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Descriptive sheet of the TU CHA-AIPH

TU CHA-AIPH - Artificial intelligence challenges for public health


Develop and implement a collaborative project related to artificial intelligence for public health.

Knowledge to be acquired

Learn the basics of project management and collaborative work methods.

Skills to be acquired

Organize a group to conduct collaborative work and organize one's own work within the group. Select and use correctly the right tools to carry out a collaborative work taking into account the constraints (limited time, heterogeneous skills and distance of the participants, ...). Report the results of a group's work.


  • Introduction to the conduct of collaborative projects.
  • Examples of collaborative projects in public health.
  • Follow-up and regular restitution of the group's work.

Pedagogical method

Courses on-line by NetConference, distance mentoring over the Internet.


Knowledge of computer use, computer communication and presentation tools.

Total hours

Around 21 hours per NetConference + personal and collaborative work.






See the schedule for this TU 


J.C. Dufour


P. Avillach, J.C. Dufour, R. Giorgi, F. Reinhart

TU – mandatory

This TU is mandatory for the Master 2 of Public Health:

  • AI4PH: "Artificial Intelligence for Public Health"

This TU is mandatory for the postgraduate diploma DESU:

  • AI4PH: "Artificial Intelligence for Public Health"

TU – optional


Assessment of knowledge

A single examination is organised, in accordance with the Aix Marseille University rule.

For this single session, the assessment of knowledge of this teaching unit is based on:

  • An oral examination. A personal convocation will be sent by e-mail to each student.

To validate a UE, it is necessary to obtain a mark ≥ 10.

To validate the DESU, a single final mark ≥ 10 must be obtained, knowing that there is no compensation between the UEs.

Educational resources

Course materials on the Internet.