@article{blaizot:hal-02987218, TITLE = {{Outbreak of Amazonian Toxoplasmosis: A One Health Investigation in a Remote Amerindian Community}}, AUTHOR = {Blaizot, Romain and Nabet, C{\'e}cile and Laghoe, Laure and Faivre, Benjamin and Escotte-Binet, Sandie and Djossou, F{\'e}lix and Mosnier, Emilie and Henaff, Fanny and Blanchet, Denis and Mercier, Aur{\'e}lien and Darde, Marie Laure and Villena, Isabelle and Demar, Magalie Pierre}, URL = {https://hal.sorbonne-universite.fr/hal-02987218}, JOURNAL = {{Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology}}, PUBLISHER = {{Frontiers}}, VOLUME = {10}, YEAR = {2020}, MONTH = Sep, DOI = {10.3389/fcimb.2020.00401}, PDF = {https://hal.sorbonne-universite.fr/hal-02987218v1/file/fcimb-10-00401.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-02987218}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }