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Nathalie GRAFFEO


Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Unité de Biostatistique et de Méthodologie, DRCI, Marseille, France

Experiences: I completed a Master of statistics (oriented in biostatistics methods) and a PhD in clinical research and public heath, both at Aix Marseille University, France. I am working in the “Unité de Biostatistique et de Méthodologie” in the Institut Paoli-Calmettes (Marseille) as a biostatistician, mainly working on tests to detect the predictive value of a biomarker.

Research: My PhD research involved the study of the use of inappropriate life tables in an excess mortality model and the development of a new log-rank type test to compare net survival distributions. As a postdoctoral fellow, I worked on causal inference methods in population-based studies but also in the framework of clinical trials. I have also been working on excess mortality in the framework of multicenter clinical trials.

Teaching: I am involved in various courses of the Master of Public Health at Aix-Marseille University, such as R programming, longitudinal statistics, and survival analysis.