Main objective: To document the clinical and biological events and experiences of patients with chronic infection or hepatitis B, with or without long-term treatment.
Social sciences objectives:
- To document the experiences and difficulties encountered by people living with chronic hepatitis B, from screening to care, in order to better meet their needs and provide recommendations for adapting health service activities to this population,
The main objective is to evaluate whether a targeted strategy using an innovative point-of-care test in HBV-infected pregnant women followed up at the primary health center level is non-inferior to a universal approach, where all HBV-infected women receive tenovofir (TDF) prophylaxis, in terms of retention in care and reduction in maternal HBV DNA levels at the time of delivery.
The social science component aims to:
- Compare the acceptability, appropriateness, uptake and feasibility of the two strategies.
Primary Objective:To model the progression of individuals at risk of developing cirrhosis due to harmful alcohol use, focusing on effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. The aim is to predict the impact of various interventions on the incidence of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in France.
Secondary Objective:To evaluate the impact of healthcare interventions, such as early detection of HCC and therapeutic management, on the survival of patients with alcohol-related cirrhosis in France.