and neck cancer : a nationwide retrospective cohort study from France. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research 2019 ; 11 : 441-451.
Kounta Cheick Haïballa, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Bourrelly Michel, Aziz Keita Abdoul, Babo Yoro Stephane-Alain, Anoma Camille, Coulibaly Christian, ter Tiero Dah Elias, Agbomadji Selom, Mensah Ephrem, Bernier Adeline, Couderc Clotilde, Keita Bintou Dembélé, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Male clients of male sex workers in West Africa: A neglected high-risk population. PLoS ONE 2019 ; 14 (5) : e0212245.
Garay Osvaldo Ulises, Nishimwe Marie Libérée, Bousmah Marwân-Al-Qays, Janah Asmaa, Girard Pierre-Marie, Chene Geneviève, Moinot Laetitia, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Meynard Jean-Luc, Spire Bruno, Boyer Sylvie. Cost‑Effectiveness Analysis of Lopinavir/Ritonavir Monotherapy Versus Standard Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV‑1 Infected Patients with Viral Suppression in France (ANRS 140 DREAM). PharmacoEconomics - Open 2019 ; 3 : 505–515.
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Vilotitch Antoine, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Guagliardo Valérie, Suzan-Monti Marie, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Spire Bruno, Cuzin Lise. A generalized additive model to disentangle age and diagnosis-specific cohort effects in psychological and behavioral outcomes in people living with HIV: the French cross-sectional ANRS-VESPA2 survey. BMC Public Health 2019 ; 19 : 590.
Fiorentino Marion, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Ndiaye Khadim, Suzan-Monti Marie, Mengue Marie-Thérèse, Vidal Laurent, Kuaban Christopher, March Laura, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno, Boyer Sylvie. Intimate partner violence against HIV-positive Cameroonian women: Prevalence, associated factors and relationship with antiretroviral therapy discontinuity-results from the ANRS-12288 EVOLCam survey. Women's Health 2019 ; 15 : 1-12.
Coulaud Pierre-Julien, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, M'Madi Mrenda Bakridine, Elle Maradan Gwenaëlle, Mora Marion, Bourrelly Michel, Demb El E Keita Bintou, Keita Abdoul Aziz, Anoma Camille, St Ephane-Alain Babo, Dah Tiero Elias, Coulibaly Christian, Mensah Ephrem, Agbomadji Selom, Bernier Adeline, Couderc Clotilde, Laurent Christian, Spire Bruno. Interest in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in men who have sex with men in West Africa (CohMSM ANRS 12324 - Expertise France). Tropical Medicine & International Health 2018 ; 23 (10) : 1084-1091.
Roux Perrine, Fressard Lisa, Suzan-Monti Marie, Chas Julie, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Capitant Catherine, Meyer Laurence, Tremblay Cécile, Rojas-Castro Daniela, Pialoux Gilles, Molina Jean-Michel, Spire Bruno. Is on-demand HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis a suitable tool for men who have sex with men who practice chemsex ? Results from a substudy of the ANRS-IPERGAY trial. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes - JAIDS 2018 ; 79 (2) : 69-75.
Préau Marie, Mora Marion, Puppo Costanza, Laguette Vanessa, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Boufassa Faroudy, Meyer Laurence, Lambotte Olivier, Spire Bruno. Does Quality of Life and Sexual Quality of Life in HIV Patients Differ Between Non-treated HIV Controllers and Treated Patients in the French ANRS VESPA 2 National Survey? AIDS and Behavior 2018 ; 1 : Epub ahead of print.
Molina Jean-Michel, Charreau Isabelle, Chidiac Christian, Pialoux Gilles, Cua Eric, Delaugerre Constance, Capitant Catherine, Rojas-Castro Daniela, Fonsart Julie, Berçot Béatrice, Bébéar Cécile, Cotte Laurent, Robineau Olivier, Raffi Francois, Charbonneau Pierre, Aslan Alexandre, Chas Julie, Niedbalski Laurence, Spire Bruno, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Carette Diane, Mestre Soizic Le, Doré Veronique, Meyer Laurence. Post-exposure prophylaxis with doxycycline to prevent sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men: an open-label randomised substudy of the ANRS IPERGAY trial. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2018 ; 18 (3) : 308-317.
Tong Christelle, Suzan-Monti Marie, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mimi Mohamed, Laurent Christian, Maradan Gwenaelle, Mengue Marie-Thérèse, Spire Bruno, Kuaban Christopher, Vidal Laurent, Boyer Sylvie. Treatment interruption in HIV-positive patients followed up in Cameroon's antiretroviral treatment programme : individual and health care supply-related factors (ANRS-12288 EVOLCam survey). Tropical Medicine & International Health 2018 ; 23 (3) : 315-326.
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Mmadi Mrenda Bakridine, Khol Vohith, Ferradini Laurent, Mam Sovatha, Ngin Sopheak, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Vun Mean Chhi, Ségéral Olivier, Nerrienet Eric, Saphonn Vonthanak, Spire Bruno. Adherence to PI-based 2nd-line regimens in Cambodia is not simply a question of individual behaviour : the ANRS 12276 2PICAM study. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2017 ; 22 (11) : 1428-1435.
Treibich Carole, Lescher Sabine, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Ventelou Bruno. The expected and unexpected benefits of dispensing the exact number of pills. PLoS ONE 2017 ; 12 (9) : e0184420.
Succo Tiphanie, de Laval Franck, Sicard Sebastien, Belleoud Didier, Marimoutou Catherine, Mayet Aurélie, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Michel Rémy. Do alcohol-based hand rubs reduce the incidence of acute diarrhea during military deployments? A prospective randomized trial. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 2017 ; 15 : 48-51.
Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Marcellin Fabienne, Fressard Lisa, Préau Marie, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Suzan-Monti Marie, Guagliardo Valérie, Mora Marion, Roux Perrine, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Spire Bruno. Suicide risk in a representative sample of people receiving HIV care: Time to target most-at-risk populations (ANRS VESPA2 French national survey). PLoS ONE 2017 ; 12 (2) : e0171645.
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Fressard Lisa, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Guagliardo Valérie, Suzan-Monti Marie, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Spire Bruno. Larger is not necessarily better! Impact of HIV care unit characteristics on virological success: results from the French national representative ANRS-VESPA2 study. Health Policy 2016 ; 120 (8) : 936-947.
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Suzan-Monti Marie, Demoulin Baptiste, Capitant Catherine, Lorente Nicolas, Préau Marie, Mora Marion, Castro Daniela Rojas, Chidiac Christian, Chas Julie, Meyer Laurence, Molina Jean-Michel. Uptake of PrEP and condom and sexual risk behavior among MSM during the ANRS IPERGAY trial. AIDS Care 2016 .
Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Singh Sauman, Dongmo-Nguimfack Boniface, Moatti Jean-Paul. Affordability of adult HIV/AIDS treatment in developing countries : modelling price determinants for a better insight of the market functioning. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2016 ; 19 (1) : 20619.
Préau Marie, Lorente Nicolas, Sagaon Teyssier Luis, Champenois Karen, Le Gall Jean-Marie, Xavier Mabire, Spire Bruno, Mora Marion, Yazdanpanah Yazdan, Suzan-Monti Marie, Group Anrs-Drag, Group Anrs-Comtest. Factors associated with satisfaction with community-based non-medicalized counseling and testing using HIV rapid tests among MSM in France. AIDS Care 2016 ; 28 (10) : 1240-8.
Lee Janice Soo Fern, Sagaon Teyssier Luis, Dongmo Nguimfack Boniface, Collins Intira Jeannie, Lallemant Marc, Perriens Joseph, Moatti Jean-Paul. An analysis of volumes, prices and pricing trends of the pediatric antiretroviral market in developing countries from 2004 to 2012. BMC Pediatrics 2015 ; 16 (1) : 41.