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Dr. Michal Abrahamowicz is a James McGill Professor of Biostatistics at McGill University, in Montreal, Canada. His statistical research aims at development and validation of new, flexible statistical methodology, with main focus on time-to-event (survival) analyses of prognostic and pharmaco-epidemiological studies. He has developed also new methods to control for different sources of bias in observational studies.  His collaborative research focuses on pharmaco-epidemiology, arthritis, cardiovascular and cancer epidemiology. He is the Nominated Principal Investigator on two major CIHR grants that develop new methods for longitudinal studies of drug safety and comparative effectiveness, including the CAN-AIM grant from the CIHR Drug Safety & Effectiveness Network (DSEN), which involves  >35 faculty members from 14 universities across Canada. He published >310 peer-reviewed papers, and has supervised 19 PhD and 14 MSc students, and 7 post-doctoral fellows. He is the co-Chair of the international STRATOS initiative for strengthening analyses of observational studies, which regroups > 80 experts in different areas of biostatistics, from 15 countries.