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Prescription de morphine chez les patients atteints de cancer en fin de vie
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A Bitter-Sweet Pill: Learnings from the Development of Synriam
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Non-parametric estimation of net survival - Part III (Short version)
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Non-parametric estimation of net survival - Part I (Short version)
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Internet, pratiques sexuelles à risque et prévention du VIH/sida au Cameroun
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Flexible parametric excess-hazard model - Part II (Short version)
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Non-parametric estimation of net survival - Part II (Short version)
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Video teaser of Corsican Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology 2017 - 3rd to 7th July 2017, Corte, Université de Corse Pascal Paoli - France
Statistical methods and recent advances in statistical methods for excess risk analysis
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Handling expected rates tables and extensions to other fields: Epidemiology in occupation health - Model for correction of life table in excess risk analysis (Short version)
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