Coordinator : GIORGI Roch (PU-PH AMU)
The QuanTIM (Quantitative Methods and Medical Information Processing) research team develops and implements quantitative and computational models and methods that take into account the complexification, dematerialisation and growth of healthcare data. It conducts studies on: (1) the biostatistical and technological requirements for healthcare data analysis; (2) the processing, transfer and reuse of healthcare data for research and practical operational activities (care, epidemiological surveillance, decision support); (3) the coupling between quantitative methods and medical information technologies.
The QuanTIM research project is organised around three main axes:
- Axis 1 – Time-to-event models: this axis develops methods and models for time-to-event analysis (survival analysis) that take into account the specificities of the data collected, with a view to providing clinical and epidemiological inputs to aid decision-making in public health.
- Axis 2 – Geo-epidemiology and global health: this axis seeks to develop tailor-made interventions by identifying and assessing social and territorial vulnerabilities and by adapting them to global changes in their societal and environmental contexts.
- Axis 3 - e-Health: this axis focuses on the analysis of healthcare data using artificial intelligence methods and on the integration of computerised decision support into information systems and m-health.