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Équipe CAncer et Lutte contre les Inégalités dans la Prévention et dans les SOins (Calipso)

Coordinators : CARRIERI Patrizia (IR Inserm), MANCINI Julien (PU-PH AMU) 

The Calipso (Fight against Inequities in Cancer Prevention and Care) research team aims to undertake multidisciplinary research in cancer prevention and care with active engagement from communities affected by or at risk of cancer. Employing both qualitative and quantitative methodologies derived from various disciplines, the team research projects are structured around three key axes.

The first axis focuses on prevention through the assessment of individual and structural factors associated with cancer-risk behaviours and the development and evaluation of interventions aimed at:

  • Understanding and mitigating the impact of behavioural risk factors for cancer;
  • Preventing and treating infectious diseases at risk of cancer progression in France and in countries with a low human development index (HDI);
  • Enhancing access to cancer screening.

The second axis is dedicated to evaluating innovations before, during, and after cancer care. Specifically, the team will assess significant therapeutic advancements in cancer treatment (e.g., immunotherapy, CAR-T cell therapy, therapeutic de-escalation) both from an economic perspective and from patients’ perspective. Additionally, it will evaluate supportive interventions aiming at mitigating post-treatment sequelae, including early interventions like pre-rehabilitation or treatment patient education programs. The team holds accreditation from the Ligue contre le cancer to develop a research program aimed at enhancing care for breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant endocrine therapy.

The third and last axis, which intersects with the preceding two, centers on combating inequities in cancer prevention and care as well as those exacerbated by the disease itself. The team will investigate inequities at different levels (for instance, how social disparities increase the risk of developing cancer and how cancer in turn exacerbates social inequities) using data obtained from the SNDS (national health data system) and large-scale surveys on health literacy, among other sources. Along with the DemoCan Research Chair, targeted research initiatives will also be pursued on a broader scale to foster shared decision-making and empower both citizens and individuals affected by cancer.