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Publications de Margot ANNEQUIN

Champenois Karen, Annequin Margot, Ngoh Paméla, Touitou Irit, Lert France, Bouvet de la Maisonneuve Philippe, Valbousquet Julie, Le Hô Erwan, Lydie Nathalie, Plenel Ève, Pugliese Pascal. Profils des usagers du programme « Au labo sans ordo », dépistage du VIH sans ordonnance et sans frais en laboratoire de biologie médicale. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire - BEH 2020 ; 33-34 : 657-665.
Annequin Margot, Villes Virginie, Delabre Rosemary, Alain Tristan, Morel Stéphane, Michels David, Schmidt Axel Jeremias, Velter Annie, Rojas Castro Daniela. Are PrEP services in France reaching all those exposed to HIV who want to take PrEP? MSM respondents who are eligible but not using PrEP (EMIS 2017). AIDS Care 2020 ; 32 (sup2) : 47-56.
Annequin Margot, Gosselin Anne, Dray-Spira Rosemary. Trajectoires et mobilités professionnelles autour de la migration. 2017 ; 73-91.
Annequin Margot, Lert France, Spire Bruno, Dray-Spira Rosemary. Increase in Unemployment over the 2000’s: Comparison between People Living with HIV and the French General Population. PLoS ONE 2016 ; 11 (11) : e0165634.
Annequin Margot, Weill Alain, Thomas Frédérique, Chaix Basile. Environmental and individual characteristics associated with depressive disorders and mental healthcare use. Annals of Epidemiology 2015 ; 25 (8) : 605-612.
Annequin Margot, Lert France, Spire Bruno, Dray-Spira Rosemary, Group The Vespa2 Study. Has the employment status of people living with HIV changed since the early 2000s? AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 2015 ; 29 (12) : 1537–1547.