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Cholera wash-epidemiological system in sub-saharan countries

Developping a methodology for costed wash prevention plans and wah-epidemiology systems in sub-saharan countries :

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a  methodological guide / a replicable model, based on a well-defined methodology to support the elaboration of costed WASH cholera prevention and control plans for the targeted hotspots taking into account the policy and regulatory.

Project period
SESSTIM member(s) of the project:
Non-SESSTIM member(s) of the project

Benjamin Biscan, PI/Coordinateur du Projet




ESA Consultance

Research question:

In October 2017, The Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) launched the ‘Finding Cholera: a global roadmap to 2030. The Roadmap provides a framework to reduce cholera deaths by 90%, and to achieve cholera elimination in at least 20 countries by 2030, through a multi-sectoral approach. The implementation of the Global Roadmap at the country level is driven by national government.

The strategy focuses on systems strengthening for enhanced WASH services, laboratory capacity, disease surveillance and health system preparedness through early detection and quick response to outbreak; multi-sectoral interventions in cholera ‘hotspots’; and effective coordination at country, regional and global levels.

Several ‘Hotspots’, Geographically limited areas where environmental, cultural and/or socioeconomic conditions facilitate the transmission of the disease and where cholera persists or re-appears regularly, had been determined through epidemiological studies implemented since 2009, in the whole Africa.

Targeting cholera ‘hotspots’ help focus control programs on the most vulnerable populations and reduce inequities in both affected countries and globally, with a long-term impact on all water-related diseases. To assist countries in developing and implementing their control / elimination programs and aligning them to the Global Road Map, it is proposed to develop National Cholera Control and elimination Plan (NCCP).