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Publications de Perrine ROUX

Balhan Liam, Aubert Marion, Lacoux Cynthia, Grau Nina, Levy Joachim, Stefanowski Marie-Lou, Perreaut Lola, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Deuffic-Burban Sylvie, Cousien Anthony, Michels David, Costa Marie, Roux Perrine. A hand-washing community-based educational intervention to reduce abscess incidence among people who inject drugs: a cluster randomised controlled clinical trial protocol (the HAWA study protocol). BMC Public Health 2024 ; 24 (1) : 2858.
Roux Perrine, Faye Aissatou, Sagaon‐teyssier Luis, Donadille Cécile, Briand Madrid Laélia, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Maradan Gwenaelle, Jauffret‐roustide Marie, Lalanne Laurence, Auriacombe Marc. Prevalence of stimulant use and the role of opioid agonist treatment among people who inject drugs in France: Results from the COSINUS cohort study. Drug and Alcohol Review 2024 ; 44 (1) : 275-287.
Roux P, Jauffret-Roustide M, Donadille C, Briand Madrid L, Denis C, Célérier I, Chauvin C, Hamelin N, Maradan G, Carrieri M P, Protopopescu C, Lalanne L, Auriacombe M. Impact of drug consumption rooms on non-fatal overdoses, abscesses and emergency department visits in people who inject drugs in France: results from the COSINUS cohort. International Journal of Epidemiology 2023 ; 52 (2) : 562 - 576.
Pereira Gonçalves Jessica, Briand Madrid Laélia, Donadille Cécile, Michels David, Ahouah Mathieu, Rojas Castro Daniela, Roux Perrine. Unsafe practices fostering cutaneous abscesses in people who inject substances : Results from the ANRS-OUTSIDER study. Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 2023 ; 71 (5) : 102142.
Bastien Martin, Mezaache Salim, Donadille Cécile, Martin Victor, Appel Laurent, Lebrun Maela, Briand Madrid Laélia, Barré Tangui, Roux Perrine. Exclusive Therapeutic Use of Cannabis in a Large Sample of Daily Cannabis Users in France: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2023 ; 56 (3) : 353-363.
Mosnier Emilie, Artigas Fernanda, Richard Elodie, Hoyer Maxime, Michels David, Vandentorren Stephanie, Girard Gabriel, Nagot Nicolas, Regnault Hippolyte, Mosnier Marine, Inegbeze Grâce, Roux Perrine, Spire Bruno, Eldin Carole. Effectiveness of a Community Empowerment Intervention to Improve Access to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in Migrant Women Sex Workers: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Implementation Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2023 ; 12 : e42844.
Mezaache Salim, Donadille Cécile, Martin Victor, Le Brun Gadelius Maëla, Appel Laurent, Spire Bruno, Briand Madrid Laelia, Bastien Martin, Roux Perrine. Changes in cannabis use and associated correlates during France’s first COVID-19 lockdown in daily cannabis users: results from a large community-based online survey. Harm Reduction Journal 2022 ; 19 (1) : 26.
Jauffret-Roustide Marie, Auriacombe Marc, de Dinechin Sébastien, Briand Madrid Laélia, Donadille Cécile, Célérier Isabelle, Chauvin Carole, Hamelin Naomi, Kircherr Sébastien, Lalanne Laurence, Roux Perrine. L'évaluation des salles de consommation à moindre risque en santé publique : la cohorte COSINUS (cohorte pour l'évaluation des facteurs structurels et individuels de l'usage de drogues). Politiques des drogues 2022 ; 34-42.
Roux Perrine, Donadille Cécile, Girard Gabriel, Spire Bruno, Protière Christel, Velter Annie. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Men Who Have Sex With Men That Practice Chemsex in France: Results From the National ERAS Web Survey. American Journal of Men's Health 2022 ; 16 (1) : 15579883211073225.
Roux Perrine, Donadille Cécile, Magen Carine, Schatz Eberhard, Stranz Richard, Curado Adriana, Tsiakou Tania, Verdes Ludmila, Aleksova Aleksandrina, Carrieri Patrizia M., Mezaache Salim, Ben Charif Ali. Implementation and evaluation of an educational intervention for safer injection in people who inject drugs in Europe: a multi-country mixed-methods study. International Journal of Drug Policy 2021 ; 87 : 102992.
Mezaache Salim, Briand-Madrid Laélia, Laporte Virginie, Mora Marion, Moudachirou Khafil, Rojas Castro Daniela, Carrieri Patrizia M., Roux Perrine. Correlates of Self-Reported Cotton Fever Experience among People Who Inject Opioids. Substance Use and Misuse 2020 ; 55 (6) : 1021-1027.
Santos Melina Erica, Protopopescu Camelia, Sogni Philippe, Yaya Issifou, Piroth Lionel, Bailly François, Marcellin Fabienne, Esterle Laure, Wittkop Linda, Rosenthal Eric, Morlat Philippe, Roux Perrine, de Araujo Wildo Navegantes, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. HCV-Related Mortality Among HIV/HCV Co-infected Patients: The Importance of Behaviors in the HCV Cure Era (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH Cohort). AIDS and Behavior 2020 ; 24 (4) : 1069-1084.
Costa Marie, Barre Tangui, Coste Marion, Yaya Issifou, Berenger Cyril, Tanti Marc, Cutarella Christophe, Mora Marion, Poloméni Pierre, Maynard Marianne, Teuma Danielle, Bazin Michaël, Maradan Gwenaelle, Roux Perrine, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Screening and care for alcohol use disorder in France: expectations, barriers and levers using a mixed-methods approach. BMC Public Health 2020 ; 20 (1) : 358.
Marcellin Fabienne, Roux Perrine, Lazarus Jeffrey, Rolland Benjamin, Carrieri Patrizia. France removes hepatitis C treatment prescriber restrictions—But what is the impact of the delay for key populations? Liver International 2019 ; 39 (12) : 2418-2419.
Auriacombe Marc, Roux Perrine, Briand Madrid Laélia, Kirchherr Sébastien, Kervran Charlotte, Chauvin Carole, Gutowski Marie, Denis Cécile, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Lalanne Laurence, Jauffret-Roustide Marie. Impact of drug consumption rooms on risk practices and access to care in people who inject drugs in France: the COSINUS prospective cohort study protocol. BMJ Open 2019 ; 9 (2) : e023683.
Khatmi Nicolas, Dany Lionel, Ndiaye Khadim, Carrieri Patrizia, Rojas Castro Daniela, Roux Perrine. Impact of an educational intervention on risks associated with drug injection, and on psychosocial factors (PSF) involved in initiating and maintaining new health behaviors over time. Addictive Behaviors 2018 ; 87 : 222-230.
Mezaache Salim, Protopopescu Camelia, Debrus Marie, Morel Stéphane, Mora Marion, Suzan-Monti Marie, Rojas Castro Daniel, Carrieri Patrizia, Roux Perrine. Changes in supervised drug-injecting practices following a community-based educational intervention: A longitudinal analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2018 ; 192 : 1 - 7.
Costa Marie, Yaya Issifou, Mora Marion, Marcellin Fabienne, Villotitch Antoine, Berenger Cyril, Tanti Marc, Cutarella Christophe, Polomeni Pierre, Maradan Gwenaelle, Roux Perrine, Rolland Benjamin, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Barriers and levers in screening and care for alcohol use disorders among French general practitioners: results from a computer-assisted telephone interview-based survey. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 2018 ; 37 (2) : 207-224.
Roux Perrine, Fressard Lisa, Suzan-Monti Marie, Chas Julie, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Capitant Catherine, Meyer Laurence, Tremblay Cécile, Rojas-Castro Daniela, Pialoux Gilles, Molina Jean-Michel, Spire Bruno. Is on-demand HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis a suitable tool for men who have sex with men who practice chemsex ? Results from a substudy of the ANRS-IPERGAY trial. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes - JAIDS 2018 ; 79 (2) : 69-75.
Roux Perrine, Mezaache Salim, Briand-Madrid Laélia, Debrus Marie, Khatmi Nicolas, Maradan Gwenaelle, Protopopescu Camelia, Rojas-Castro Daniela, Carrieri Patrizia. Profile, risk practices and needs of people who inject morphine sulfate: Results from the ANRS-AERLI study. International Journal of Drug Policy 2018 ; 59 : 3 - 9.
Yaya Issifou, Roux Perrine, Marcellin Fabienne, Wittkop Linda, Esterle Laure, Spire Bruno, Domínguez Stéphanie, Elegbe Boni Armand, Piroth Lionel, Sogni Philippe, Salmon-Céron Dominique, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. Evolution of patients’ socio-behavioral characteristics in the context of DAA: Results from the French ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH cohort of HIV-HCV co-infected patients. PLoS ONE 2018 ; 13 (7) : e0199874.
Roux Perrine, Marcellin Fabienne, Ndiaye Khadim, Suzan-Monti Marie, Mayet Aurélie, Duracinsky Martin, Briand-Madrid Laélia, Maradan Gwenaelle, Mora Marion, Préau Marie, Verger Pierre, Carrieri Patrizia, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Spire Bruno. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder as a Significant Correlate of Voluntary Antiretroviral Treatment Interruption in Adult HIV-Infected Patients Followed up in French Hospitals. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2018 ; 79 (3)
Briand Madrid Laélia, Morel Stéphane, Ndiaye Khadim, Mezaache Salim, Rojas Castro Daniela, Mora Marion, Olivet Fabrice, Laporte Virginie, Protopopescu Camelia, Carrieri Patrizia, Roux Perrine. Factors associated with perceived loss of libido in people who inject opioids: Results from a community-based survey in France. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2018 ; 190 : 121-127.
Carrieri Patrizia, Roux Perrine. Role of community-based research in advocating HCV prevention and care. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017 ; 20 (2) : e25005.
Knight Rod, Roux Perrine, Vilotitch Antoine, Marcellin Fabienne, Rosenthal Eric, Esterle Laure, Boue François, Rey David, Piroth Lionel, Domínguez Stéphanie, Sogni Philippe, Salmon-Céron Dominique, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Spire Bruno. Significant reductions in alcohol use after hepatitis C treatment: results from the ANRS CO13-HEPAVIH cohort. Addiction 2017 ; 112 (9) : 1669-1679.
Nordmann Sandra, Vilotitch Antoine, Lions Caroline, Michel Laurent, Mora Marion, Spire Bruno, Maradan Gwenaelle, Bendiane Marc-Karim, Morel Alain, Roux Perrine, Carrieri Patrizia. Pain in methadone patients: Time to address undertreatment and suicide risk (ANRS-Methaville trial). PLoS ONE 2017 ; 12 (5) : e0176288.
Marcellin Fabienne, Lions Caroline, Rosenthal Éric, Roux Perrine, Sogni Philippe, Wittkop Linda, Protopopescu Camelia, Salmon-Céron Dominique, Dabis François, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Carrieri Maria Patrizia, Spire Bruno. No significant effect of cannabis use on the count and percentage of circulating CD4 T-cells in HIV-HCV co-infected patients (ANRS CO13-HEPAVIH French cohort). Drug and Alcohol Review 2017 ; 36 (2) : 227-238.
Carrieri Patrizia, Vilotitch Antoine, Nordmann Sandra, Lions Caroline, Michel Laurent, Mora Marion, Morel Alain, Maradan Gwenaelle, Roux Perrine, Spire Bruno. Decrease in self-reported offences and incarceration rates during methadone treatment: A comparison between patients switching from buprenorphine to methadone and maintenance treatment incident users (ANRS-Methaville trial). International Journal of Drug Policy 2017 ; 39 : 86-91.
Roux Perrine, Rojas Castro Daniela, Ndiaye Khadim, Briand Madrid Laélia, Laporte Virginie, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Morel Stéphane, Spire Bruno, Carrieri Patrizia. Willingness to receive intravenous buprenorphine treatment in opioid-dependent people refractory to oral opioid maintenance treatment: results from a community-based survey in France. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 2016 ; 12 (1) : 46.
Roux Perrine, Rojas Castro Daniela, Ndiaye Khadim, Debrus Marie, Protopopescu Camelia, Le Gall Jean-Marie, Haas Aurélie, Mora Marion, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie, Carrieri Patrizia. Increased Uptake of HCV Testing through a Community-Based Educational Intervention in Difficult-to-Reach People Who Inject Drugs: Results from the ANRS-AERLI Study. PLoS ONE 2016 ; 11 (6) : e0157062.
Roux Perrine, Le Gall Jean-Marie, Debrus Marie, Protopopescu Camelia, Ndiaye Khadim, Demoulin Baptiste, Lions Caroline, Haas Aurelie, Mora Marion, Spire Bruno, Suzan-Monti Marie, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Innovative community-based educational face-to-face intervention to reduce HIV, hepatitis C virus and other blood-borne infectious risks in difficult-to-reach people who inject drugs: results from the ANRS-AERLI intervention study. Addiction 2016 ; 111 (1) : 94-106.
Werb Daniel, Garfein Richard, Kerr Thomas, Davidson Peter, Roux Perrine, Jauffret-Roustide Marie, Auriacombe Marc, Small Will, Strathdee Steffanie A.. A socio-structural approach to preventing injection drug use initiation: rationale for the PRIMER study. Harm Reduction Journal 2015 ; 13 (1) : 25.
Roux Perrine, Lions Caroline, Vilotitch Antoine, Michel Laurent, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Marcellin Fabienne, Spire Bruno, Morel Alain, Carrieri Patrizia M.. Correlates of cocaine use during methadone treatment: implications for screening and clinical management (ANRS Methaville study). Harm Reduction Journal 2015 ; 13 (1) : 12.
Michel Laurent, Lions Caroline, Maradan Gwenaelle, Mora Marion, Marcellin Fabienne, Morel Alain, Roux Perrine, Carrieri Patrizia, Spire Bruno. Suicidal risk among patients enrolled in methadone maintenance treatment: HCV status and implications for suicide prevention (ANRS Methaville). Comprehensive Psychiatry 2015 ; 62 : 123-131.
Roux Perrine, Lions Caroline, Michel Laurent, Vilotitch Antoine, Mora Marion, Maradan Gwenaelle, Marcellin Fabienne, Spire Bruno, Alain Morel, Patrizia Carrieri M. Concomitant use of benzodiazepine and alcohol in methadone-maintained patients from the ANRS-Methaville trial: Preventing the risk of opioid overdose in patients who failed with buprenorphine. Drug and Alcohol Review 2015 ; 35 : 61 - 69.
Carrieri Patrizia, Michel Laurent, Lions Caroline, Cohen Julien, Vray Muriel, Mora Marion, Marcellin Fabienne, Spire Bruno, Morel Alain, Roux Perrine. Methadone Induction in Primary Care for Opioid Dependence: A Pragmatic Randomized Trial (ANRS Methaville). PLoS ONE 2014 ; 9 (11) : 112328 - 112328.
Marcellin Fabienne, Roux Perrine, Loko Marc-Arthur, Lions Caroline, Caumont-Prim Chloé, Dabis Francois, Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Spire Bruno, Carrieri Patrizia M.. High levels of alcohol consumption increase the risk of advanced hepatic fibrosis in HIV/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients: a sex-based analysis using transient elastography at enrollment in the HEPAVIH ANRS CO13 cohort. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2014 ; 59 (8) : 1190-2.
Roux Perrine, Lions Caroline, Cohen Julien, Winnock Maria, Salmon-Céron Dominique, Bani-Sadr Firouzé, Sogni Philippe, Spire Bruno, Dabis François, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. Impact of HCV treatment and depressive symptoms on adherence to HAART among coinfected HIV-HCV patients: results from the ANRS-CO13-HEPAVIH cohort. Antiviral Therapy 2014 ; 19 (2) : 171-8.
Roux Perrine, Lions Caroline, Michel Laurent, Mora Marion, Daulouède Jean-Pierre, Marcellin Fabienne, Spire Bruno, Morel Alain. Factors associated with HCV risk practices in methadone-maintained patients: the importance of considering the couple in prevention interventions. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 2014 ; 9 : 37.
Roux Perrine, Sullivan Maria A., Cohen Julien, Fugon Lionel, Jones Jermaine D., Vosburg Suzanne K., Cooper Ziva D., Manubay Jeanne M., Mogali Shanthi, Comer Sandra D.. Buprenorphine/naloxone as a promising therapeutic option for opioid abusing patients with chronic pain: reduction of pain, opioid withdrawal symptoms, and abuse liability of oral oxycodone. Pain 2013 ; 154 (8) : 1442-8.
Salmon-Ceron Dominique, Cohen Julien, Winnock Maria, Roux Perrine, Sadr Firouze Bani, Rosenthal Eric, Martin Isabelle Poizot, Loko Marc-Arthur, Mora Marion, Sogni Philippe, Spire Bruno, Dabis François, Carrieri Maria Patrizia. Engaging HIV-HCV co-infected patients in HCV treatment: the roles played by the prescribing physician and patients' beliefs (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH cohort, France). BMC Health Services Research 2012 ; 12 (1) : 59.
Roux Perrine, Michel Laurent, Cohen Julien, Mora Marion, Morel Alain, Aubertin Jean-Francois, Desenclos Jean-Claude, Spire Bruno, Carrieri Patrizia. Methadone induction in primary care (ANRS-Methaville): a phase III randomized intervention trial. BMC Public Health 2012 ; 12 (1) : 488.
Roux Perrine, Fugon Lionel, Michel Laurent, Lert France, Obadia Yolande, Spire Bruno, Carrieri P.. Determinants of benzodiazepine use in a representative population of HIV infected individuals: the role of HIV status disclosure (ANRS-EN12-VESPA study). AIDS Care 2011 ; 1.
Roux Perrine, Carrieri Patrizia, Cohen Julien, Ravaux Isabelle, Spire Bruno, Gossop Michael, Comer Sandra. Non-medical use of opioids among HIV-infected opioid dependent individuals on opioid maintenance treatment: the need for a more comprehensive approach. Harm Reduction Journal 2011 ; 8 (1) : 31.