Since 2014, SESSTIM has been organising a series of webinar conferences on the theme of Quantitative Methods and Medical Information Processing (QuanTIM). Initially reserved for SESSTIM members and students enrolled in a specialisation of the Master of Public Health under our supervision, these webinars have been open to the public on simple registration since 2017.
QuanTIM webinars cover topics related to methodological research or pedagogical aspects in biostatistics, econometrics, clinical and epidemiological research methods, biomedical informatics, e-health, information and communication technology, artificial intelligence, etc.
QuanTIM webinars are mandatory for students in the MQERS, SPSD and AI4PH specialisations of the Master of Public Health (MEDSe-PubHealth project, certified as an Académie d’Excellence under the Investissements d’Avenir A*MIDEX call for projects; ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02).
A post-test for student evaluation is proposed at the end of each webinar.
A certificate is issued based on webinar attendance and post-test results. This certificate can be used to support demands for credit validation submitted, for instance, to a doctoral school or a training organisation.
Speakers’ presentations are recorded, configured and edited in a format suitable for off-line viewing. These videos and their associated resources are then made available on the SESSTIM website and YouTube channel.