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I graduated in Stochastic Modeling (University of Grenoble, France) and in Applied Mathematics and Informatics (ENSIMAG engineering school) in 1997. I first worked as a biostatistician in genetic epidemiology in an INSERM research unit. In 2000, I integrated Santé Publique France and worked in the field of cancer epidemiology on two main topics: cancer screening evaluation and development of a calibration model to estimate cancer incidence in areas without registry. In 2014, I joined the Department of Biostatistics (Hospices Civils de Lyon, France) in an outposted SPF position, where my main duties are administrating the French cancer registries database and developing/implementing  statistical methods to provide national epidemiological indicators on cancer in France (incidence, mortality and survival). I was also recently involved in a study on the trends of net survival from 15 cancers in six Latin European Countries (SUDCAN study). Number of publications: 33.