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Theses in progress

Doctoral student: REAL MOLINA Soel
Thesis title: Prendre soin des personnes LGBTQI qui utilisent des drogues
Thesis supervisor: Gwenola Le Naour
Thesis co-supervisor: Gabriel Girard
Link to thesis :

Doctoral student: Hippolyte REGNAULT
Thesis title: "Prévention du VIH, genre et inégalités sociales de santé. Interroger le sexe de la prohylaxie préexposition du VIH (PrEP)." (
Thesis supervisor: Pierre-Yves Baudot
Thesis co-supervisor: Gabriel Girard
Link to thesis :

Doctoral student: Hélène TREHARD
Thesis title: Evaluation des interventions : application à la lutte contre le paludisme en phase de pré-élimination
Thesis supervisor: Jean Gaudart
Thesis co-supervisor: Emilie Mosnier
Link to thesis :

Doctoral student: Raymond VAN HUIZEN
Thesis title: The Mental Health of Transgender Women Living with HIV in France and the Perspectives of HIV Practitioners
Thesis supervisor: Bruno Spire
Thesis co-supervisor: Christel Protiere

Doctoral student: Laurent VOURIOT
Thesis title: Using deep learning to predict antibiotic resistance
Thesis supervisor: Jean Gaudart
Thesis co-supervisor: Raquel Urena

Doctoral student: Stephanie WATIER